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Upper Stampede News OUE MUSTANGS.

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Presentation on theme: "Upper Stampede News OUE MUSTANGS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Upper Stampede News OUE MUSTANGS

2 Pledge of Allegiance « I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. «  OUE MUSTANGS

3 Oklahoma Flag Salute OUE MUSTANGS
« I salute the flag of the state of Oklahoma It’s symbols of peace unite all people. «  Oklahoma Flag Salute OUE MUSTANGS

4 Moment of silence OUE MUSTANGS

5 Mustang Creed OUE MUSTANGS
I am a mustang, I promise to do my best. Use teamwork and brain power, treat everyone nicely, and make this a great day!

6 Character word of the Month Character word is TRUSTWORTHINESS Ways to show Trustworthiness: ·Be Honest ·Be Reliable ·Be Loyal Have the courage to do the right thing OUE MUSTANGS

7 power word of the week Power word is Trace Meaning: List in steps

8 Mustang Lunch Corn dogs, Steamed Broccoli, Seasoned Oven Fries and Pears B Line: Subs

9 Announcements OUE MUSTANGS
Don’t forget tomorrow is EXTREME SPIRIT DAY!!! Always practice appropriate hallway, cafeteria and Playground procedures.

10 Super Jokes Teacher: Why did you eat your homework, Marty
Super Jokes Teacher: Why did you eat your homework, Marty? Marty the Mustang: Because I don’t have a dog. OUE MUSTANGS

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