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Vocabulary List 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary List 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary List 3

2 Root Words POLY: many APO: away MIS: wrong OMNI: all FORT: strong
FORTUNA: chance

3 Poly: many

4 Polygamy: n. state of having many wives

5 Polyglot: n. one who knows many languages

6 Polychromatic: adj. having many colors

7 Apocalypse: n. a revelation of the future destruction of the world

8 Apogee: n. point of orbit of a heavenly body farthest from the earth; the best or great point (The apogee of his career)

9 Exhume: v. to dig up a body

10 Humiliate: v. to shame

11 Humane: adj. compassionate to human beings and animals

12 Humanities: n. languages and literature, esp, the classical Greek and Roman

13 Miscreant: n. an evil-doer

14 Misogyny: n. hatred of women

15 Misnomer: n. an incorrect name (Like calling a bald guy Curly)

16 Misgivings: n. feelings of uneasiness or guilt

17 Misanthrope: n. a hater of mankind

18 Omnipotent: adj. all-powerful

19 Omniscient: adj. all-knowing

20 Omnivorous: adj. eating both plants and animals

21 Forte: n. one’s strong point

22 Fortify: v. to strengthen

23 Fortuitous: adj. happening by chance; accidental

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