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Project Title Presented By Student1 name - Roll no

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Presentation on theme: "Project Title Presented By Student1 name - Roll no"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Title Presented By Student1 name - Roll no
Project Supervisor: Name

2 Outline of Presentation
Overview Deliverable Literature Review Methodology Implementation Tools Working Model Implementation Phases Results & Discussion Proposed Future Work and conclusion References

3 Overview In this slide mention
What is the domain (image processing, wireless networks, etc.) of your project work? What are you implementing in your project? Your objective. Explanation of terms & concepts relevant to project (if required) Why did you implement this project? what is the need of your project in the existing scenario? What have you improved or contributed to the existing systems?

4 Deliverables What will be your final deliverable?
In the form of software? In the form of hardware? Some simulation?

5 Literature Review Mention here the literature that you have studied related to your project along with references that you consulted for this purpose (3 or 4 slides for technical content) Resources references can be Books Research Papers Product manuals Toolkit help manuals

6 Methodology In this slide mention how you are implementing your project Basic way you will implement your design. For example in an image processing project. 1-)Threshoding will be done 2-) the histogram will be calculated and all the pixels with value less then 100 will be eliminated. Etc. You can also give some sort of flow chart. A general way to show how a certain thing is done.

7 Implementation Tools What Software / hardware modules will be developed and how? Simulation Tools to be used? Other Tools/Utilities/ Toolkits OS Platform (Windows/Linux)?

8 Working Model Display in this slide your project’s proposed work model. It should be Block diagram Some Demo Sample input data, processing model and expected output

9 Implementation Phases
In this slide mention the project work break down in phases Phase1 ……….. Phase2 ……..

10 Results & Discussion

11 Proposed Future Work and Conclusion

12 References Follow the same format as in thesis references.
Include those references only which appear in the presentation slides.

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