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Nuclear Structure Study through Nuclear Moments of Mirror Pairs

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1 Nuclear Structure Study through Nuclear Moments of Mirror Pairs
Osaka Univ. , Univ. Tsukuba, NIRS, Niigata Univ., Kochi Univ. of Tech., Saitama Univ., RIKEN, Fukui Univ. of Tech., MSU, ANL, LBL Kensaku Matsuta

2 Recent situation of magnetic moment measurement
Single proton halo? Sp=125keV N=20

3 Recent situation of Q moment measurement

4 Spin Expectation Value
m(+Tz) +m(-Tz) = I + (mp+mn-0.5) <sz> I l s = 1 9C-9Li s = -1 s = 2S

5 = 0.7549(3) mN NMR Spectrum of 33Cl I lp Sp ln Sn
m(33Cl) = glplp + gSpSp + glnln + gSnSn = (3) mN m(33S) = glpln + gSpSn + glnlp + gSnSp <t3sz> = 2(Sp-Sn) Osaka Van de Graaff <sz> = 2(Sp+Sn)

6 Discussion on 33Cl 33S 33Cl <Sz> ( ≡ 1/2<sz>)
∵ m(33Cl)+m(33S) = I + (mp+mn-0.5) <sz> <lz> = I - <sz> 33S <t3lz>, <t3Sz> 33Cl C/ft1/2 = B(F)+B(GT) <lp>, <Sp>, <ln>, <Sn>

7 23Al(Ip= ? , T1/2 = 0.47s) 22Mg (0+) × d5/2 s1/2 ? Neutron Proton
Proton halo? Valence proton (Sp=125keV) Neutron Proton 23Al(Ip= ? , T1/2 = 0.47s) s1/2 ? Large Radius IMP 22Mg (0+) × d5/2 1/2+ Jvvaskyla

8 23Al(Ip= ? , T1/2 = 0.47s) 22Mg (0+) × d5/2 s1/2 ? g = m/I Neutron
Proton Proton halo? 22Mg (0+) × d5/2 s1/2 ? Large Radius Valence proton (Sp=125keV) Shell Model (5/2+) (1/2+) g = m/I

9 Production of Polarized 23Al
RIPS @RIKEN on Oct and Dec. 2004 qeject = 1.0(6) ° Asymmetry f P Si W(q)=1+APcosq Experimental Setup

10  = 3.89(22) mN Magnetic moment of 23Al 23Al 23Al rough
3/2+ 1/2+ 5/2+ 23Al rough g(23Al) = 1.577(88) Ip =5/2+  = 3.89(22) mN 23Al Cf: SM +3.94 fine

11 Precise magnetic moment of 23Ne
Mirror Partner with 23Al 23Ne (Ip=5/2+, T1/2=37.24 s) ・Spin expectation value for T=3/2 mirror pair 9C - 9Li 23Al - 23Ne n p 13O - 13B + 16O core 17Ne - 17N

12 Production of Polarization
Projectile Fragmentation Pol + Pol - Nucleon pick up Pol +

13 HIMAC in National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Cancer therapy with heavy ions

14 HIMAC (National Institute of Radiological Sciences)
26Mg or 22Ne 100 MeV/n ・Projectile Fragmentation   26Mg+Be® 23Ne ・One neutron pick up  22Ne+Be® 23Ne Be Asymmetry f Polarized 23Ne NaF (T ~15 K)

15 Polarization and Yield of 23Ne
deceleration <P.F.> P ~ - 0.7% 23Ne in NaF (15 K) B0 = 1 T <pickup> P ~ 2.4% Very large polarization

16 |m(23Ne)|corrected = (1.0817 ± 0.0009) mN
b-NMR Spectra average n0 = (3296.3±2.8) kHz |m(23Ne)|exp = (9) mN diamagnetic correction : s = 5.7(2)102 ppm |m(23Ne)|corrected = ( ± ) mN ( |m(23Ne)|old = (10) mN ) Hilmer et al., Z. Naturforsch. 49a (1994) 27

17 Comparison with Shell Model
Experimental Schmidt Shell Model 23Ne (–)1.0817(9) * -1.91 -1.13 23Al (+)3.89(22) * +4.79 +3.94 <z> +0.81(58) +1 +0.82 *Present data

18 Spin Expectation Value
Experimental Schmidt Shell Model 23Ne (–)1.0817(9) * -1.91 -1.13 23Al (+)3.89(22) * +4.79 +3.94 <z> +0.81(58) +1 +0.82 *Present data

19 Proton and neutron components of angular momentum
Transition to IAS: log ft = 3.4(2) m(23Al)=3.89(22) mN m(23Ne)= (9) mN C/ft1/2 = B(F)+B(GT) Shell-model I lp Sp ln Sn -1.4(2) ≤ < lz(n) > ≤ 1.2(2) -0.07(15) ≤ < sz(n) > ≤ 0.20(15) 0.9(2) ≤ < lz(p) > ≤ 3.5(2) 0.20(15) ≤ < sz(p) > ≤ 0.48(15) < lz(n) > = 0.194 < sz(n) > = 0.025 < lz(p) > = 1.898 < sz(p) > = 0.388

20 Displacement from the line
g-factor correlation g-factors of mirror pairs 9C- 9Li 13B- 13O 23Al- 23Ne Displacement from the line 17Ne- 17N

21 Q moments of sd-shell mirror doublets

22 Summary (1)m of mirror pairs ----> <S> or <s> (spin expectation value)       + b decay ft value ----> <Sp>, <Sn> , <lp>, <ln>     (33Cl)= (3) mN (2)g(23Al) -> Ip =5/2+  (23Al) = 3.89(22) mN (3)|m(23Ne)| = ( ± ) mN (4)A=23(T=3/2) <Sp>, <Sn> , <lp>, <ln> (5)Measurements of Q of Mirror nuclei are in progress in sd shell


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