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This Me! Dr. Brinker CMHS.

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Presentation on theme: "This Me! Dr. Brinker CMHS."— Presentation transcript:

1 This Me! Dr. Brinker CMHS

2 List and Define all the personality types we discussed in class.
Extravert vs. Introvert – Optimistic vs. Pessimistic vs. Realist Passive vs. Aggressive Abstract Thinker vs. Concrete Thinker

3 My Personality Types are?
List Your Major Personality Types

4 Explain why you feel you are this Personality Type.
You can have a couple per slide Give an example of how you relate to this personality trait

5 Identify1 trait you are not. This is your minor one (the least) you are.
Explain why you do not feel you have this trait.

6 Data Resarch Now that you are an expert it is time to see others for who they are. You are going to take time to try to understand others personalities. I want you to pick 6 people. These can be your friends, family members, or teachers. I want you to watch them and talk to them. Only 1 person can be from your health class. Assess their personalities. If you do not know what they are by watching, as them. If they do not know what you are talking about, explain to them the differences. Let them know you are doing a scientific study for health class. Below you will find the 2 different personality categories you are going to research. Do the math. I want to know what percentages you found between the two different categories. Category 1: Introvert _____ % vs. Extrovert_____ % Category 2: Realist ______% vs. Optimist _____% vs. Pessimist _____%

7 Give a paragraph explaining how this project has helped you relating to others around you. Be specific as to how talking to people and looking at people affected your perception of people.

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