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Agenda Warm Up Test Breakdown Research Paper discussion

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Warm Up Test Breakdown Research Paper discussion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Warm Up Test Breakdown Research Paper discussion
Discussion: The Origins of Islam Video: Spread of World Religions Sunni/Shia Split Chart Basic Beliefs of Islam HW: Read Chapter 7, Finish Classwork

2 Warm Up Baby Bell is expected on Oct. 10th On a piece of paper:
Write your name (First and Last, not middle unless it’s Slaughter) Take a guess on the actual date of delivery If you guess the right day, you will receive extra credit on your test

3 Warm Up Again Why does Religion spread and effect so many people in many different parts of the world?

4 Test Breakdown 30 Multiple Choice: 2.5 pts each, 75 Total
3 Short Answer: 3 pts per part (a=3pts, b=3pts, c=3pts), 21 Total That totals 96 points. Everyone gets +4 points, cuz I’m a nice guy… Total of 100pt Test

5 Research paper info

6 The Foundations of Islam


8 The beginning Muhammad (570-632CE): Born in Mecca
Has visions and hears the voice of Angel Gabriel Gives him the words of Allah Dictates these to scribes, this becomes the Qur’an/Koran Muhammad then travels to Medina (622) seeking converts

9 Basic Beliefs Holy book = Quran/Koran
Not translated for fear of changing message. Five Pillars, must be tolerant and generous, no pork, and no alcohol. Jihad = Holy War, struggle for faith. Monotheistic- Allah

10 The Five Pillars of Islam
Profession of Faith Allah is the only god and Muhammad is his prophet Five Daily Prayers Paying Zakat (alms for the poor) Fasting during Ramadan Hajj- The Pilgrimage to Mecca

11 Foundations of Islam Muhammad returns to Mecca in 630, and rededicates the Ka’aba for Allah. Dies in 632 A.D. Islam spreads to Middle East and North Africa.

12 Islam after Muhammad Muhammad names no successor and has no sons
Abu Bakr took over as 1st caliph. Expanded Islam north. 634 A.D. Umar succeeded Abu Bakr Took control of former Persian Empire, Iraq, and North Africa.

13 The next caliphs and the split
Umar’s successor, Uthman is murdered. Ali chosen to succeed, but Uthman’s relative Mu’awiyah protests. Ali murdered when war breaks out between both sides in 661 A.D.


15 Islam expands Mu’awiyah names his Umayyad family as rulers, Islam divided Despite the split, Islam continues to spread into North Africa. Arab Expansion goes until the 1400s A.D.

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