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History of the Slinky Your Name.

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1 History of the Slinky Your Name

2 The Inventor Richard T. James was born in the year 1914 and died in the year Richard T. James was a naval engineer stationed at the William Cramp and Sons shipyards in Philadelphia. He was trying to create a meter to monitor horsepower on naval battleships. He became the inventor of the Slinky toy with help from his wife Betty.

3 The Beginnings Why: Saw a torsion spring fall and keep moving. What: Made it out of a Swedish steel. When: First sold in Winter of 1945. Why: James decided to create the toy after he saw a torsion spring fall off of a table and keep moving. What: They spent 2 years deciding on the best steel gauge and coil to use, choosing a high-grade blue-black Swedish steel. When: The Slinky was first sold in the winter of 1945 during a 90 minute demonstration.

4 First Production James Spring & Wire Company was formed using a $500 loan 400 Slinky toys were made at a local machine shop Priced at $1 each James Spring & Wire Company was later renamed James Industries.

5 Timeline of the Industry
90 min Idea Company Creation Debut Presidential Change Company Sold Hall of Fame 1943 1945 November 1945 1960 1998 2000 2001 James observed a tension spring fall to the ground and decided to make a toy. James and his wife created James Industries. 90 minute demonstration at Gimbel’s Department Store. Betty James became the president of James Industries. Betty sold the company to Poof Products, Inc. The Slinky was inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame. Betty James was inducted into the Toy Industry Associate’s Hall of Fame president

6 Other Slinky Products Slinky Jr. Plastic Slinky Slinky train Loco
Slinky Dog Slinky Crazy Eyes

7 Where it’s at Today In 2003, Slinky was added to the “Century of Toys List.” There have been over 300 million sold since the creation of the Slinky.

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