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Technology-Enhanced Instruction Presentation Ruth Merrick Grand Canyon University: TEC-516 11/08/2017.

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1 Technology-Enhanced Instruction Presentation Ruth Merrick Grand Canyon University: TEC /08/2017

2 Improving Professional Practice
Legal and ethical guidelines Promoting digital citizenship Modeling Constructivism v Behaviorism In 2000, Congress passed the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). This Act to the prevent the access of obscene or harmful content by children via the internet. School district and educators need to make sure students are not able to access material that is inappropriate for them to view. Our district has a AUP that we must make sure that students adhere to and that we prevent the students from violating the AUP. This is so that we can provide a safe place for students to use digital tools to improve their educational experience. We can achieve this by promoting digital citizenship. This is the practice of acceptable norms and responsible use of technology. Educators must model these expectations in and out of the classroom. When students bare witness to the proper use of technology, they are more likely to mimic the appropriate behavior (King, 2003).

3 Technology Standards National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) 1998/2000 In they were reviewed and released as ISTE for students, for teachers and 2009 administrators. In 2011 they released standards for Coaches and Computer Science Educators. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) updated standards again in 2016. Standards are set to be updated in June of 2018. Technology standards have gone through many changes over the years as has technology its self. As you can see by the dates the standards are beginning to be revised more often to keep up with advancement. It is essential that as teachers, we keep up on the latest standards and integrate them into the classroom. The use of standards is meant to increase digital citizenship. (ISTE, n.d.)

4 Current ISTE Standards Teachers
Learner Leader Citizen Collaborator Designer Facilitator Analyst As of 2016 these are the current standards for teachers to implement technology in the classroom. Teachers should adhere to these ideas to create a better learning environment for the students. Teachers need to be aware of the proper use of technology and model for students. These seven standards will enable a teacher to create a learning environment that will improve the student learning environment. By enabling students to have more power in their education, students can learn to be creative and critical thinkers (Salter, 2013). The use of social media and other forms of technology can open the world the for educators and students. (ISTE, n.d.)

5 Learner Never stop learning. As we learn, we share what we learn.
We can learn from students. For the benefit of the student, teachers must stay current with technology (Palmer, 2015) and the research that helps to improve student outcomes. It is essential that teachers participate, collaborate, and set goals to improve student learning. While the focus to improve the student, by continuing to the learner teacher will continue to improve themselves. By the teacher continuing to learn, we model to the students what a learner should be. Being a learner we share what we learn, we continue to be excited about new discoveries and cannot wait to share. We empower our students when we are able to recognize the learning we achieve from their discoveries. (ISTE, n.d.)

6 Leader Advocate for technology. Demonstrate Problem-based learning
It is important for teachers to take a leadership role outside of the classroom. As times change, teachers need advocate for the integration of technology in education. They must demonstrate the use of technology in their lessons, that support student success, improve teaching while improving learning (ISTE, n.d). As we continue to advocate for technology, we create solutions for problems that plague the classroom. When we advocate for student access to technology, we are providing for the students with different abilities and obtain tools for the improvement of their education. Educators are experts in their field (King, 2003), who are able to lead students to the first stone in the path they decide to take in their education. We demonstrate our abilities to enable them to discover their abilities. (ISTE, n.d.)

7 Citizen Use technology responsibly. Model digital citizenship.
Role play/direct instruction Educators need to model the use of digital tools. We want to show the student show to protect themselves and their privacy. While we live in an age of sharing everything, students have to be instructed on how to share appropriately. As we use technology in the classroom we are showing students how to use it properly. When we decide not to model the safe, legal and ethical use of technology, we do not instill these behaviors in our students. We can use modeling, direct instruction and role play to guide students through the proper use of digital tools. Educators need to make sure that their role in social media leaves a positive digital footprint (Palmer, 2015). It is essential for adults to remember that their behavior on social media will be reflected in the behaviors of youth. (ISTE, n.d.)

8 Collaborator Share Discover Communicate Peer learning (ISTE, n.d.)
The standard of collaboration is useful in the collaborations with co-workers and students to integrate technology. While we collaborate with co-workers to share and discover new digital tools we can do the same with students (Palmer, 2015). We must be a good communicator and open to listening. When we collaborate with student we seek tools from a different perspective. This can be achieved by using peer learning as we can learn from each other. With the use of Google Classrooms, we increase the use of collaboration. Feedback is essential to engage students in the learning process (Salter, 2013). This feedback can be from peers, instructors, and resources outside of the classroom. The digital age enables students to collaborate and learn from the world. (ISTE, n.d.)

9 Designer Create Different learner needs Learner centered (ISTE, n.d.)
As a designer, teachers can create lessons for individual learning. This approach will provide for learners with different learning abilities. Teachers differentiate lessons to accommodate the different learning styles. Using different forms of technology tools with help with differentiation (Brown, 2014). Learning would be learner centered rather than teachers being the center of the learning. Students would be able to use digital tools to enhance their learning. Teachers should guide the learning process and administration should allow teachers to construct their own lessons (Brown, 2014). Recently, I had a group of students that were not making adequate progress on the 50 state capitals. I searched for tools to help them acquire the knowledge differently. I created a lesson for them to have different options to find the best source to practice the 50 state capitals. Students chose what felt most helpful to them and most made progress on the next try. Do not be afraid to think outside of the box and use tools that you have not previously used (Palmer, 2015). (ISTE, n.d.)

10 Facilitator Support Manage Ownership Challenge Model and nurture
A facilitator supports and manages the student use of technology. When a educator is in the role of a facilitator, they are using the student standards to enable the students to take ownership of their use of technology. Students are challenged to take the lead in the learning environment, They are to decide which digital tools would be vital to solving the problems presented to them. Teachers would still be responsible to model and nurture students through this process. Students who take charge of their learning are more likely to increase their motivation and give more effort (Palmer, 2015). (ISTE, n.d.)

11 Analyst Interpret data Provide feedback Accommodate (ISTE, n.d.)
Educators have always had to interpret data. Technology does not stop this practice. However, technology might ease the work of educators to access the data that needs to be interpreted. When educators are able to interpret data they are able to modify their instruction to accommodate different learning abilities. Educators can see deficiencies in the learners abilities, provide valuable feedback and then accommodate the lesson. Educators must stay informed on the abilities and progress of their students. Education is not “one-size fits all”, we take the time to interpret various forms data to fit the needs of the students (Palmer, 2015). (ISTE, n.d.)

12 Current ISTE Standards Students
Empowered Digital Citizen Knowledge Designer Innovative Designer Computational Thinker Creative Communicator Global Collaborator The ISTE standards for students are meant to create students who are able to use technology to advance their education. When a student is able to achieve the use of the standards, they are able to be a productive participant in their education. As the times continue to advance in the use of technology, students have to take to lead to ensure that they are about to participate in the global world of digital tool users. (ISTE, n.d.)

13 Empowered Goals Improve their own learning process (ISTE, n.d.)
Students should be taking an active role in their education (ISTE, 2016). As educators, we must use technology to allow for students to set learning goals. They should be using technology to set their goals and to help them achieve these goals. This will allow student to use their abilities and improve their abilities by using technology tools. Students take an active lead and feel empowered by their successes. Students can demonstrate their abilities to give a different perspective for other students. (ISTE, n.d.)

14 Digital Citizen Responsibility
Use technology safely, legally, and ethically. Students do not always remember that it is their responsibility to use technology safely, legally and ethically (ISTE, 2016). We must model this behavior to students. Our digital footprint shows behavior. Students need to remember that while we live in an online society, it does not mean we need to post each and everything of our lives. Students have to be responsible for their personal footprint online. They need to know what information needs to be safeguard and what can be harmful to their reputation. If we demonstrate the correct way to use technology, we will encourage students to understand and respect the rights of others. In the school setting students and teachers have the ability to use items found on the internet. However, we must respect the ownership of the material. Giving credit were due, prevents us from infringing on someone else's rights. Students will also demonstrate their ability to make informed decisions because they are able to determine what is reliable information. (ISTE, n.d.)

15 Knowledge Constructor
Create Produce The Constructionist model has use allowing the students to lead their education. ISTE uses their third standard to drive this method. We are giving student the responsibility to use digital tools to construct their learning experiences. This standard can be used to strengthen the planning of problem-based learning curriculum. Using their knowledge, students would produce work with digital tools that enable them to get the results they are capable or based on their goals to achieve. The goal is to develop their learning, increase their productivity, and stimulate creativity. In a problem-based learning environment, students would have different roles in the process. Students can continue to learn from each other and teach their strengths. (ISTE, n.d.)

16 Innovative Designer Imaginative solutions (ISTE, n.d.)
Our students are so creative. They are able to use digital tools to enhance their creativity. Students should be able to these abilities to problem solve and use tools to create solutions needed to achieve their educational goals. Students need to know how to use digital tools and how to create solutions for their use when they are not able to as they want. They need to be a planner and a problem solver. This would include the development of platforms (Salter, 2013) and tools to be used to solve their problems achieve their goals. (ISTE, n.d.)

17 Computational Thinker
Problem solving Building on innovative designer, students would need to obtain the skills to use technology to develop and test their solutions (ISTE, 2016). This would be the skills they need to achieve in the standard for computational thinker. With our school wanting to move to the PBL method, the ISTE standards create a guideline for us to use to get our students to be thinkers. These standards work well with the Constructivist theory rather than the Behavorialism. We want students to construct their learning and we what their learning to be that of high order thinking. Students should be able to develop strategies to solve real world problems. (ISTE, n.d.)

18 Creative Communicator
Collaborate Publish Students chose the appropriate platform to achieve their learning goal. They use communication to collaborate and publish. Communication does not always have to be conversing with people. It can be a video, presentation, or any means to share information. Students can use digital tools to collaborate on projects and publish their final project for others to have access to the information. This is how students are able to access information, they should be able to do the same. Instructors are using different platforms to communicate with students, this allows for excitement in the students to want to participate (Palmer, 2015). (ISTE, n.d.)

19 Global Collaborator Locally and globally (ISTE, n.d.)
Collaboration does not just happen in the classroom. Students should be able to collaborate with the world. We no longer take the students to the library to research, they are able to research from their digital tools and access information from all over the world. For years, we have had the same presenter come in for our Holocaust Remembrance Day. We want to keep students engaged in this event. We have technology to enable students to meet survivors and presenters from all over the world. We do not have to isolate ourselves to what is local. WE have the WORLD. Students can find means to collaborate with the world, once they are able to communicate effectively. (ISTE, n.d.)

20 Put it all together! In the digital age, teachers are guides in the students’ educational journey. The ISTE standards are meant to guide the teachers to use their abilities to empower the students to take the lead and establish goals to achieve academic success. There will always be a need for direct instruction to incorporated as needed, but the use of constructivism theory will enable student to achieve success in applying the ISTE student standards to their educational plan. Teachers must be a leaders, learners, citizens, collaborators, designers, facilitators and analysts; who enable students to be designers, citizens, thinkers, collaborators, communicators, who are empowered to achieve.

21 Citations Bakir, N. (2016). Technology and Teacher Education: A Brief Glimpse of the Research and Practice that Have Shaped the Field. Techtrends: Linking Research & Practice To Improve Learning, 60(1), doi: /s Brown, L. (2014). Best Practices of Leadership in Educational Technology. Journal Of Educational Technology, 11(1), 1-6. ISTE - International Society for Technology in Education - Home. (n.d.). Retrieved November 05, 2017, from King, K. P. (2003). Learning the New Technologies: Strategies for Success. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2003(98), 49–58. Palmer, T. (2015, June 20). 15 Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher. Retrieved November 08, 2017, from teacher Salter, M. B. (2013). Crowdsourcing: Student-Driven Learning Using Web 2.0 Technologies in an Introduction to Globalization. Journal Of Political Science Education, 9(3), 362. doi: /

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