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Alan Mishchenko UC Berkeley

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1 Alan Mishchenko UC Berkeley
Applications of Boolean Satisfiability in Logic Synthesis and Verification Alan Mishchenko UC Berkeley

2 Outline Introduction Applications Conclusion
Complete don’t-care computation SAT sweeping Computing initial state after retiming Conclusion

3 Outline Introduction Applications Conclusion
Complete don’t-care computation SAT sweeping Computing initial state after retiming Conclusion

4 Terminology Boolean network (netlist, circuit) Primary inputs/outputs
Internal nodes Fanins/fanouts of a node Transitive fanin/fanout cone Local functions of the nodes Global functions of the nodes Functionality of the network z1 z2 z3 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1

5 Types of Don’t-Cares Observation: Local function of a node can be changed as long as global functions of the network remain the same This phenomenon gives rise to the notion of internal don’t-cares Satisfiability don’t-cares (SDCs) Local combinations, which never arise at the node Observability don’t-cares (ODCs) Global combinations, which make the output of the node not observable at the primary outputs External don’t-cares (EXDCs) Given by the designer Derived using unreachable state information, etc Complete don’t-cares (CDCs) The largest don’t-care that can be associated with the node

6 Examples of Don’t-Cares
b c y x F a b F (x = 0, y = 1) is a satisfiability don’t-care for node F (a = 1, b = 1) is an observability don’t-care for node F The SDC is in the local space. The ODC is in the global space.

7 Miter for Don’t-Care Computation

8 ODC and CDC Computation
Definition. The observability don’t-care of node n, ODC(X), is a Boolean function in the primary input space X taking value 1 when the output of node n is not observed at the primary outputs. Definition. The complete don’t-care of node n, CDC(Y), is a Boolean function in the local space Y taking value 1 when the output of node n is not observed at the primary outputs. f(X) f’(X) n n Y Y X X

9 Implementation Compute the care set Complement the care set to get CDC
Simulation Simulate the miter using random patterns Collect local minterms, for which the output of miter is 1 This is a subset of a care set Satisfiability Assert the output of miter to be 1, add the negation of the care set computed by simulation, and enumerate through the SAT assignments Add these assignments to the care set computed by simulation Complement the care set to get CDC X Y n

10 Pseudo-Code Input: Node n in network S.
Output: Complete don’t-cares of node n. function ComputeCompleteDC( node n , network S ) { network G = ConstructMiter( S, n ); function F1 = RandomSimulation( G ); cnf P = CircuitToCNF( G )  FunctionToCNF(F1); function F2 = EnumerateSatSolutions( P ); return F1  F2; }

11 Outline Introduction Applications Conclusion
Complete don’t-care computation SAT sweeping Computing initial state after retiming Conclusion

12 Terminology CEC Miter Mitering SAT sweeping
X N1 N2 CEC combinational equivalence checking Miter two circuits to be compared are combined by matching their primary inputs and comparing their primary outputs Mitering trying to prove output M = 0 using a SAT solver SAT sweeping trying to prove intermediate equivalences in topological order using a SAT solver M M SAT SAT-2 A B SAT-1 C D Mitering Fraiging

13 SAT Sweeping Algorithm
Works on an AIG Collects equivalence candidates using simulation (e.g. {A,B}) For each pair of candidate equivalent nodes in the topological order Generates CNF from logic cones of A and B Uses incremental interface of a SAT solver to prove/disprove candidates Solves a sequence of SAT problems using the same solver When two AIG nodes are proved equivalent, they are merged and the fanouts are rehashed When two AIG nodes are proved different, the counter example is used to refine candidate classes Stops when all candidates are considered Primary inputs Primary outputs 1 ? D C 1 ? B A

14 CNF-Based vs. Circuit-Based SAT
Traditionally, circuit problems are solved by circuit-based solvers Circuit represents “high-level information” Fast constraint propagation, better decisions However, CNF-based solver made substantial progress Constraint propagation became faster Efficient circuit-to-CNF conversion make CNF-solving faster Improved conflict analysis (clause minimization, etc) What is lacking, is the “high-level information” available in circuits Hybrid solvers are also available (Ganai, DAC ‘02; Jin, CAV ’04) They are more complicated and may take longer to catch up with the latest improvements in CNF-based solving

15 Using Circuit Info in CNF-Based SAT
Using circuit-based information is often crucial for solving hard SAT instances originating from circuits Two approaches to address this problem Use circuit-based solver in CEC (A. Kuehlmann, TCAD’02) Communicate circuit-based information to CNF-based solver (J. P. Marques-Silva et al, IEEE D&T,‘03) Simulating J-frontier in a CNF-based solver

16 Biasing CNF-Based SAT Solver to Work for Circuits
Drawbacks of previous approaches Circuit-based solvers do not use improvements in CNF-based solving J-frontier may be costly to support in a CNF-based solver We propose to modify variable activities in a CNF-based solver After each restart, increase activities of some variables Increase variable more if it is closer to the top of the miter M +3Δ +2Δ

17 Improved Integrated CEC
SAT sweeping is an important component of combinational equivalence checking (CEC) status IntegratedCEC( Miter, VariousResourceLimits ) { status = undecided; for ( Iter = 1; Iter <= IterLimit; Iter++ ) { // try mitering status = DoMitering( Miter, MiteringLimit + Iter * MiteringIncrease ); if ( status != undecided ) break; // try rewriting status = DoRewriting( Miter, RewritingLimit + Iter * RewritingIncrease ); // try fraiging status = DoSATSweeping( Miter, FraigingLimit + Iter * FraigingIncrease ); } if ( status != undecided ) status = DoMitering( Miter, FinalMiteringLimit ); if ( status == satisfiable ) Miter->CounterExample = GenerateCounterExample( Miter ); return status;

18 Outline Introduction Applications Conclusion
Complete don’t-care computation SAT sweeping Computing initial state after retiming Conclusion

19 Motivation Retiming can reduce the clock period of the circuit
Critical path has delay 4 All paths have delay 2

20 Overview of Retiming Goals of retiming
Minimum number of registers (min-area) Min-area under delay constraints (min-delay) Min-delay retiming with a valid initial state Traditional formulation (Leiserson/Saxe, 1991) Consider the network as a retiming graph Generate constraints on the number of registers on each edge Solve LP problem Improved formulations Improved constraint generation (Shenoy/Rudell, 1994) Using retiming-skew equivalence (Sapatnekar et al, 1996/1998) Using maximum-flow / minimum-cut (Hurst, 2008)

21 The Initial State Problem
In some cases, the initial state cannot be computed after backward retiming a+b a+b 1 ?

22 A Solution to Initial State Problem
Additional hardware: multiplexers and a reset signal Reset is 1 at the first clock, and 0 afterwards a+b Reset a+b 1 a+b 1 Reset Detach initial values from latches Propagate constants in MUXes

23 Another Solution Formulate a SAT problem that has solution if and only if there exists a valid initial state after backward retiming Register positions before retiming z1 z2 z3 Algorithm: Covert circuit into CNF Assign the given initial state to zi Solve SAT problem If solution exists, get initial state at xi If solution does not exist, block some register moves and try again Register positions after backward retiming x1 x2 x3 x4 x5

24 What Register Moves to Disable?
Disable a minimum number of register moves, which causes the SAT problem to be UNSAT To find these move, use the UNSAT core of the SAT problem UNSAT core of a problem is a subset of CNF clauses which alone guarantee that the problem is UNSAT Computing UNSAT core can be done using the resolution proof, which can be produced by the SAT solver

25 Resolvent A resolvent is a clause implied by two clauses in a CNF
(a + C1)  (~a + C2) = (C1 + C2) 1. A SAT instance C 1. (~p + a) (~p + b) 3. (p + ~a + ~b) 4. (~q + a) (~q + b) 6. (q + ~a + ~b) 7. (p + q + ~z) (p + ~q + z) 9. (~p + q + z) 10. (~p + ~q + ~z) 11. (z) 2. Resolvent of clauses 3 and 4 (w.r.t. a) is the clause (p + ~b + ~q) 3. Adding the resolvent to the original set does not alter satisfiability: This is not a definition of resolvent, but a property 1. (~p + a) (~p + b) (p + ~a + ~b) 4. (~q + a) (~q + b) (q + ~a + ~b) 7. (p + q + ~z) (p + ~q + z) (~p + q + z) 10. (~p + ~q + ~z) 11. (z) (p + ~b + ~q) C’ It can be checked that C’ is satisfiable if and only if C is.

26 Resolution Proof A resolution proof is a sequence of resolvents generated until the empty clause is derived. 1. Original set of clauses C 1. (~p + a) (~p + b) 3. (p + ~a + ~b) 4. (~q + a) (~q + b) 6. (q + ~a + ~b) 7. (p + q + ~z) (p + ~q + z) 9. (~p + q + z) 10. (~p + ~q + ~z) (z) 2. Sequence of resolvents 12. (p + ~b + ~q) (from 3 and 4) 13. (p + ~q) (from 5 and 12) 14. (~p + q + ~a) (from 2 and 6) 15. (~p + q) (from 1 and 14) 16. (~p + ~q) (from 10 and 11) 17. (p + q) (from 7 and 11) 18. (~q) (from 13 and 16) 19. (q) (from 15 and 17) 20. () (from 18 and 19) A resolution step indicates which clauses were resolved Empty clause can only be derived from two contradictory clauses such as (q) and (~q) Therefore, if the empty clause is derived, then the instance is UNSAT If the empty clause i.e. () is derived by resolution then the original set of clauses is UNSAT Thus the sequence of resolution steps forms a proof of unsatisfiability of C if () is derived at the end.

27 Using UNSAT Core The proof can be traced back from the empty clause
Leads to a subset of original clauses, which participate in producing the empty clause In the case of retiming, this subset is small Typically, it is less than 1% of all clauses The clauses indicate what nodes should not be retimed In some case, the UNSAT-core can be iterated several times to prevent retiming of several groups of nodes In the end, when the problem is SAT, the initial state after backward retiming is available

28 Conclusion Discussed several applications of Boolean satisfiability in EDA applications Complete don’t-care computation Computing initial state after retiming SAT sweeping

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