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How are leaves adapted for photosynthesis?

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Presentation on theme: "How are leaves adapted for photosynthesis?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How are leaves adapted for photosynthesis?
Lesson 5 How are leaves adapted for photosynthesis? 2.21 Describe the structure of the leaf and explain how it is adapted for photosynthesis Matching exercise using net – check correct – annotate diagram Watch video then further discussion about how leaves are adapted – fill in summary Q from PP Look at stomata in more detail

2 What makes leaves so good at their jobs?
Why does photosynthesis take place in leaves and not another plant organ? What makes leaves so good at their jobs? Collect leaf and paint both sides with nail varnish – leave to dry Pose these questions Mix and match exercise – use iPad to help them Research activity, teach each other Show me boards for quiz

3 The Leaf Leaf cut through Cut end magnified Section highly magnified

4 What is needed for photosynthesis. CO2, water, light energy
What is needed for photosynthesis? CO2, water, light energy. Where are they needed? How might they get there? Products – what happens to them? Large surface area- Maximise light absorption Thin- Short distance for carbon dioxide to diffuse into leaf cells Thin waxy cuticle- This protects the leaves without blocking out light Thin transparent epidermis- Allows light to reach the palisade cells

5 Label the tissues in the leaf:
Wax cuticle Palisade mesophyll layer Lower epidermis Guard cells Air spaces Spongy mesophyll layer Matching exercise using iPads– check correct Go over answers Label diagram Upper Epidermis Stoma Vascular bundle (xylem & phloem)

6 You will be given a tissue to research
Find another person(s) researching that tissue and compare notes. Has anyone missed anything? Make a group with every tissue present. Teach peers about your tissue. Summary Quiz The Tissues: Criteria: Upper Epidermis Spongy mesophyll Function How is the tissue specialised? How does this specialisation help it do it’s job effectively? Palisade Mesophyll Xylem & Phloem Stomata & Guard cells Give each student a tissue to research Find another person(s) researching that tissue and compare notes. Has anyone missed anything? Find a group with every tissue present. Teach peers about your tissue. Summary note to finish and questions

7 Complete the summary to explain how the leaf is adapted for photosynthesis and gas exchange:
Leaves are especially a__________ to carry out this process. The ______________ cells are packed tightly together towards the top of the leaf to absorb as much ______________ energy as possible. These cells contain many ________________ which contain the green pigment _________________. On the underside of leaves are tiny pores (holes) called ____________. These are each surrounded by two __________ cells which can open and close the hole. _____________ ____________ can easily diffuse through the stomata into the leaf. The spongy ______________ layer has lots of ____ spaces to allow ___________ to take place as quickly as possible. _________ is transported up the stem and along the branches in ______ vessels which are grouped together in the vascular bundles. __________ is classed as a waste product in photosynthesis and is released into the atmosphere from the ___________. Word Bank: Chloroplasts chlorophyll diffusion stomata guard mesophyll air Carbon dioxide water oxygen glucose adapted palisade Photosynthesis light xylem

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