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Gynecologic Health A Novel Laser Therapy

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1 Gynecologic Health A Novel Laser Therapy

2 Gynecologic Health A Novel Laser Therapy
Become Yourself Again Gynecologic Health A Novel Laser Therapy MLTU-PPPT-A-R2

3 “It” refers to changes in gynecologic health and it happens to a majority of women.
As many as 50% of 64 million women are suffering from changes in their gynecologic health 1,2,3 MLTU-PPPT-A-R2

4 Because now you can do something about it.
Gentle fractional CO2 laser therapy Clinically proven to bring lasting relief Thousands of women successfully treated since 2012 Overwhelmingly positive and immediate results MLTU-PPPT-A-R2

5 The reason for talking about the MonaLisa Touch.
Minimal side effects No downtime Lasting results MLTU-PPPT-A-R2

6 Simple and Safe The MonaLisa Touch difference matters.
3 treatments of less than 5 minutes each In-office procedure Requires no anesthesia Thousands of women successfully treated since 2012 MLTU-PPPT-A-R2

7 2 out of 4 Postmenopausal Women as many as are suffering from changes
in their gynecologic health. But they don’t have to. 1,2,3 MLTU-PPPT-A-R2

8 to bring lasting relief.
Clinically Proven to bring lasting relief. A study was done by Dr. Stefano Salvatore*, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vita- Salute San Raffaele University to assess the feasibility of fractional C02 laser in the treatment of 50 women suffering changes in their gynecologic health. Overwhelmingly positive and immediate results Highly statistically significant improvement in symptoms after first treatment 42 patients (84%) showed significant improvement in their physical and mental quality of life scores over baseline and were satisfied with the treatment. Gynecologic symptoms were significantly improved. SOURCE: Study done in conjunction with doctors: R.E. Nappi, N. Zerbinati, A.Calligaro, S. Ferrero, M. Origoni, M. Candiani, U. Leone Roberti Maggiore MLTU-PPPT-A-R2

9 The MonaLisa Touch difference matters.
Simple and Safe The MonaLisa Touch difference matters. Virtually MLTU-PPPT-A-R2

10 It’s OK to talk about it and become yourself again.
SOURCES 1 US Census, The North American Menopause Society. Management of symptomatic vulvovaginal atrophy: 2013 position statement of The North American Menopause Society. Menopause. 2013;20(9): Gass ML, Cochrane BB, Larson JC, et al. Patterns and predictors of sexual health activity among women in the hormone therapy trials of the Women’s Health Initiative. Menopause. 2011:18(11): MLTU-PPPT-A-R2

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