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Assessment and Learning Analytics.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment and Learning Analytics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment and Learning Analytics.
By: Katy English, Brianna Ulba, Hannah Sabal

2 Classically Used Assessments (Summative)
standardized tests chapter tests exams benchmark assessments consquences: not getting into college

3 Formative Assessment “practice” student involvement
teachers must provide detailed feedback consequences are not as severe and help is more immediate

4 Benefits of Formative Assessments
feedback students are more involved assesses how student is doing

5 How Students Should be Learning?
must be engaged student directed learning multiple intelligences real world scenarios

6 How Else Can We Assess? new online resource to help educators transition PARCC and SBAC, computer based assessment programs were given 330 million dollars

7 Partnership for Assessment for Readiness for College and Careers
eliminates end of term tests uses assessments throughout the year instead decreases the weight of any one test provides useful, formative information for students and teachers

8 Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
uses technology that asks students questions that are based on previous answers eliminates stakes of end of term assessments includes tests that will inform parents and teachers how the student is progressing

9 Multiple Intelligence Quiz Multiple Intelligence Test ient_ftp/ks3/ict/multiple_int/

10 Learning Analytics Definition: The interpretation of a wide range of data produced and gathered on behalf of students to assess academic progress. Goals: Gain information to help schools take action towards educational improvement and gain more personalized education for each student. It helps prepare students for their future. “Efficient learner hypothesis” “Whole person analytics”

11 Process Data collection Analysis Student Learning Audience
Intervention Organizations: EDUCAUSE, Gates Foundation, Hewlett Foundation Companies: Grockit and Knewton

12 Examples Mixpanel Analytics Userfly Gephi SNAPP
Moodle, Desire2Learn, Blackboard Issues- privacy, critique, data access and ownership

13 Video 4

14 Moving Forward Continuous improvement PDCA cycle
There are many plans to keep the American Education system on top. There is one that is more well known and effective than the rest and that is the Baldrige Criteria.

15 Baldrige Criteria A nation at risk Why did other plans fail?
What makes Baldrige different? Eleven Core Values

16 The Baldrige Process 1. Identification 2. Improve the Process
3. Determine effectiveness

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