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The development of the EU policy on SALW

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1 The development of the EU policy on SALW
Cost Conference, Brussels, 18 March 2008, Holger Anders, GRIP

2 Contents The EU policy on SALW Arms export controls
SALW-specific instruments and actions Remaining challenges Conclusions

3 The EU policy on SALW There exists no single policy. Rather, ‘the policy’ is composed of various elements Constituting elements: Arms export controls Promotion of SALW controls abroad

4 Arms export controls EU Code of Conduct, June 1998
User’s Guide, since November 2003 Annual reports on exports, since September 1999 Draft common position on EU Code, 2005 Not yet adopted due to political bargaining Common Position on arms brokering, June 2003 Not yet implemented by 1/3 r d of states

5 SALW instruments and actions
EU Joint Action on SALW, Dec. 98 / July 02 14,5 million Euros spent since 1999 EU Strategy on SALW, December 2005 Providing policy guidance under the umbrella of the European Security Strategy EU policy positions abroad Consistently calling for high common standards

6 Remaining challenges Weaknesses in information exchanges and reporting of EU states on arms exports Political status of the EU Code Implementation and scope of brokering controls Limited influence on SALW controls abroad

7 Conclusions ‘EU policy’ has led to harmonisation of national practices on export controls and greater transparency Important contributions are made to SALW controls abroad Much remains to be done

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