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Metadata Editor Introduction

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1 Metadata Editor Introduction
Yoel Kortick Senior Librarian

2 Role privileges and levels
Metadata profiles Role privileges and levels Opening the metadata editor The metadata editor structure The metadata editor menus

3 Introduction – metadata profiles
The metadata fields and subfields which appear in the metadata editor, as well as the definitions of these fields and subfields (for example if they are mandatory or repeatable), are defined in the "Metadata Configuration List" page. The "Metadata Configuration List" page is accessible via the menu "Resource Management > Resource Configuration > Configuration Menu > Cataloging > Metadata Configuration". The "Metadata Configuration List"  page displays a list of metadata profiles that are defined for the institution as well as a link to each profile.

4 Introduction – metadata profiles
These are the active profiles for this particular institution

5 Introduction – metadata profiles
These are the active profiles for a different institution

6 Introduction – metadata profiles
Each profile contains the standard definitions of the specific type of MARC. Each field can be edited locally. It is also possible to upload a “local extension” xml file which will globally add and replace certain fields

7 Introduction – metadata profiles
This is, for example, the default definition for the 035 field in the MARC21 Bibliographic profile

8 Role privileges and levels
Metadata profiles Role privileges and levels Opening the metadata editor The metadata editor structure The metadata editor menus

9 Introduction – role privileges and level
Each user can catalog records based on role, privileges and level. Each role contains particular privileges.

10 Introduction – role privileges and level
Each user can catalog records based on role, privileges and level Each user can only update records which have an equal or higher level

11 Introduction – role privileges and level
The menu the staff user sees as well as the tasks and widgets which appear on his dashboard are dependent on his roles. User with cataloging roles will only see cataloging-related menu options User with cataloging roles will see widgets related to cataloging

12 Role privileges and levels
Metadata profiles Role privileges and levels Opening the metadata editor The metadata editor structure The metadata editor menus

13 Introduction – opening the metadata editor
The metadata editor can be opened in one of three ways: From the "Open Metadata Editor" entry in the section "Cataloging" under the "Resource Management" menu By clicking "edit" on a record from the repository search By choosing "Catalog Set" for a particular set

14 Introduction – opening the metadata editor
From the "Open Metadata Editor" entry in the section "Cataloging" under the "Resource Management" menu

15 Introduction – opening the metadata editor
The Metadata Editor opens empty

16 Introduction – opening the metadata editor
Clicking "edit" on a record from the repository search

17 Introduction – opening the metadata editor
Record on which "edit" was done opens in edit mode

18 Introduction – opening the metadata editor
"Catalog Set" for a particular set

19 Introduction – opening the metadata editor
All records of the set are opened in the metadata editor and grouped together

20 Role privileges and levels
Metadata profiles Role privileges and levels Opening the metadata editor The metadata editor structure The metadata editor menus

21 Introduction – the metadata editor structure
Main Pane Left Pane Lower Pane

22 Introduction – the metadata editor structure
The Left Pane Templates: Templates used to create new records or be added to existed records. Records: Contains the brief title information (mouse-over a tool tip) on "open" records. Rules: Contains the private and shared normalization, merge and indication rules. From here rules can be contributed to and copied from the community.

23 Introduction – the metadata editor structure
The Left Pane Templates

24 Introduction – the metadata editor structure
The Left Pane Records

25 Introduction – the metadata editor structure
The Left Pane Rules

26 Introduction – the metadata editor structure
The Main Pane Main pane: Main working area. Displays the record information and includes menu bars and a toolbar.

27 Introduction – the metadata editor structure
The Lower Pane Provides additional assistance for editing a record and includes the following tabs. Info: Contains field sensitive data based on Metadata profile definitions which, by default, is from the Library of Congress (or in the case of Dublin Core the information is from the DC site). Alerts: Contains field, subfield, indicator, and fixed-field, content-level warnings based on the Metadata profile .

28 Introduction – the metadata editor structure
The Lower Pane

29 Role privileges and levels
Metadata profiles Role privileges and levels Opening the metadata editor The metadata editor structure The metadata editor menus

30 Introduction – the metadata editor menus – File
"File" contains various options for creating and saving records Note the shortcut keys in the menus

31 Introduction – the metadata editor menus – File
New: Opens an empty record or function according to the selection Save draft: Runs validation routines and saves the record as a draft. Changes are saved, but not updated in the repository Save Record: Saves the changes made to the record in the repository but does not release the record. Save and Release Record: Saves the record and releases it. Duplicate: Creates a copy of the record. Release Record: Releases the record without saving the changes.

32 Introduction – the metadata editor menus – File
Assign Record to Another Cataloger: Reassigns the record to another cataloger. Release Assignment: Release locks on bibliographic records that are assigned to other catalogers. Save as Template: Saves the current record as a template. Reload Original Record: Reloads (overwrites) the active record with the last version of the record saved in the repository and, thereby, discarding any draft changes made. Delete Record: Deletes the record if there are no PO lines or inventory associated with it.

33 Introduction – the metadata editor menus – Edit
"Edit" is used to access options for modifying records

34 Introduction – the metadata editor menus – Edit
Add Field: Adds a new empty row that can be set with a field value when cataloging. Remove Field: Removes the selected field. Add Subfield: Adds a new sub field with the defined separator, for example $$ or ‡, to allow inline cataloging of the active field. Add Alternate Graphic Representation: Adds paired fields without the complexity of 880 linkage. Enhance the record: Runs preconfigured normalization routines. Expand from Template: Expands a record's data fields using a specified template (adds field from template to the record).

35 Introduction – the metadata editor menus – Edit
Split editor: Enables a side-by-side editing of two records Full screen: Opens the main editing pane in the entire page. Open Form Editor: For particular MARC fields opens a form for filling in positions or subfield s Close Form Editor: Exits the control field editor Cut: Cuts the selected text. Copy: Copies the selected text. (can be used for multiple fields, press Ctrl and select all the fields to be copied). Paste: Pastes text that was previously cut or copied.

36 Introduction – the metadata editor menus – Tools
“Tools" is used for several additional features such as searching external resources, adding holding and item records, performing validity checks and export controls

37 Introduction – the metadata editor menus – Tools
Search External Resources: Enables the search of external databases for viewing and importing. View Versions: Enables the viewing and restoration of a previous version of the record. Validity Check: Performs validation routines Browse Call Numbers: Enable a holding record call number browse View Notes: Displays notes given when assigning the record to someone.

38 Introduction – the metadata editor menus – Tools
Submenu "MARC21 Bibliographic" Derive New Record: Create a new bibliographic record with 773 or 775 relation based on the related bibliographic record and the default template. Merge Records and Combine Inventory: Merges two bibliographic records and combines the inventory oafter the records are merged. Add holding: Adds a holdings record that is linked to the current bibliographic record. Add Local Portfolio: Opens the New Portfolio page Create PO Line & Exit: Creates a PO line based on the bibliographic information in the active record.

39 Introduction – the metadata editor menus – Tools
Submenu "MARC21 Bibliographic" Find Matches: Checks whether there are matches for the current record in your local catalog. View Inventory: Checks for inventory in Holdings, Portfolios, Digital representations and Electronic databases and if there is inventory it displays in split editor mode View in Search: Displays the record in the results list format on the Repository Search page. View Orders: Displays the record in the PO line list format (when there is an order). Related Records: Checks whether there are records that were defined as related to the current record.

40 Introduction – the metadata editor menus – Tools
Submenu "MARC21 Holdings" Add Another Holding: From holding record add another holdings record to the bibliographic record. Add Item: Add an item record to the holdings record. Duplicate Holding: Add a copy of the holdings record to the bibliographic record. View Bibliographic Record: From holding record display the bibliographic record. Update from Bibliographic: From holding add fields from the bibliographic record to the 852 field in the holdings record Generate Accession Number: Generates an accession number for the holdings record in the 852 field.

41 Introduction – the metadata editor menus – Tools
Submenu “Set Management Tags" Suppress from Discovery: Tags the record to exclude/include it from being published to discovery Export to WorldCat: Tags the record to be included/excluded in the OCLC synchronization. Force export to WorldCat: Causes holdings records linked to the bibliographic record to be included in the next export to OCLC.

42 Introduction – the metadata editor menus – Tools
Submenu “Set Management Tags" Export to Libraries Australia: Tags the record to be included/excluded in the Libraries Australia synchronization. Force export to Libraries Australia: Causes holdings records linked to the bibliographic record to be included in the next export to Libraries Australia.

43 Introduction – the metadata editor menus – Toolbar icons
The most common features have icons in the toolbar

44 Introduction – the metadata editor menus – Toolbar icons
Create POL Add Item View Inventory Delete Record Save Record View Bibliographic record Add holding Add Portfolio Split Editor Full Screen Exit

45 Yoel Kortick Senior Librarian
Thank you Yoel Kortick Senior Librarian

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