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Insurance against Hardship

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1 Insurance against Hardship
Miss Smith 7th Grade Civics *pgs

2 Insurance Protects You
Insurance- system of spreading risks over large numbers of people People pay a small amount to the company to avoid the risk of a large loss Premium- small amount paid for protection against risk Claims are paid from the reserve fund Private insurance- voluntary insurance that individuals and companies pay to cover unexpected losses Ex: life insurance, health insurance, property insurance

3 Life Insurance Provides the policy holder’s family with money when they die Beneficiary- person named in a life insurance policy who receives the money if the policy holder dies Term insurance- covers you during a specific time Whole-life insurance- covers you throughout your life

4 Disability and Health Insurance
Covers policy holders if they are injured in an accident or suffer an illness Disability insurance pays lost wages if the policyholder cannot work due to partial disability Health insurance covers medical and/or hospital expenses

5 Property and Liability Insurance
Protects personal property from fires, hurricanes, vandalism, theft, etc.

6 Insurance Provided by the Government
Social insurance- government programs that protect individuals from future hardship Social Security- system of social insurance set up in 1935

7 Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance
A percentage of people’s salaries goes into a fund After workers retire or if they become disabled and cannot work, they get paid from the fund If a worker dies before they reach retirement age, their surviving children aged 18 and under and surviving spouse receive their payments

8 Unemployment Compensation
For workers who lost their job for reasons beyond their control

9 Workers’ Compensation
Helps workers who have job related injuries or illnesses Pays the medical expenses Replaces lost income Compensates survivors of workers killed on the job

10 Medicare and Medicaid Medicare- health insurance program for U.S. citizens ages 65 and older Medicaid- health insurance program that provides money to help states pay medical costs of people with low incomes

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