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LOCATIONS: Mesothelia lining ventral body

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1 LOCATIONS: Mesothelia lining ventral body
cavities; endothelia lining heart and blood vessels; portions of kidney tubules (thin sections of nephron loops); inner lining of cornea; alveoil of lungs FUNCTIONS: Reduces friction; controls vessel permeability; Thinnest = most permeable Cytoplasm Nucleus Connective tissue Lining of peritoneal cavity

2 LOCATIONS: Surface of skin;
lining of mouth, throat, esophagus, rectum, anus, and vagina FUNCTIONS: Provides physical protection against abrasion, pathogens, and chemical attack Squamous superficial cells Stem cells Basal lamina Connective tissue Surface of tongue

3 Microvilli Cytoplasm Nucleus Basal lamina Loose connective tissue
LOCATIONS: Lining of stomach, intestine, gallbladder, uterine tubes, and collecting ducts of kidneys Microvilli Cytoplasm FUNCTIONS: Protection, secretion, absorption Nucleus Basal lamina Loose connective tissue Intestinal lining

4 Cilia Cytoplasm Nuclei Basal lamina Loose connective tissue
LOCATIONS: Lining of nasal cavity, trachea, and bronchi; portions of male reproductive tract Cilia Cytoplasm Nuclei FUNCTIONS: Protection, Secretion of mucus by goblet cells, movement of substances like mucus and eggs along the surface Basal lamina Loose connective tissue Trachea

5 Beginning of Connective

6 Fibrous Connective Tissues
Collagen fibers Fibrocyte nuclei Tendon Collagen fiber bundles Fibrous Connective Tissues There are lots of varieties. As you can see here, the top example (Dense Regular) is organized in a linear fashion and works like a rope for your body and makes up tendons and ligaments. The middle one (Dense Irregular) has a more woven arrangement and is usually around the outside of organs and helps prevent them from expanding or stretching too far. The bottom example (Loose Fibrous) is more of a net with more empty space and less fibers. It is the weakest of the one pictured here and often is used to fill spaces in the body. Deep dermis

7 LOCATIONS: In blood vessels
FUNCTION: Transport gases (red blood cells), Form blood clots (platelets) Fight Infection (white blood cells) Neutrophil Monocyte Basophil Lymphocytes Eosinophil

8 LOCATION: Inside bones (medullary cavity)
BONE TISSUE Collagen covered by calcium salts Location: Makes up all bones Function: Support, protection, production of blood cells, helps maintain blood calcium levels BONE MARROW LOCATION: Inside bones (medullary cavity) FUNCTION: Produces blood cells (red/white/platelets)

9 LOCATIONS: Between tips of
ribs and bones of sternum; covering bone surfaces at synovial joints; supporting larynx (voice box), trachea, and bronchi; forming part of nasal septum Chondrocytes in lacunae FUNCTIONS: Provides stiff but somewhat flexible support; reduces friction between bony surfaces Matrix Hyaline cartilage

10 LOCATIONS: Pads within knee
joint; between pubic bones of pelvis; intervertebral discs FUNCTIONS: Resists compression; prevents bone-to-bone contact Collagen fibers in matrix Chondrocyte in lacuna Fibrous cartilage

11 Cells are long, cylindrical, striated,
and multinucleate ( multiple nuclei in each cell). Nuclei LOCATIONS: skeletal muscles FUNCTIONS: Moves or stabilizes the position of the skeleton; guards entrances and exits to the digestive, respiratory, and urinary tracts; generates heat; protects internal organs Muscle fiber Striations Skeletal muscle

12 Cells are short, branched, and striated,
usually with a single nucleus; cells are interconnected by intercalated discs. Nucleus LOCATION: Heart Cardiac muscle cells FUNCTIONS: Circulates blood; maintains blood pressure Intercalated discs Striations Cardiac muscle

13 urine, and reproductive tract secretions; controls
Cells are short, spindle-shaped, and nonstriated, with a single, central nucleus LOCATIONS: Found in the walls of blood vessels and in digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive organs (hollow internal organs!) Smooth muscle cell FUNCTIONS: Moves food, urine, and reproductive tract secretions; controls diameter of respiratory passageways; regulates diameter of blood vessels Nucleus Smooth muscle

14 NERVOUS TISSUE (made up of neurons and neuroglia)
Nuclei of neuroglia Maintain physical structure of tissues Repair tissue framework after injury Perform phagocytosis Provide nutrients to neurons Regulate the composition of the interstitial fluid surrounding neurons Cell body Axon Dendrites Nucleolus Nucleus of neuron Dendrites (contacted by other neurons) Axon (conducts information to other cells) Microfibrils and microtubules Mitochondrion Contact with other cells Nucleolus Nucleus Cell body (contains nucleus and major organelles) A representative neuron (sizes and shapes vary widely)

15 Look at each tissue. What makes each unique
Look at each tissue. What makes each unique? Is there a location or structure or function that none of the other tissues have? Simple Squamous Epithelial Stratified Squamous Epithelial Simple Columnar Epithelial Pseudostratified Squamous Epithelial Adipose Fibrous Connective Tissues Blood

16 Bone Bone Marrow Hyaline Cartilage Fibrous Cartilage Skeletal Muscle Cardiac Muscle Smooth Muscle Neurons Neuroglial

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