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First Grade News Literacy Tip Miss O’Brien Pick-Up Routines

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1 First Grade News Literacy Tip Miss O’Brien Pick-Up Routines
From Mrs. Schukantz’s Class September 2017 Announcements & Events Literacy Tip of the month Newsletter: Our class newsletter will be printed and posted to our website on the first Monday (except September) of every month. Please take a moment every month to read through it to keep up to date on important information about our classroom/school, things to practice at home, and events. PTA Spirit Gear: Spirit Gear is on sale until September 20th. If you would like to purchase you can fill out the order form sent home last week OR order online. Reading: Next week we will begin our reading program Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA). As you begin to see work packets coming home take a moment to look through them. Occasionally you may find family letters and extra reading activities you can do with your student. Personal Standards: Please review our Bonney Lake Personal Standards: 1. Make Good Decisions 2. Solve Problems 3. Show Respect. Literacy Tip Pick-Up Routines Miss O’Brien Connect to Text! Using prior knowledge helps students connect their own experiences with text to better understand and make sense of what they are reading. The secret to making connections is to pause before and during reading to relate what is being read in the story to what is already known. Try asking “what do you already know about this topic/content?” “Does this remind you of an experience you’ve had?” “How did you feel in a similar situation?” Just a reminder… If your child’s regular transportation routine changes on any given day, please let me know in writing or call the office. Please do not ask your child to tell me. Sometimes students want to go home with a friend, and sometimes say it is okay with their parents. For safety sakes, we must say “no,” and follow our normal routine, and that may lead to some confusion. I appreciate your help in keeping our little ones safe! I am so excited that I have been asked again to mentor a student teacher this year! I would like to welcome Miss Lindsey O’Brien to our first grade class! Miss O’Brien is joining us from Pacific Lutheran University (PLU). We have been fortunate to have had Miss O’Brien start the year off with us. As the year continues she will be in our classroom completing her practicum and student teaching. BLE BIG 8 Trait of the Month… SUPER SAFE. We are safe with bodies and feelings. Please take some time to discuss our BIG 8 Trait of the month at home.

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