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Northamptonshire Schools Competition 2018

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1 Northamptonshire Schools Competition 2018
Moving Northants Forward using Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Maths Deadlines Register expression of interest by Mon 20 November 2017 Project outline submitted by Mon 22 January 2018 Judging Wed 28 February 2018 at Big Bang Register at Categories Primary Years 5/6 (mixed team) Secondary Key stage 3 Key stage 4 Key stage 5 Teams to consist of a maximum of 6 with 50% female participation. Exceptions: Same sex schools

2 Your Challenge Some Examples:
“Using Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Maths (STEAM), identify and present an idea/product/design to improve an aspect of the transportation network within Northamptonshire” (Can be aimed at any of the transportation manufacturing industries or infrastructure in and around Northants, including the supply chain) Some Examples: Improve the ergonomic design and layout of a vehicle interior Redesign or improve disabled access and movement. Create a technological solution to a problem Use virtual reality to demonstrate an improvement Demonstrate how you could use STEAM to improve any aspect of journeys to school Additional Information: Ensure a problem or gap in knowledge is identified for which a realistic solution can be proposed. The scope of the competition is deliberately wide to promote variation and encourage ingenuity and initiative. Explore imaginative solutions before whittling them down to fit. within real-world restrictions such as practicality and budget. Consider environmental impact and sustainability. Definition of logistics from – ‘Planning, execution, and control of the procurement, movement, and stationing of personnel, material, and other resources to achieve the objectives of a campaign, plan, project, or strategy. It may be defined as the 'management of inventory in motion and at rest.'

3 Mentors - When registering for the competition each school will have the opportunity to request a STEM Ambassador, Industry or University Partner to act as a Mentor to the team. The Mentor will identify a convenient time to come into the school to run a workshop to explore ideas and solutions . Alternatively schools can facilitate the Mentor session themselves and will be sent further information on the logistics industry to help them. Please be aware that we are not able to guarantee this opportunity but we will do our best. Organising the team How the team is put together will set the template for how project tasks and work threads are split. There should be one member of staff within the school in a support and motivational role to the team(s). Teams should assign various roles to each team member. eg: Project Manager, Design, Technical, Marketing Coordinator etc. this helps them to specialise and the judges like it. To help teams work together, it is usually effective to have a team member in a leadership role bringing everything together and keeping the team on track. Exploratory competition workshop This could be with a teacher or Mentor In this session students should aim to pick their idea and have agreed the basic structure for the project. Students should brainstorm a number of ideas and put them through a critical process to choose the best. They should be encouraged to ask lots of questions and don’t be shy. At this session the final team should be identified that will take the competition entry forward.

4 Getting together to work on the project
There is no limit to how much time teams work on the project, however the teams that are likely to do well are those who have refined their entry through a number of sessions. Try and agree as a team how many sessions they can commit to moving the project forward. Teams should create a basic ‘project plan’ and schedule activities, deadlines etc to keep the team on track. Teams should identify a designated space within the school to work on the project. Refining your Project The team should identify the expertise, equipment and resources available to them within the school/community to enhance the project. (eg: 3-D printing models, using multi media to present your posters, video editing, research etc.) Factor in time to do mock presentations and get critical feedback from peers and teachers. Teams should get used to answering questions about their project so they are prepared for what the judges might ask. (If you have been working with a Mentor then identify any further support they might be able to offer.)

5 Real-world product/solution: Research and testing:
“A good project is one that has been attacked and critiqued from all angles and comes through as a good idea, well thought out and useful in solving the brief” What we mean by this is that the more you question your ideas and thoughts to get rid of the poor quality ideas, the more likely you are to have a project of real value at the end. Real-world product/solution: Teams should make sure their project is a genuine solution to the brief that if produced would move Northants forward in some way. Make sure it is as original as it can be, don’t copy existing solutions. Be aware of realistic budgets and money when choosing your idea. A great idea is unlikely to be put into reality if it costs too much to produce. Research and testing: The project needs to have as much research and testing of the concept as possible with the resources at the Team’s disposal. Demonstrate how the Team has looked at the industry and what others have been doing, the questions to a target audience, which professionals have been interviewed. What on-line research was done. Research and testing should be displayed in a clear and concise manner. Professional presentation: Teams should display the concept/product in a professional manner demonstrating any media/ resource used. It needs to be attractive and inviting to read/see. Team members should practice speaking or let those who are comfortable speaking do the presenting. Team members should know their project area inside out and be able to answer questions. Team members should be confident and positive!

6 Competition Rules Each school to choose one team of no more than six members from each category with at least 50% female participants. Project entries must be based around existing logistics industries in the Northants area. Entries to be presented for judging at Big Bang on Wednesday 28 February 2018. There is no time limit on the team(s) to produce their projects. Mentors/Teachers will act as critical friends to guide the team(s) in their decision making but not implement ideas or solutions of their own. Mentors/Teachers can accompany their Team(s) to the Big Bang This competition is open to Northamptonshire Schools only.

7 Competition Regulations
3 ft/92cm 1 ft/31cm 2 ft/61cm Table top: Models or displays Display Format All projects must be in poster format. Small models or other media will be allowed but must fit onto the table top and not extend the project display space. Drawings, titles, pictures etc. are acceptable. All posters/pictures/titles must fit into the standard Poster Display Backboards as shown to the right. The layout and content is up to the participants but must fit in the specified space. No power will be available so schools need to ensure they have battery power for laptops etc.

8 Judging criteria Projects entered into the Northants Competition 2018 will be judged using the criteria for the Big Bang competition as laid out below: Project Concept  Concept, Motivation and Objectives Was the project the student’s own idea or, if set for them, how much control did they take in its development? Can they explain the concept and aims clearly? Project Process Planning and Organisation Was the project well planned, organised and methodical?  Research / Use of resources / External Guidance Was effective research carried out pre-project? What resources were required? Were they appropriate? Was external guidance only given to support the project, not lead it? Experimentation and Refinement What tests and evaluations were used? Were they appropriate?  Innovation and Creativity Is any aspect of the project or the students’ approach original? Project Outcomes Final Outcomes and Reporting How well does the project achieve its aim? How high is the quality of the finished presentation? Impact and Value To what extent do the findings have 'real-world' applications? Have they considered the wider exploitation of the project? Personal Skills Problem solving How did the student(s) cope with problems and challenges? Communication Does the students' enthusiasm come across? Can the student(s) clearly articulate all aspects of the project? To what degree would the student(s) be able to inspire others? The winning entry from each category will be awarded a Northants Competition prize during the Big Bang with the overall winning project going onto a regional event leading to the Big Bang 2019!!

9 Big Bang Show & Prize Giving
Competition day Competition & Judging All competitors must arrive and be set up by for Primary and for Secondary at the latest. All competitors will find a table allocated to their project in the Northants Competition area of the Silverstone Wing. Judging will take place between A judging ‘window’ will be given to each team on the day, during which the team must be with their project for judging. There will be a member of the Big Bang team allocated to support teams on the day. Big Bang Show & Prize Giving Participants are encouraged to access the rest of the Big Bang fair in the time outside the judging window . Visitors will be viewing projects all through the day so it is advised that a member of the team is always on their stand in case of visitor interest/questions. Prize giving ceremony will take place at

10 The University of Northampton and the
Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport wish you good luck and look forward to seeing your entries at the Big Bang Register your competition project at If you have queries or feedback regarding this competition please

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