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CATS I.scorecards Resource mobilization  PVT incremental deposit mobilization of all districts 12.64Mn  Customer base expansion 

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1 CATS I.scorecards Resource mobilization  PVT incremental deposit mobilization of all districts 12.64Mn  Customer base expansion  ---------------------- Incremental deposit account --------------------- Long O/S Receivable (Dists.)  long O/S Receivable :Br 10Mn, 59.37% (14.61Mn) reduction from June 2016 position of Br 24.61 MN);  Total reconciliation outstanding items reached 89209 and 79309 in items in Districts and CATS CPC side respectively.It shows a decrease of 48945(35%) and 169640(68%) in items in the respective sides, form June 2016 position.  Initiatives Resource Mobilization  Continues Feedback & Support based performance review  Follow-up on Market Research and Sales Activity I Internal process  Monitoring and follow up on internal control and audit rectification (monthly & quarterly review and feedback  Revised procedure approved and communicated for implementation  CATS technical training material is revised  Follow-up and support on the revised action plan for eliminating reconciliation outstanding items  Improved inter and intera -process integration

2 CATS Weaknesses  Lack of proper awareness and Inconsistency on the implementation of deposit mobilization strategy  Weak utilization of physical and digital channels to improve internal process, customer service & resource mobilization  Shortage of competent employee per the proficiency levels  Rework particularly in Head office reconciliation  Failure to curb till shortages Challenges  Sever network and power interruptions (particularly in Adama, Nekemete and Shashemene )

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