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Meh… there’s plenty of time, no rush! Hey, we’ve all heard that phrase at some point in our lives. Be it school, or any responsibility we have to take.

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Presentation on theme: "Meh… there’s plenty of time, no rush! Hey, we’ve all heard that phrase at some point in our lives. Be it school, or any responsibility we have to take."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meh… there’s plenty of time, no rush! Hey, we’ve all heard that phrase at some point in our lives. Be it school, or any responsibility we have to take on. But, have we really made it our choice, our obligation to actually do those tasks and the right way? Maybe not. failed Well, lucky for you, M.O.V.E is here to teach us one of the most famous, and failed tasks that YOU can take charge of TODAY! Don’t forget to watch the recording, and play our monthly end-of-session game!

2 To-do: Watch the recording if you didn’t attend the session. Complete the discussion with your feedback or/and what you learned. Complete the activities after this slide. Submit the assignment activity to the assignment dropdown.

3 Moving on… Download the worksheet for the month Make sure to send it in before the next session to be included as a Spotlight Student! Complete the teaser activity.activity

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