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Origins of Hamlet Murder Revenge Madness Scandinavian Legend Saxo Grammaticus (Danish historian) Historia Danica (Beginning of 13th Century) Amleth.

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5 Origins of Hamlet Murder Revenge Madness Scandinavian Legend
Saxo Grammaticus (Danish historian) Historia Danica (Beginning of 13th Century) Amleth – a prince whose father was killed by his uncle The uncle then marries the princes mother Amleth pretends to be insane, while plotting to avenge his father’s death Murder Revenge Madness

6 Succession of the Throne
Shakespeare was attracted to this tale because Almeth’s problems were similar to that of the Renaissance rulers… Succession of the Throne Order Loyalty

7 Succession of the Throne
Shakespeare was attracted to this tale because Almeth’s problems were similar to that of the Renaissance rulers… Succession of the Throne Order Loyalty

8 Succession of the Throne Order Loyalty
Shakespeare was attracted to this tale because Almeth’s problems were similar to that of the Renaissance rulers… Succession of the Throne Order Loyalty Hamlet sees the need for social stability and orderly succession. Hamlet knows the importance of tradition, and loyalty to the kingdom.

9 Succession of the Throne Order Loyalty
Shakespeare was attracted to this tale because Almeth’s problems were similar to that of the Renaissance rulers… Succession of the Throne Order Loyalty Hamlet sees the need for social stability and orderly succession. However, Hamlet is conflicted by other loyalties. He knows he must be true to his own convictions. Hamlet knows the importance of tradition, and loyalty to the kingdom.

10 Hamlet know that even though social stability is important, stability might very well hide “something rotten”

11 Hamlet know that even though social stability is important, stability might very well hide “something rotten” This rottenness in Denmark is used by Shakespeare as a metaphor for the rottenness that can kill the human spirit.

12 Shakespeare was, above all, an Elizabethan; nothing was more important to the Elizabethan than social order. Thus our plot: What can Hamlet do… …when an orderly state is know to be rotten on the inside? …when the only recourse seems to be murder, which is an act that the civilized prince finds personally abhorrent?

13 Brief Introduction of the Play
Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare in around Hamlet is a tragedy…

14 Brief Introduction of the Play
Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare in around Hamlet is a tragedy… But what’s a “tragedy”?

15 Comedy vs. Tragedy A comedy is generally a humorous story with a happy ending A tragedy is generally a serious story with a sad ending

16 Comedy Characters tend to be ordinary people
Protagonist achieves his goal at the end Amuses the audience, makes them happy May also help the audience understand serious social or individual problems

17 Tragedy Characters tend to be royals or superhuman
Always deals with an extraordinary person who is led to a downfall by his own weakness Evokes pity and fear in the audience Protagonist’s life goes from good to bad

18 “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”
Hamlet… Hamlet is a play which asks the question “Who am I?” The first line of the play is “Who’s there?” Hamlet questions his own existence and is concerned with the afterlife. “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”

19 The Setting of the Play

20 Themes in Hamlet Revenge vs. Justice
Is there a difference between revenge and justice? Is one better than the other? What is the definition of justice? What is the definition of revenge?

21 Themes in Hamlet Revenge vs. Justice Appearance vs. Reality
Is there a difference between revenge and justice? Is one better than the other? What is the definition of justice? What is the definition of revenge? Appearance vs. Reality Is deceit a fundamental part of the way society functions? Is there a “truth” under all the appearance in our lives? Is Hamlet really insane or is he acting?

22 Decay & Corruption What is corruption?
What do you do when faced with it? What is our responsibility when faced with corruption?

23 Decay & Corruption Fate vs. Autonomy What is corruption?
Do we have control over our own lives? Do we determine what happens to us or is it already determined? Are our lives preordained? Decay & Corruption What is corruption? What do you do when faced with it? What is our responsibility when faced with corruption?

24 Loyalty vs. Betrayal Decay & Corruption What constitutes loyalty?
Fate vs. Autonomy Do we have control over our own lives? Do we determine what happens to us or is it already determined? Are our lives preordained? Decay & Corruption What is corruption? What do you do when faced with it? What is our responsibility when faced with corruption? Loyalty vs. Betrayal What constitutes loyalty? To whom do we owe loyalty? Family? Lovers? State? Ourselves? What happens when loyalties conflict?

25 Loyalty vs. Betrayal Decay & Corruption Sanity vs. Insanity
Fate vs. Autonomy Do we have control over our own lives? Do we determine what happens to us or is it already determined? Are our lives preordained? Decay & Corruption What is corruption? What do you do when faced with it? What is our responsibility when faced with corruption? Loyalty vs. Betrayal What constitutes loyalty? To whom do we owe loyalty? Family? Lovers? State? Ourselves? What happens when loyalties conflict? Sanity vs. Insanity What is insanity? Is Hamlet insane?


27 Ghost of Hamlet’s dead father
The Characters King Hamlet’s Ghost Ghost of Hamlet’s dead father

28 The Characters King Claudius King of Denmark King Hamlet’s Ghost
Ghost of Hamlet’s dead father King Claudius King of Denmark King Hamlet’s Brother Hamlet’s Uncle Married to Gertrude (Hamlet’s Mother)

29 The Characters King Claudius King of Denmark King Hamlet’s Ghost
Ghost of Hamlet’s dead father King Claudius King of Denmark King Hamlet’s Brother Hamlet’s Uncle Married to Gertrude (Hamlet’s Mother) Gertrude Hamlet’s Mother

30 The Characters King Claudius King of Denmark King Hamlet’s Ghost
Ghost of Hamlet’s dead father King Claudius King of Denmark King Hamlet’s Brother Hamlet’s Uncle Married to Gertrude (Hamlet’s Mother) Gertrude Hamlet’s Mother Hamlet Prince of Denmark Son of Queen Gertrude Nephew of Claudius

31 The Characters King Claudius King of Denmark King Hamlet’s Ghost
Ghost of Hamlet’s dead father King Claudius King of Denmark King Hamlet’s Brother Hamlet’s Uncle Married to Gertrude (Hamlet’s Mother) Gertrude Hamlet’s Mother Horatio Hamlet’s Best Friend Hamlet Prince of Denmark Son of Queen Gertrude Nephew of Claudius Rosencrantz Friend from school King’s courtiers Guildenstern Friend from school King’s courtiers

32 The Characters King Claudius King of Denmark King Hamlet’s Ghost
Ghost of Hamlet’s dead father King Claudius King of Denmark King Hamlet’s Brother Hamlet’s Uncle Married to Gertrude (Hamlet’s Mother) Gertrude Hamlet’s Mother Polonius Claudius’ Chief Council Ophelia & Laertes’ Father Horatio Hamlet’s Best Friend Hamlet Prince of Denmark Son of Queen Gertrude Nephew of Claudius Laertes Ophelia ‘s Brother Rosencrantz Friend from school King’s courtiers Guildenstern Friend from school King’s courtiers Ophelia Poloonius’ Daughter In love with Hamlet

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