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Academic Writing and the Harvard System.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Writing and the Harvard System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Writing and the Harvard System

2 Bell activity From your recent written feedback list three improvements you need to consider to improve your academic writing in assignments

3 So what is an “academic essay”?
A more structured version of what you might have produced at school. In addition it usually contains: Ideas Recommendations Discussions Facts Statements

4 How will it help me? Better use of grammar and punctuation
Better organisation of thought processes More purposeful reading Increased ability to evaluate what others write and say

5 Getting started Analyse the question Identify the key words
Look for directive words e.g. Discuss, compare, examine etc Mind map your ideas to help determine the information you might need to gather. Cross out and forget any that have no link to the assignment title

6 Adding quality to your work
Use a variety of sources not just a single author or publication. Record full details of each source and date accessed if internet – based information Gather information that both supports or opposes your views and ideas, do not simply “cherry pick” literature that supports your own thoughts

7 ..... continued Write in the third person e.g. “it was noticed that” rather than “I noticed that Avoid vague words and generalisations Do not make inserted quotations from the literature too long or copy out long passages of text, this could be seen as PLAGIARISM especially if you do not acknowledge the original author

8 ..... just a bit more! Always give the source of your references and quotations both within the script and via the BIBLIOGRAPHY Word count should be + or – 10% (does not include the bibliography) Re-read your work. Have you answered the question? Check spelling and grammar. Don’t just rely on “spell check”

9 Commonly used terms Analyse - Examine minutely the elements of
Assess – Estimate the value and importance of Compare – Look for similarities and differences between, perhaps reach a conclusion about which is preferable

10 .....continued Criticise – Give your judgement about the value of something or the truth of a statement Define – Set down the precise meaning of Describe – Give a detailed account of Discuss- Give pros and cons as well as your own justified view

11 ..... continued Evaluate – Make an appraisal of the worth of something in the light of its truth/usefulness. Include, to a lesser degree, personal opinion(supported). Explain – Make plain and give reasons for Identify – Single out main features Illustrate – Give examples, diagrams etc to support statements

12 ..... last few! Outline – Give main features or general principles, omitting minor details Review – Look back on a topic and estimate its value State – Write down main points in a clear form Summarise – Give a concise account of the main points

13 Recap All sources used in your work need to be acknowledged and referenced. Be consistent! Don’t panic - Practice makes perfect!

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