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Recruitment, Training and Residents – the lesson’s learnt

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1 Recruitment, Training and Residents – the lesson’s learnt
“Care to Join us?” Recruitment, Training and Residents – the lesson’s learnt Heidi Cokayne & Ivan Finney

2 Introduction Heidi Intro self and Maureen Hobbs (Shenley) and David Edwards (St Oswalds) – Residents and Ivan Finney L and D Manager who will talk later about Staff training and involvement of residents A presentation of 2 halves – here is what we will be sharing with you: What we have learnt from looking at how we recruit and train staff and how we engage with our residents to help us understand their perspective as well as make sure we get the right people to work for us and how we make sure they are trained in the most effective manner possible to work with people and deliver care with care There will be opportunity for questions at the end – but if you have a burning question please do not hesitate to ask your question

3 Care to join us? Care to Join us – this is our strapline
We are not cute or fluffy we are a best kept secret Extra Who? Elderly Care Never heard of you … How do we Raising profile of us? It is not easy to recruit we have a number of ways we have changed our recruitment processes and the way in which we recruit Banners through to adverts Website twitter feed extracarebirmingham jobs social media campaign Linked to values – linked to our full processes to get the right people with the right attitude

4 Changes in recruitment
Interview Competency based interview Tour of the site Resident Exercise Assessment Centre Simple resident exercise Start with the Finance story – misconceptions about older people and their skill set – without having a resident perspective we would miss out on the skills required to work effectively with our residents no matter the role or position or where based and this is key – which why we have made changes along our journey. The story is the hook by which we adapted our recruitment processes and increased our engagement and involvement of residents in our recruitment to help us to identify the right values being delivered or capability to deliver our values

5 E-Recruitment Tool kit
Resident Involvement Friends meeting Recruitment open days E-Recruitment Tool kit Assessment Centres Resident Involvement Overview of the key resident involvement bits plus the e-recruitment tool kit Pass across to Maureen to outline here involvement e.g. Friends Meetings

6 Hazard House we were not getting the quality of carers that met our values and what was important to us that is about Better Lives for Older People Brief overview of the situation\context Pass across to David Edwards (nom de plume – Trevor Macdonald)

7 Challenges Fair and consistent approach Inappropriate questions
Understanding the brief Inappropriate questions Training Key to all resident involvement and their feedback can be used all the time where we have come from Who is looking after the children Womens work Candidates being disrespectful to residents Interview skills in house Golden thread through all questions on values from advert to PDR link Candidate and resident briefs Training on how to deliver

8 Recruitment – DONE! – What next
Linking slides – we have recruited the right staff based on their capability and we have assessed as well as we can. The next step is to develop these individuals in a way that supports them to deliver the best care they can

9 Training and Development and Residents – where we were!
When I joined ECCT we had a very traditional approach to L and D and what we did and how we did things – give examples and lack of linkage to our values and our customers and to what we find out about the individual during recruitment The gap was exactly that no reference to our customers who they were , a lack of appreciating the perspective of others So what was our vision – it was to bridge the gap between the traditional (ticking the boxes, passivity, lack of link to our values and real life such that staff feel fully trained and enabled to work with our customers as well as involving our customers

10 What did we look to change?
Village Induction Interactive Coaching – Day in the Life of Care Organisation Wide Resident Involvement Induction \ GI On the Job How do we best learn (ask the question of the audience before bring up the slide) The scuffed knee represent where and how learning best takes place – in life with the incidents and accidents and – where did our journey start Relooked at Induction – what we did was insufficient for care staff – 3 shifts buddying, no training for buddies, no clear link to our competences and behaviours and values and no link to the Common Induction Standards – changes made to induction (the story) When we open a Village we have a greater opportunity to engage with Buddying Involving residents in an individuals induction Our starting point with induction was to talk with residents to find out what they felt about how we should induct staff to get their thoughts and feelings. Once we had the ideas down we also discussed with them what role they would like in supporting new staff to ECCT in their induction – what we found helpful was that they had similar ideas to our own but also did not necessarily want to get involved in every step Explain why we have made the changes – make the training more experiential and for this to happen we have to understand our residents and involve them in the training (development and delivery) Village Induction – is when we commission and open a new village – we have a GI event, but also we involve the residents tangentially through raising awareness with staff with regards to the conditions people face in older life from the wellbeing assessments we carry out Day in the life of care – outline why chosen this route and why not real residents (power imbalance) – staff get a greater understand of hwo to deliver care from a resident’s perspective caring to care and ensuring they understand what and how it feels to receive care – more on this style of developing people and using residents later in the presentation Buddying

11 The Journey – scuffing our knees
Where we started out and where we got to and where going with it Started at Shenley – what did we learn and how did we learn (the PSA experience) and what did we do differently and took forward to Pannel Croft and then for wider usage High retention at Pannel Croft From that to the wider galaxy – how have we used the learning to try it out in different places Behaviour that challenges courses Manager Assessment Centres Specific interventions QCDM – Ability profile 0 buikidng their own care plans and very much in line the Care Act ethos

12 What it looks like in practice
Fly in the images – ask the audience to give a song title Insert two video clips here (QCDM delivering practice and gaining feedback Insert Day in the Life Beatle – plus soundtrack Links to QCDM, Links to Induction, Links to monitoring of care delivery etc From looking at the video – what feedback would you give? Video 2 – capturing feedback

13 The Next Steps - expanding
Our next steps – how can we involve residents more We need to find ut fro them what the gaps are – so its good to talk with them about hwo they perceive staff skills and the gaps they feel are there Making sure that locations advertise the training we are doing with staff including the stat\mandatory and having an open invite to participate We offer training for volunteers – many who are residents and we could look to more experiential style training for them Basically the world is our oyster as long as we talk and involve out residents in what we are doing

14 key lessons learnt Decide where you want to go Stakeholder involvement
Perspective Listen\feedback Continuous improvement Learn as you go Adapt Evaluate Read and extemporise around the themes and big up the resident engagement and involvement to it

15 Recruitment, Training and Residents – the lesson’s learnt
“Care to Join us?” Recruitment, Training and Residents – the lesson’s learnt Heidi Cokayne & Ivan Finney

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