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SSR TIME **composition books **classroom folders

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1 SSR TIME **composition books **classroom folders
Monday October 17, 2016 SSR TIME **composition books **classroom folders

2 By W. W. Jacobs The Monkey’s Paw

3 Although W.W. Jacobs wrote mostly comic stories, he is best-known for his horrifying tale The Monkey’s Paw. Jacobs grew up among sailors and dock-workers on the banks of the Thames River in London where he set many of his humorous stories. As an adult, he worked as a bank clerk, a job that bored him, and he wrote in his spare time. He worked at the bank for nearly twenty years before he was able to quit and earn his living as a full-time writer. Jacobs wrote dozens of short story collections and a number of plays. The Monkey’s Paw was first published in 1902. W. W. Jacobs ( )


5 Foreshadowing Foreshadowing is a literary device in which a writer gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story.

6 READING BEFORE prediction Read the title and peruse the story. Make a
based on what you see as to what the story might be about. prediction

7 Something that unavoidably befalls a person.
FATE vs. FREE WILL Something that unavoidably befalls a person.

8 The story was published in 1902
The story was published in The setting of this story takes place in London around the turn of the century. One of the main characters in the story is a sergeant who has returned from a tour of duty in India. India became a colony of Great Britain in the mid-1800s and did not gain independence until During this time, it was common for British soldiers to serve in India. STORY BACKGROUND

9 Read The Monkey’s Paw to:
Find out how the author’s descriptive words are used to create the mood of the story. Find out how a character’s experiences and motivations influences the decisions they make.

10 “The Monkey’s Paw”… pg. 23 Short Story
Mood/Atmosphere Text Evidence

11 Characters’ experiences and actions motivates their decisions…

12 During Reading The mood of a story refers to the general feeling or atmosphere created by the author’s words. Authors rely on descriptive images and carefully worded phrases to get the reader to feel a certain emotion or mood. Cite evidence from the short story that help create the mood or atmosphere. Explain what emotions or thoughts this passage brings out in the reader and how. What is the mood of this short story based on your evidence?

13 Exit Ticket I will give you a number. ONLY explain why that story event is an example of foreshadowing. Mr. White makes a major mistake in his chess game with his son. Unfortunately, he doesn’t realize his mistake until it is too late. Sergeant-Major Morris tells the Whites of a man who wished for death as his third wish using the monkey’s paw. Sergeant-Major Morris shows nervousness when Mrs. White jokes that her husband wish for extra pairs of hands for her. When Mr. White wishes for two hundred pounds, the monkey’s paw moves in his hand “like a snake.” After Mr. White wishes for two hundred pounds, Herbert says that he doesn’t see the money belt and he bets he never will.

14 "The Monkey's Paw" Movie Mood/Atmosphere Evidence from movie

15 Revisit Fate vs. Free Will
the development of events beyond a person's control Act at your own discretion; being responsible for one's action.

16 Fate vs. Free Will Were the events that happened FATE or a result of Mr. White’s FREE WILL to wish upon the monkey’s paw? Think of Mr. White. He decides he wants to keep the paw, but it's Herbert who suggests the first wish, and Mrs. White his second one. He seems to make this second wish against his will. He knows it could be disastrous, but he does it anyway, either because he can't say no to his wife or because he wants to please her. His final wish, whatever it is, could be seen as a sign that his character is getting stronger. He is learning (rather late in the game), to take control of his life and to make good, careful choices on his own.

17 Was he messing with fate by acting on his own free will?
The Whites’ downfall comes as the result of wishing for more than what they actually needed. He uses the monkey’s paw to wish for money that he doesn’t really need. Unchecked greed, therefore, only leads to unhappiness, no matter how much more one asks for. What theme can you take away from this story?

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