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Management development Bob Riddaway

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1 Management development Bob Riddaway

2 According to John Kotter
Management is a set of processes that keep an organisation functioning. The processes are about planning, budgeting, staffing, clarifying jobs, measuring performance, and problem-solving when results do not go to plan. Leadership is about aligning people to the vision, that means buy-in and communication, motivation and inspiration.

3 Good Managers Good Managers Plan and organise resources
Motivate, coach and develop others Create the conditions in which others can succeed

4 Some characteristics of a poor manager
Tells and does not listen Indecisive and disorganised Does not “walk the talk” Shows lack of trust” Focuses on the task, not individuals Micromanages activities Avoids difficult issues Provides unclear expectations Gives little feedback

5 Some benefits of management development
Enhances the managerial expertise of existing managers and thereby improves their performance. Provides existing managers with the additional expertise required to develop their careers. Retains talented managers who have the potential to take on senior roles within an organization. Develops the expertise required by potential managers before taking on their first managerial post.

6 Proposed management development programme
Coaching and mentoring Influencing, negotiating and managing conflict Motivating your team Leading your team Time management Communicating effectively Human resource management Strategic planning Organizational change and change management Project management Financial management

7 What is provided for each component?
Aim Learning outcomes Content description Briefing notes Further reading (mainly on-line resources) Key points Suggested discussion topics

8 Motivating your team Aim Learning outcomes
To acquire the skills and techniques to improve your team’s motivation, morale and performance. Learning outcomes You will be able to: Define motivation and identify the benefits of a motivated workforce Define morale and describe how it can be improved Identify common motivators and demotivators Apply a range of motivation theories Motivate your team and yourself Enhance employee involvement

9 Organizational Change & Change Management
Aim To acquire the skills and techniques to initiate and manage a change management initiative. Learning outcomes You will be able to: Identify the need for change in organizations Recognise ways of optimizing the success of organizational change Design an organizational change initiative Use a variety of models and tools for implementing organizational change Help people through the change process and overcome resistance Implement an organizational change

10 Learning sessions It is intended that the briefing notes contain sufficient information for someone to prepare and deliver a learning session. The learning methods chosen and topics covered will depend upon the requirements, experience and culture of the participants. Learning is most effective if it is based on group work and the experiences and insights of the participants.

11 Embedding learning Recognise that how people are managed has the biggest impact on their job satisfaction. Reflect on managerial strengths and weaknesses, what has been learnt, and what will now be done differently. Obtain feedback about changes in the way managerial responsibilities are now carried out. Supplement learning by other activities such as coaching, work shadowing and secondments.

12 What next?

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