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Tourist guide for my region.

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Presentation on theme: "Tourist guide for my region."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tourist guide for my region.
Velikiy Novgorod

2 I suggest to visit Veliky Novgorod in summer.

3 The weather is usually warm, but is not hot.
The temperature is about eighteen – twenty five above zero. In summer it is cloudy and rainy.

4 Clothes for different weather
For trip in my region the tourists must have: Umbrella shirt jeans light jacket trainers raincoat dress Jacket shoes

5 Attractions in Veliky Novgorod
The main attraction of Veliky Novgorod is Kremlin. You can visit it.

6 In Kremlin there are Saint Sophia Cathedral, the monument of Millennium of Russia, belfry.

7 In rainy and windy weather you can visit the museum and faceted chamber.

8 You can visit the museum of wooden architecture in Vitoslavlitsy.

9 Good travels and good weather.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Спасибо за внимание!!!! Автор Арсентьева Анастасия 6б класса МАОУ «СОШ 31» Великого Новгорода

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