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Shakespeare Trivia Didst Thou know…

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1 Shakespeare Trivia Didst Thou know…
Nobody knows Shakespeare’s true birthday. The closest we can come is the date of his baptism on April the 26th, By tradition and guesswork, William is assumed to have been born three days earlier on April 23, a date now commonly used to celebrate the famous Bard's birthday (and the day he died!).

2 Shakespeare Trivia Didst Thou know…
In the King James Bible the 46th word of Psalm 46 is ‘shake’ and the 46th word from the end of the same Psalm is ‘spear’. Some think this was a hidden birthday message to the Bard, as the King James Bible was published in 1611 – the year of Shakespeare’s 46th birthday.

3 Shakespeare Trivia Didst Thou know…
There are only two authentic portraits of William today; the widely used engraving of William Shakespeare by Martin Droeshout, first published on the title page of the 1623 First Folio and the monument of the great playwright in Stratford's Holy Trinity Church in Stratford.

4 Shakespeare Trivia Didst Thou know…
William Shakespeare married his wife Anne Hathaway when he was 18. She was 26 and three months pregnant with Shakespeare’s child when they married. Their first child Susanna was born six months after the wedding. Twins Hamnet and Judith came two years later.

5 Shakespeare Trivia Didst Thou know…
Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway had three children together – a son, Hamnet, who died in 1596, and two daughters, Susanna and Judith. His only granddaughter Elizabeth – daughter of Susanna – died childless in 1670. Shakespeare therefore has no direct descendants.

6 Shakespeare Trivia Didst Thou know…
William never published any of his plays. We read his plays today only because his fellow actors, John Hemminges and Henry Condell, posthumously recorded his work as a dedication to their fellow actor in 1623, publishing 36 of William’s 37 plays. This collection known as The First Folio is the source from which all published Shakespeare books are derived and is an important proof that he authored his plays.

7 Shakespeare Trivia Didst Thou know…
The Bard (Shakespeare) lost a play! The play Cardenio, that has been credited to the Bard and which was performed in his life, has been completely lost to time. Today we have no written record of its story whatsoever.

8 Shakespeare Trivia Didst Thou know…
There are more than 80 variations recorded for the spelling of Shakespeare’s name. In the few original signatures that have survived, Shakespeare spelled his name: “Willm Shaksp,” “William Shakespe,” “Wm Shakspe,” “William Shakspere,” ”Willm Shakspere,” and “William Shakspeare”. There are no records of him ever having spelt it “William Shakespeare,” as we know him today.

9 Shakespeare Trivia Didst Thou know…
During his lifetime Shakespeare became a very wealthy man with a large property portfolio. He was a brilliant businessman – forming a joint-stock company with his actors meaning he took a share in the company’s profits, as well as earning a fee for each play he wrote.

10 Shakespeare Trivia Didst Thou know…
Shakespeare penned a curse for his grave, daring anyone to move his body from that final resting place. His epitaph was: Good friend for Jesus’ sake forbear, To dig the dust enclosed here: Blest be the man that spares these stones, And curst be he that moves my bones. Though it was customary to dig up the bones from previous graves to make room for others, the remains in Shakespeare’s grave are still undisturbed.

11 Shakespeare Trivia Didst Thou know…
Shakespeare has been credited by the Oxford English Dictionary with introducing almost 3,000 words to the English language. Estimates of his vocabulary range from 17,000 to a dizzying 29,000 words – at least double the number of words used by the average conversationalist during his time!

12 Shakespeare Trivia Didst Thou know…
Some scholars have maintained that Shakespeare did not write the plays attributed to him, with at least fifty writers having been suggested as the “real” author. However, the evidence for Shakespeare’s having written the plays is very strong.

13 Shakespeare Trivia Didst Thou know… The American President
Abraham Lincoln was a great lover of William Shakespeare’s plays  and frequently recited from them to his friends. His assassin, John Wilkes Booth, was a famous Shakespearean actor!

14 Shakespeare Trivia Didst Thou know…
It was illegal for women and girls to perform in the theatre in Shakespeare’s lifetime so all the female parts were written for boys (shaved men could play older women). It was only much later, during the Restoration, that the first woman appeared on the English stage.

15 Shakespeare Trivia Didst Thou know…
A flag was flown from the top of the Globe Theatre to advertise what type of play would be performed that day: black = tragedy white = comedy red = history

16 Shakespeare Trivia Didst Thou know…
Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre came to a premature end on 29th June 1613 after a cannon shot set fire to the thatched roof during a performance of Henry VIII. Within two hours the theatre was burnt to the ground, to be rebuilt the following year.

17 Shakespeare Trivia Didst Thou know… xxx


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