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CS 704 Advanced Computer Architecture

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1 CS 704 Advanced Computer Architecture
Lecture 4 Instruction Set Principles Prof. Dr. M. Ashraf Chughtai Welcome to the fourth lecture of he series on Advanced Computer Architecture. MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

2 Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles
Today’s Topics Recap ISA Taxonomy Memory Addressing modes Types of operands Types of operations Summary After a quick review of the previous discussion on quantitative principles of Computer Architecture we will have a detailed discussion on the instruction set principles and their examples. The Instruction set is an interface between the hardware and software design of computer MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

3 Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles
Recap: Lec. 1-3 Chapter 1 Computer design cycle Performance metrics: Processor and I/O systems Price-Performance design Benchmarks: Performance evaluation Quantitative principles: Performance enhancement In the computer design cycle, the decisive factors for rapid changes in the computer development have been the performance enhancements, price reduction and functional improvements The processor performance of two designs is often compared by the factor n, which determines how much lower execution time one machine takes as compared to the other or how much faster the other machine is than first. Price-Performance Design: The relationship between cost and price is complex one; and computer designers must understand this relationship as it effects the selling of their design. The cost is the total amount spends to produce a product and the price is the amount for which a finished good is sold and it is controlled by the die yield and volume. Growth in Processor Performance: The supercomputers and mainframes, costing millions of dollars and occupying excessively large space, prevailing have been replaced with very low-cost microprocessor-based desktop computing machines in the form of personal computer (PC) and workstation. Benchmark is a program developed to evaluate the performance of a computer. Good products created when have: proficient benchmarks and expert ways to summarize performance An I/O system works on the principle of producer-server model, which comprises an area, called queue, where the tasks accumulate waiting to be serviced and the device performing the requested service, called server. Producer creates tasks to be processed and place them in a FIFO buffer – queue. The server takes the task form buffer and perform them The response time is the time task takes from the moment it arrives in the buffer to the time the server finishes the task MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

4 Changing Definitions of Computer Architecture
Three Pillars of Computer Architecture instruction set software hardware The three pillars of computer architecture are: hardware, instruction set and software. Hardware facilitates to run the software and instruction set is the interface between the hardware and software. MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

5 Changing Definitions of Computer Architecture …….. Cont’d
1950s to 1960s: The focus of the Computer Architecture Courses has been Computer Arithmetic 1970s to mid 1980s: The focus of Computer Architecture Course has been Instruction Set Design, the portion of the computer visible to programmer and compiler writer ….. Cont’d From the academic point of view, during the period 1950s s, the focus of computer architecture studies has been on the Computer arithmetic; i.e., the methodologies for the optimal solutions to arithmetic and logical problems. Soon the researchers realized that the principles of instruction set, the portion visible to programmer and compiler writer, must be given importance to enhance the performance of the computer and reduce the complexity of hardware and hence optimize the price-performance. Thus, ISA design has been the focus of researchers during 1970s – 1980s. MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

6 Changing Definitions of Computer Architecture … Cont’d
1990s to date: The focus of the Computer Architecture Course is the Design of CPU, memory system, I/O system, Multiprocessors based on the quantitative principles to have price - performance design; i.e., maximum performance at minimum price The focus of the computer architecture studies, in 1990s is multi-dimensional and emphasis is given to CPU design, memory system, I/O system and multi-processor systems based on the quantitative principles to optimize the price-performance. MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

7 Instruction Set Architecture – ISA
software hardware Our focus in couple of lectures will be the Instruction Set Architecture – ISA which is the interface between the hardware-software It plays a vital role in understanding the computer architecture from any of the above mentioned perspectives Our focus in couple of lectures will be the Instruction Set Architecture – ISA which is the interface between the hardware-software as it plays a vital role in understanding the computer architecture from any of the above mentioned perspectives MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

8 Instruction Set Architecture – ISA
software hardware The design of hardware and software can’t be initiated without defining ISA It describes the instruction word format and identifies the memory addressing for data manipulation and control operations The design of hardware and software can’t be initiated without defining ISA. It describes the instruction word format and identifies the memory addressing for data manipulation and control operations MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

9 Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles
Interface imp 1 imp 2 imp 3 use time What is an interface? A good interface: Lasts through many implementations (portability, compatibility) Is used in many different ways (generality) Provides convenient functionality to higher levels Permits an efficient implementation at lower levels MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

10 Taxonomy of Instruction Set
Major advances in computer architecture are typically associated with landmark instruction set designs – stack, accumulator, general purpose register etc. Design decisions must take into account: technology machine organization programming languages compiler technology operating systems MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

11 Taxonomy of Instruction Set ….. Cont’d
Basic Differentiator: The type of internal storage of the operand Major Choices of ISA: Stack Architecture: Accumulator Architecture General Purpose Register Architecture  Register – memory  Register – Register (load/store)  Memory – Memory Architecture (Obsolete) MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

12 Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles
Stack Architecture Processor Both the operands are implicitly on the TOS Thus, it is also referred to as Zero-Address machine The operand may be either an input (orange shade) or result from the ALU (yellow shade) All operands are implicit (implied or inherited) The first operand is removed from the stack and the second operand is replaced by the result TOS ALU Memory MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

13 Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles
Stack Architecture To execute: C=A+B ADD instruction has implicit operands for the stack – operands are written in the stack using PUSH instruction PUSH A PUSH B ADD POP C TOS ALU MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

14 Accumulator Architecture
Processor An accumulator is a special register within the CPU that serves both as both the as the implicit source of one operand and as the result destination for arithmetic and logic operations. Thus, it accumulates or collect data and doesn’t serve as an address register at any time Limited number of accumulators - usually only one – are used The second operand is in the memory, thus accumulator based machines are also called 1-address machines They are useful when memory is expensive or when a limited number of addressing modes is to be used ALU Memory MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

15 Accumulator Architecture
To execute: C=A+B ADD instruction has implicit operand A for the accumulator, written using LOAD instruction; and the second operand B is in memory at address B Load A ADD B Store C ALU . MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

16 General Purpose Register Architecture
Many general purpose registers are available within CPU Generally, CPU registers do not have dedicated functions and can be used for a variety of purposes – address, data and control A relatively small number of bits in the instruction is needed to identify the register In addition to the GPRs, there are many dedicated or special-purpose registers as well, but many of them are not “visible” to the programmer GPR architecture has explicit operands either in register or memory thus there may exist: - Register – memory architecture - Register – Register (Load/Store) Architecture - Memory – Memory Architecture Processor MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

17 General Purpose Register Architecture
Register – Memory Architecture One explicit operand is in a register and one in memory and the result goes into the register The operand in memory is accessed directly To execute: C=A+B ADD instruction has explicit operand A loaded in a register and the operand B is in memory and the result is in register Load R1, A ADD R3, R1, B Store R3, C R3 R2 R1 Processor ALU Memory MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

18 General Purpose Register Architecture
Register – Register (Load/store) Architecture The explicit operands in memory are first loaded into registers temporarily and Are transferred to memory by Store instruction To execute: C=A+B ADD instruction has implicit operands A and B loaded in registers Load R1, A Load R2, B ADD R3, R1, R2 Store R3, C Both the explicit operands are not accessed from memory directly, i.e., Memory – Memory Architecture is obsolete R3 R2 R1 Processor ALU Memory MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

19 Comparison of three GPR Architectures
Register-Register Advantages Simple, fixed-length instruction decoding Simple code generation Similar number of clock cycles / instruction Disadvantages Higher Instruction count than memory reference Lower instruction density leads to larger programs MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

20 Comparison of three GPR Architectures
Register- Memory Advantages Data can be accessed without separate Load first Instruction format is easy to encode Disadvantages Operands are not equivalent since a source operand (in a register) is destroyed in operation Encoding a register number and memory address in each instruction may restrict the number of registers CPI vary by operand location MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

21 Comparison of three GPR Architectures
Memory- Memory Advantages Most compact Doesn’t waste registers for temporary storages Disadvantages Large variation in instruction size Large variation in work per instruction Memory bottleneck by memory access MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

22 Evolution of Instruction Sets
Single Accumulator (EDSAC 1950) Accumulator + Index Registers (Manchester Mark I, IBM 700 series 1953) Separation of Programming Model from Implementation High-level Language Based (B ) Concept of a Family (IBM ) General Purpose Register Machines Load/Store Architecture Complex Instruction Sets Computer (Vax, Intel ) (CDC 6600, Cray ) Reduced Instruction Set Computer (Mips,Sparc,HP-PA,IBM RS6000, ) MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

23 Types and Size of Operands
Types of an Operand - Integer - Single-precision floating point - Character Size of Operand - Character bit - Half word bit - Single precision FP or Word 32-bit - Double precision FP or 64-bit double word MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

24 Categories of Instruction Set Operations
All computer provide a full set of following operational instructions for: Arithmetic and Logic - Integer add, sub, and, or, multiply, divide Data Transfer - Load, store and - Move instructions with memory addressing Control - Branch, Jump, procedure call and return MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

25 Categories of Instruction Set Operations … Cont’d
The following support instructions may be provided in computer with different levels System - operating system call, Virtual Memory Management Floating point - Add, multiply, divide and compare Decimal - BCD add, multiply and Decimal to Character Conversion String - String move, compare and search Graphics - Pixel and vertex operations, compression / de-compression operations MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

26 Operand Addressing Modes
An “effective address” is the binary bit pattern issued by the CPU to specify the location of operands in CPU (register) or the memory Addressing modes are the ways of providing access paths to CPU registers and memory locations Commonly used addressing modes are: - Immediate - Register - Direct or Absolute - Indirect MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

27 Operand Addressing Modes
- Immediate ADD R4, # 24H Reg[R4] Reg[R4] + 24 H Data for the instruction is part of the instruction itself Used to hold source operands only; cannot be used for storing results - Register ADD R4, R3 Reg[R4] Reg[R4] + Reg[R3] Operand is contained in a CPU register No memory access needed , therefore it is fast - Direct (or absolute) ADD R1,(1000) Reg[R1] Reg[R1] + Mem[1000] The address of the operand is specified as a constant, coded as part of the instruction Limited address space (2operand field size) locations MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

28 Commonly used addressing modes … cont’d
Indirect Addressing modes The address of the memory location where the data is to be found is stored in the instruction as the operand, i.e., the operand is the address of an address Large address space ( 2 memory word size) available Two or more memory accesses are required MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

29 Commonly used addressing modes … cont’d
Types of Indirect addressing modes: Register Indirect Register Indirect Indexed - Effective memory address is calculated by adding another register (index register) to the value in a CPU register (usually referred to as the base register) Useful for accessing 2-D arrays Register Indirect plus displacement - Similarly, “based” refers to the situation when the constant refers to the offset (displacement) of an array element with respect to the first element. The address of the first element is stored in a register Memory Indirect MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

30 Commonly used addressing modes … cont’d
Meanings of Indirect Addressing Modes - Register Indirect ADD R4, (R1) Reg[R4] Reg[R4] + Mem[Reg[R1]] - Register Indirect Indexed ADD R4, (R1+R2) Reg[R4] Reg[R4] + Mem[Reg[R1]+Reg[R2]] - Register Indirect plus displacement ADD R4,100(R1) Reg[R4] Reg[R4] + Mem[100+Reg[R1]] - Memory Indirect ADD Reg[R4] Reg[R4] + Mem[Mem[Reg[R1]] MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

31 Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles
Special Addressing Modes Used for stepping within loops; R2 points to the start of the array; each reference increments / decrements R2 by ‘d’; the size of the elements in the array - Auto-increment ADD R1, (R2)+ (i) Reg[R1] Reg[R1] + Mem[Reg [R2]] (ii) Reg[R2] Reg[R2] + d - Auto-decrement ADD R1, (R2)- (i) Reg[R2] Reg[R2] - d (ii) Reg[R1] Reg[R1] + Mem[Reg [R2]] - Scaled ADD R1, 100(R2)[R3] Reg[R1] Reg[R1] + Mem[100+Reg [R2] + R3]*d] MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

32 Addressing Modes of Control Flow Instructions
- Branch (conditional) a sort of displacement, in number of instructions, relative to PC - Jump (Unconditional) jump to an absolute address, independent of the position of PC - Procedure call/return control transfer with some state and return address saving, some times in a special link register or in some GPRs MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

33 Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles
Summary ISA Taxonomy Stack Architecture: Accumulator Architecture General Purpose Register Architecture  Register – memory  Register – Register (load/store)  Memory – Memory Architecture (Obsolete) MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

34 Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles
Summary .. Cont’d Memory Addressing modes - Immediate - Register - Direct or Absolute - Indirect - Special - Control Flow Instruction MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

35 Thank You and Allah Hafiz
MAC/VU-Advanced Computer Architecture Lecture 4 - Instruction Set Principles

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