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Presentation on theme: "“QASHQADARYO PARMALASH ISHLARI”"— Presentation transcript:


2 “Qashqadaryo Parmalash Ishlari” JSC is a drilling contractor that represents the full range of services in the field of drilling and workover. A major purpose of "Qashqadaryo Parmalash ishlari” JSC is to become the most preferred contractor on provision of drilling services for LLC “Mubarekneftegaz” and LLC “Shurtanneftegas".

3 SERVICES: drilling of vertical, directional and horizontal operational wells; kickoff horizontal sidetrack of wells; development and testing of wells; workover and well services.

4 Information on shareholders of
“Qashqadaryo Parmalash Ishlari” Joint Stock Company No. Shareholder’s Name Shareholder’s Equity (in thousand sums) (in thousand dollars) (in %) 1 Share of legal entities ,7 543,87 73,45 1.1 Including “Uzgeoburneftgaz” JSC 377,63 51,0 1.2 “Foykon” JSC ,4 99,44 13,43 1.3 Others ,3 66,80 9,02 2 Individuals ,3 196,59 26,55 TOTAL: ,0 740,46 100,0

5 Organizational structure of “Qashqadaryo Parmalash Ishlari” JSC
GENERAL SHAREHOLDER MEETING Board of Supervisors Chairman of Board 1/1 Audit commission First Deputy Chairman of the Board on production 1/1 First Deputy Chairman of the Board on geology 1/1 Chief accountant/ accounting 9/2 Manager for corporate relations with shareholders 1 Production Coordination Department 6 Services of Head Engineers 77 Services of head mechanic, power generation and metrology 2/1 Department of labor protection and technical safety 3 Operations service base 12 9 drilling crews 397 Supportive utilities 350 Service for coordination on geological-geophysical works 4 Department for organization and remuneration of labor 3/1 Director General of Technical Development and Finance 6/1 Internal Audit Service Office-manager services 3 HR Department 2/1 Dispatching Services 3 Total: 881 persons, from them Engineering and Technical Personnel 134 persons, including administrative and management personnel 9 persons.

6 Human resources

7 Consumable Material Base
No.1 Name of materials Suppliers 1. Chemical reagents, casing pipes, tubular products, etc. “Uzparta’minot” JSC, “Texnik ta’minlash va butlash” SE The fabrication of spare parts for drilling equipment “Kokandskiy mehanicheskiy zavod” JSC, “Buharskiy RMZ” JSC Liquefied gas, oil “Muborakneftgaz” USE, “Shurtanneftgaz” USE Spare parts

8 Rig fleet “Qashqadaryo Parmalash Ishlari” JSC has following drilling rigs in the balance for conducting of all complex works: ZJ DB – 4 units. Uralmash 4E – 5 ea.

9 Geography of works In the drilling works were conducted in the fields: Girsan, Garmistan Chilkuvar ZafarAlan Shurtan.

10 Consumable Material Base
“Qashqadaryo Parmalash Ishlari” JSC has a production base in Karshi city for conducting all complex works. All the necessary material and technical resources, staff of highly qualified specialists of JSC meets the customer requirements. The company has all the necessary capabilities to perform the tasks: Pipe shop Power building Workshop for the preparation, maintenance, and repair of drilling and blowout prevention equipment;

11 Contact information: On general issues: Director General of Technical Development and Finance Mamatov Suhrab Farmanovich To purchase: Botirov Bobir Botirovich Phone/ Fax: (0375) Company’s official website:


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