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Module Ma ville Leçon 2 – La lecture

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1 Module Ma ville Leçon 2 – La lecture Can you identify key information relating to the described town? (Gr3) Can you respond to questions on a text & audio using inferred and explicit meaning? (Gr4-5) Can you develop a ?? (Gr6+)

2 C’est quel type de ville?
In the texts – Find some of these adjectives In the Dico – Find others C’est une ville/un village… Medium sized Terraced house Neighbourhood Well equipped Historic Modern Industrial Touristic Old Beautiful Polluted Clean Agricultural Calm Animated Noisy Castle Pedestrians zones Can you recall names of places in town & identify key information relating to a described town? (Gr4) Can you discuss what is your town & suggest what you can/can’t do using “on peut/on ne peut pas…”? (Gr5) Can you develop your response -add details of activities and your opinions & comparisons(Gr6+)

3 Write the sentences with the missing detail from the text.
Can you recall names of places in town & identify key information relating to a described town? (Gr4) Can you discuss what is your town & suggest what you can/can’t do using “on peut/on ne peut pas…”? (Gr5) Can you develop your response -add details of activities and your opinions & comparisons(Gr6+) Write the sentences with the missing detail from the text. Aurora lives in a _________ town in the ______-_____ France. She lives in a _________ ________neighbourhood, ________ ____ noisy things going on in the centre She believes this town to be _________, _________ and because many _________ visit in summer. What she _________ in her town is the big __________________. However, her parents prefer _____________. In summer, she often goes to _____________ with her family to _________ or ___________.

4 Demonstrative adjectives
Demonstrative adjectives are used before a noun, instead of an article. They refer to a specific noun and are translated as ‘this’ / ‘that’ / ‘these’ / ‘those’ in English. In French, there are four demonstrative adjectives: ce + masculine noun ➝ ce lac cette + feminine noun ➝ cette piscine cet + a masculine noun beginning with a vowel or a silent h➝ cet endroit, cet homme ces + a plural noun ➝ ces villes. You need to check the gender and number of the noun when you decide which demonstrative adjective to use. Can you identify key information relating to the described town? (Gr3) Can you respond to questions on a text & audio using inferred and explicit meaning? (Gr4-5) Can you develop a description of what it is or isn’t in your town? (Gr6+)

5 un village ___________ un appartement __________
Replace each underlined article with the correct demonstrative adjective: ce, cette, cet or ces. Then translate the phrases into English.  une maison __________ un village ___________ un appartement __________ des magasins __________ une voiture __________ une usine __________ des rues __________ un achat __________ Can you identify key information relating to the described town? (Gr3) Can you respond to questions on a text & audio using inferred and explicit meaning? (Gr4-5) Can you develop a description of what it is or isn’t in your town? (Gr6+)

6 __________ ville est beaucoup trop bruyante.
Complete each sentence with the correct demonstrative adjective(s): ce, cette, cet or ces. __________ ville est beaucoup trop bruyante. À mon avis, nous devrions arrêter ___________ circulation à partir de 22h. ______ salon est très sombre mais __________ cuisine est vraiment lumineuse. Il y a des plafonds hauts dans __________ appartement. __________ banlieues sont à proximité du centre-ville. __________ maison est beaucoup trop chère. Can you identify key information relating to the described town? (Gr3) Can you respond to questions on a text & audio using inferred and explicit meaning? (Gr4-5) Can you develop a description of what it is or isn’t in your town? (Gr6+)

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