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Marketing Report July 2015.

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1 Marketing Report July 2015

2 Introduction The following data is gathered from inquiry calls/visits, contact forms, applications, and SSRS reports. Recruitment activities, purchased media, website traffic, and other promotional and marketing efforts help drive students to our website and other points of contact. Information is used to track what kinds of advertising prompts action for various audiences.

3 Traditional Admissions Recruitment Events
During the month of July, the last of four admitted student day events was held for traditional students. This day focused on readiness for college to include receiving UMO ID cards and a class schedule for the fall term.

4 1st Time Contacts Received Traditional Admissions
Students contacting UMO traditional admissions for the first time heard about the institution in various ways: Boy’s State college fair, athletic coaches, admissions rep info visits, Cappex website, tv ads, billboards, and multiple other sources.

5 1st Time Contacts to Traditional Admissions: July 2015
N = 912 Unique Curriculum Interests Over 800 (92.5%) of the 912 unique 1st time contacts to traditional admissions in July 2015 were from students who are undecided about their college major. Business, education, biology, RLS and psychology were mentioned by 8-15 each, while all other majors received 1 or 0 mentions. The number of undecided new students, which is a recurring theme in UMO’s traditional inquiries and enrollment patterns over the years, indicates the importance of early identification with an advisor, exposure to UMO in freshman seminar as a way of learning about careers and majors, and other important elements of advising that must take place in order for new students to find the best fit for their interests. Finding a major is a way of making sure a student has identified a clear path toward graduation—our ultimate goal for all UMO students!

6 Unique Applications to Traditional Admissions: July 2015
There were 96 unique applications to the traditional admissions office during July Similar to the 1st time contact curriculum interest, the largest number applying were undeclared. Biology, RLS, business and education were among the most numerous mentions after undeclared.

7 Nontraditional Recruitment Activities
The nontraditional admissions teams at the locations completed 398 recruitment activities in July. These included community relations and recruitment visits, booth/table events, admissions presentations outside the office, mass mailing and blasts, and other activities unique to each location. For instance, the Wilmington location sent birthday cards to all inquiries and applicants with a July birthday.

8 1st Time Nontrad Contacts
Nontraditional students making their first time contact to UMO in July, indicated their curriculum interests with the following programs in the top four: CJC, ECE, HCM, BUSMGT. Other mentions included accounting, HRM, MIS, general studies, nursing, religion, leadership, and teacher education licensure.

9 Top information Sources for Nontraditional Prospects: Evening College
Information sources for nontraditional prospects who made contact with evening college admissions came from Hobson’s Nontrad Program, word of mouth, billboard, radio and tv ads and several other sources.

10 Unique Applications to Evening College July 2015
Evening College received 78 unique applications in July 2015, with the most popular majors being ECE and HCM, followed by general studies and business management.

11 Source Information for Jacksonville 1st Time Contacts: July 2015
At Jacksonville, information sources included word of mouth, billboard, TV and radio ads, and various other media sources.

12 Unique Applications Received at Jacksonville July 2015
The Jacksonville location received 37 unique applications in July There was a good mix of interest in all programs.

13 Source Info and Applications to Online Programs: July 2015
Source information for prospects to online programs included word of mouth, TV and radio ads, Hobson’s Nontraditional program, and others. During July, online programs received 104 applications.

14 Source Info for 1st Time Contacts to New Bern: July 2015
Word of mouth, Hobson’s NT program, radio and TV ads, as well as college fairs and billboards provided information for 1st time contacts to the New Bern location.

15 Unique Applications to New Bern: July 2015
The New Bern location received 23 applications in July. There was a good mix of interest in all programs, as the graph below demonstrates.

16 Source Info for 1st Time Contacts to RTP: July 2015
The Hobson’s Nontrad program was the source info for 25 of the RTP first time contacts in July. The graph shows that radio and TV ads as well as word of mouth helped to provide information about UMO to prospects.

17 Unique Applications Received at RTP: July 2015
The RTP location received 42 unique applications, with ECE and HCM being the most popular programs of interest. The graph below shows a good variety of interest in other programs as well.

18 Source Info and Unique Applications to SJ Location: July 2015
Info Sources for SJ Unique Applications Students contacting the SJ location for the first time got their info about UMO via word of mouth as well as other sources. The Base Education Office advises military students regarding their best options. There were 14 unique applications received at the SJ location in July, with interest in leadership, business management, accounting, HRM and general studies.

19 Sources of Info for 1st Time Contacts to Washington: July 2015
Hobson’s Nontraditional program, word of mouth, TV ad and billboards helped to provide info about UMO to Washington prospects.

20 Unique Applications to Washington: July 2015
The Washington location received 37 unique apps in July. There was a good mix of interest in our programs, with HCM, CJC and ECE having the most apps.

21 Info Sources of 1st Time Contacts to Wilmington: July 2015
Hobson’s Nontraditional program, friend referrals, word of mouth and various other sources helped prospects find out about UMO in Wilmington.

22 Unique Applications to Wilmington: July 2015
The Wilmington location received 20 applications in July. The curriculum interest of these applicants covered most of the programs offered there.

23 800 UMO Phone Calls UMO received over 100 calls to 800 numbers in July 2015, with the switchboard receiving over 50% of the calls. Over 90% of the calls originated from cell phones.

24 web analytics Traffic to from March 2014 to July 2015 shows that search engines generate the most referrals to the site. The site received nearly 45,000 hits in July 2015 from search engines, referrals from other websites and via direct traffic. Goggle continues to generate the most hits to the site. Over 1/3 of the visits were from newcomers, and the average pages viewed was 2.2 per visit.

25 Cappex and Hobson’s Nontraditional Outreach
The Cappex company reached out to nearly 48,000 prospects in various campaigns to connect with traditional students in specific majors: ag, religious affiliation, arts, history, math, cj, education, psych, business, biology, athletics and others. These outreach messages located 266 new students who are interested in applying to UMO. The Hobson’s Nontraditional program generated 130 new contacts/applications for the month of July, with RTP receiving 38 of these.

26 Conclusions The academic major of a large number of traditional students inquiring about and applying to UMO continues to be undeclared. This continuing trend makes academic advising, finding a major and other initial college adjustments to college during the first semester critical as UMO delivers services to these students. Conversely, nontraditional students making first time contact to the UMO locations, and those applying to UMO, have career objectives or academic majors in mind with transfer credits that they want to utilize to achieve their goals. The curriculums most often sought lead to careers in criminal justice, teaching, business, healthcare and nursing or to graduate level study. This situation makes it imperative that UMO be ready for their needs with transfer friendly policies, convenient services and class schedules that work with their family and work life calendars. Prospects to UMO, regardless of their age and goals in life, get their information from a variety of sources to include college and career fairs, radio and tv ads, word of mouth and other media outlets, and they make contact wit UMO via face to face contacts, internet searches, cell phones and a variety of other means. This information tells us that we must continue efforts to market UMO so that we are visible and convenient to potential students of all ages and career stages.

27 Thanks Thanks to Jennifer Merritt, Georgette Prichard, Ken Davis and UMO admissions representatives for their help in compiling the information for this report.

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