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2 Atoms contain a nucleus, which is surrounded by electrons
Electrons orbit the nucleus Structure of the Atom

3 Subatomic Particles The atom can further be divided into three subatomic particles 1. Proton (positive charge) +1 2. Neutron (neutral charge) 0 3. Electron (negative charge) -1 Nucleus is composed of Protons AND Neutrons

4 Elements and Atoms Elements are compose of only 1 type of atom
All atoms with the SAME number of protons

5 Isotopes Isotopes are atoms of the SAME element (aka same # of protons), BUT have different # of neutrons Variation in abundance of an isotope makes up the relative atomic mass

6 Element Symbol Shows the chemical symbol (abbreviation)
ALWAYS 1 upper case letter followed by a lower case letter Shows atomic number (# of protons) Shows atomic mass (# of protons + neutrons) Shows charge (if not charge, neutral)


8 Charged Atoms Depending on the # of electrons and protons, atoms may be charged Typically loss, or gaining of an electron Protons can not be loss or gained. WOULD BE A NEW ELEMENT Positively charged (+) = Cation Negatively charged (-) = Anion Neutral charge





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