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Stages of test construction

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1 Stages of test construction

2 Why and what to test? A clear statement of the testing ‘problem’ or needs analysis. Write / read / agree upon complete specifications for the test

3 Test specifications Blueprint of the test (‘plan’, ‘proposal’)
The specifications should be developed before any item or task is designed. They are useful for test writers, teachers, students, parents, universities, employers… Produced in a handbook with sample test papers.

4 Test development Write and moderate test items
Trial the items informally on native speakers, reject or modify problematic ones as necessary Trial the test on NNSs similar to those for whom the test is intended Analyse the results of the trial

5 Test development Calibrate scales: Validate:
decisions on what is “excellent” or “poor” performance Validate: the more different types of validity is established, the better Write instructions for test takers, test users and administrators Train any necessary staff (examiners, markers etc.)

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