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Welcome to Second Grade Curriculum Night!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Second Grade Curriculum Night!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Second Grade Curriculum Night!
Peter Knox Diane Trykowski Denise Williams

2 Classroom Rules Listen and follow directions when given.
Be prepared for class with all materials. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. Raise your hand and be recognized before talking. Say and do only nice things to others.

3 Husky Store $5 – Classroom job $10 – Pencil $15- Take off your shoes
$20- Treasure Chest $25 – No Homework Pass – good for 1 assignment $30 – Sit next to a buddy $35- Sit in the teacher’s chair $40 – Teachers assistant $50 – Eat lunch with an administrator

4 Conduct Grades Classroom conduct
Each nine weeks a conduct chart will be placed in your child’s agenda. Please check your child’s conduct color each day and initial the agenda daily. Homework is part of the conduct grade. Conduct grades for individual categories for the nine weeks will be assigned as follows: 0 - 4 color changes = S 5- 7color changes = N 8 + color changes = U Classroom conduct 6 total color changes equals an N. 9 total color changes equals a U.

5 Communication Thursday folders will be sent home each week.
Monthly newsletters will posted on the grade level website. Grade level events, homework and upcoming activities will be posted on the grade level website. The student’s agenda will communicate conduct and homework assignments daily. Our conference period is 9:35 – 10:25 Please send notes, call or if there are any questions or concerns! Please send notes for transportation changes or contact the office prior to 2 pm!

6 Daily Instruction

7 Reader’s Workshop DRA2 will be used to assess text levels. This test assess the student’s reading accuracy, comprehension and fluency. Lamar CISD has determined expected text levels for the end of each nine week period. Children will be instructed on their level using a reader’s workshop format. Reading comprehension activities will given each week to practice reading strategies.

8 Math Students will work in small groups using manipulatives while engaged in hands-on activities. There will be an intensive focus on problem-solving and application of basic skills. Students will be tested after each 3 week period on new skills taught as well as objectives learned in prior weeks. Fast fact quizzes will be given each week. All quiz grades will be averaged for one daily grade at the end of the nine week period.

9 Language Handwriting Listening and Speaking Grammar and Punctuation
Spelling Handwriting Listening and Speaking Grammar and Punctuation Research

10 Writing This year we will be using the Write from the Beginning writer’s workshop format. This format will guide student’s through a complete writing process.

11 Math, Science & Social Studies Tests
Students will be required to study vocabulary terms. We will post information on the grade level website regarding upcoming tests.

12 Grading Language grade Reading grades will be weighted as follows:
Grammar is 70% Spelling is 10% Research 10% Handwriting is 5% Oral Speaking/Listening is 5% Reading grades will be weighted as follows: DRA Text level 25% Daily work and test grades 75% When a child does not show mastery of a skill, that skill will be re-taught and re-assessed one time. The highest grade that the child could receive on the re- assessment will be a 70 or the highest of the two grades received. The parent portal will be opened this year for you to view your child’s grades online.

13 Online Grade Book

14 Late Work Policy One (1) day late work = 0 points off.
Two (2) day late work = 10 points off. For work that is three (3) or more days late the highest possible score is 70. Work that is received after the grading period has ended will be given a zero.

15 2nd Grade Homework Policy
Reading Required reading homework is 30 minutes per night, five nights a week and practice sight words. Reading logs will be in their daily folder and must be filled out nightly. Spelling Nightly spelling homework will be assigned. Spelling words will be written in their agendas each week. Math Practice fast facts each night 5 to 15 problems on the weeks objective

16 Uniform Dress Shirts-Red, Navy, Light Blue and White collared shirts may be worn as well as Hubenak t-shirts. Pants/shorts-Khaki, Navy, Black, & Jeans. Pants should be neat, clean and free of holes. Jackets need to be in dress code and need to be solid colors with no decorations. No sweatpants, please.

17 Celebrations Holiday Party End of Year Party
We will not be having a Valentine’s Day Party or celebrating by passing out cards. Due to Texas law we will not be able to celebrate birthdays at school. Please do not bring cupcakes or treats of any kind to pass out to your child’s class. Please do not send birthday invitations to school. We will not be allowed to distribute them.

18 Misc. Students may begin to arrive at 7:00 am. Student supervision is not provided prior to 7:00 a.m. Parents, please do not bring your child to their classroom in the morning or drop them off in back of the building. Students are to go to the Gym prior to 7:30 a.m. Students are Tardy after 7:45 a.m. Dismissal Time is 2:35 p.m. Parents are to pick up students in the car line. Please do not come to the classroom, or bus ramp to pick up students. No rolling backpacks, mechanical pencils or ink pens please.

19 Top Dog Each week a student will have an opportunity to be “Top Dog” of the week. Each child will be asked to make a poster about themselves. Your child will have an opportunity to practice their speaking skills by sharing their poster with the class.

20 Upcoming Events Progress Reports will be sent home after the first 4 weeks of school. End of First Nine Weeks October 22nd Labor Day Holiday – September 6th Fair Day Holiday - September 24th Early Release/Report Card Conferences – October 26th and 27th. Please sign up on table.

21 Thank you for coming!

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