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Presented by Whitney Waddell LIS , Spring 2015

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1 Presented by Whitney Waddell LIS 625-201, Spring 2015
Social Media as a Tool for Outreach and Information Literacy Instruction Presented by Whitney Waddell LIS , Spring 2015

2 Introduction Information Literacy Social Media Community Outreach
Professional Development

3 Information Literacy: Everything 2.0
ACRL’s definition Expand the definition of information literacy? Or change the term altogether? Transliteracy Metaliteracy or Meta-literacy Sources: American Library Association (2006). Luo, L. (2010). Witek, D., & Grettano, T. (2012). Secker, J. (2011). Web 2.0 Library 2.0 Education 2.0 Pedagogy 2.0

4 Social Media Statistics
Twitter Usage Stats: 288 million monthly active users 500 million Tweets are sent per day 80% of Twitter active users are on mobile 77% of accounts are outside the U.S. Twitter supports 33 languages Vine: More than 40 million users Facebook Usage Stats: 890 million daily active users on average for December 2014 745 million mobile daily active users on average for December 2014 1.39 billion monthly active users as of December 31, 2014 1.19 billion mobile monthly active users as of December 31, 2014 Approximately 82.4% of our daily active users are outside the US and Canada Sources:

5 Challenges with Social Media
Online Vandalism Lack of high-level computer literacy Amusement only Internal resistance Sources: Luo, L. (2010). Click, A., & Petit, J. (2010).

6 Why Is This Important? User Experience Job Seeking!
Bowdoin College in Maine Glendale Community College in California Broward College in Florida Sources:

7 Dennis Hopper Presents: A Pop Quiz
What is the second most popular social media website? Facebook C. Twitter B. LinkedIn D. Instagram

8 Social Media Tips Facebook Groups Web Blogs Twitter Hashtag Chats
Social Bookmarking Wikis

9 Social Media Tips Provide context
Graphics expand the story People make things interesting Consider the reader Keep the Goal of Your Post Top of Mind Write Compelling Headlines Lead with the Good Stuff Make Every Word Count Keep it simple Source: Handley, A. (2013)

10 Social Media Tips DO build a strong network, but DON’T build your network too quickly. DO be engaging, but DON’T use generic marketing techniques. DO be a good listener, but DON’T be pushy. Image Source:

11 Anatomy of a Tweet Source:

12 Emma Stone Presents: A Pop Quiz
What is the character limit of every Tweet? 270 Characters C. 120 Characters B. 140 Characters D. 90 Characters

13 Social Media Tips #LibChat #INALJChat #CritLib #TLChat
Image Source:

14 The Minions Present: A Pop Quiz
Which of the following symbols is a hashtag? % B. * D. #

15 Conclusion Redefining Information Literacy and developing new frameworks. Community Outreach Know Your Audience User Experience Provide valuable content Professional Development Train Staff

16 References American Library Association. (2006). Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. (Accessed March 18, 2015) Document ID: efeb57df-7090-e1d4-558f-d59c7537f9c7 Click, A., & Petit, J. (2010). Social networking and Web 2.0 in information literacy. The International Information & Library Review, 42(2), Handley, A. (2013, October 9). Social Media Writing Tips. The Ohio State University - Section of Communications and Technology. Retrieved from ct.web/files/resources/files/Social%20Media%20Writing%20Tips.pdf Luo, L. (2010). Web 2.0 integration in information literacy instruction: An overview. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 36(1), Secker, J. (2011). A new curriculum for information literacy: expert consultation report. Witek, D., & Grettano, T. (2012). Information literacy on Facebook: an analysis. Reference Services Review, 40(2),

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