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The International Spillover of Fiscal Spending on Financial Variables Discussion DNB/IMF Workshop Preventing and Correcting Macroeconomic Imbalances in.

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Presentation on theme: "The International Spillover of Fiscal Spending on Financial Variables Discussion DNB/IMF Workshop Preventing and Correcting Macroeconomic Imbalances in."— Presentation transcript:

1 The International Spillover of Fiscal Spending on Financial Variables Discussion
DNB/IMF Workshop Preventing and Correcting Macroeconomic Imbalances in the Euro Area 14 October 2011 Peter Wierts

2 Summary results Two types of countries
Large, sustainable fiscal policy (L&S) Small, doubt on fiscal sustainability (S&D) Effect fiscal shock on foreign financial variables L&S: foreign gov. & corp. yields, equity prices S&D: S&D*: gov. yields corp. yields equity prices L&S*: gov. yields corp. yields equity prices

3 Questions Difference in responses statistically significant?
What are the co-integrating variables? Which common global variables (only real interest rate?) Trade weights appropriate? Robustness?

4 What would drive the result
Fiscal shock from L&S country: increase in interest rate spills over Cannot be effect on sovereign risk premium; effect on world interest rate? But that one is exogenous Fiscal shock from S&D country Effect reflects sovereign risk premium?

5 Policy implications: need for balanced decision making
See 2008 Economic recovery plan: Immediate coordinated fiscal expansion, 1,2% GDP by Member States Expenditure mentioned first (most effective) Reads as one sided policy decision. Focus only on effect on growth. Nothing on side effects/ international financial spillovers in euro area.

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