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Anywhere you want to go, how do you want to get there?... FAST

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2 Anywhere you want to go, how do you want to get there?... FAST

3 Making the most of the Advanced Options
Advanced Options are useful to aggregate, display and summarize your report data in a variety of different ways; from very simple to very complex, there are tons of options to make your favourite reports even more valuable!

4 Not all Reports are just “as they seem”
These are not meant to be “one-size-fits-all” reports, because we know that one size never fits all! FAST reports are designed to be as flexible as they need to be to accommodate a wide variety of uses; each report can be used, re- used, sliced and diced in so many ways to meet so many end user needs Let’s take a look at them using different examples!

5 Let’s start simple… Back to Basics: Pinned Reports
Let’s re-organize the report, remove the columns I don’t want and make a few other minor adjustments! Don’t forget to SAVE so you can: Run it again quickly and easily Schedule it using the Report Scheduler “set it and forget it” Use HR -> Current Jobs Report -> aggregate down and apply custom filter to remove “no code found”, then sort and move around.

6 Who doesn’t love a good Dashboard?
You can create dashboards at the FAST Portal level You can create dashboards at the Application level What’s the difference, you ask? Let’s create a couple and take a look! Create a home page dashboard and use a student dashboard that is already there = IMUC

7 Now let’s look at a few more tools:
Cross Tabs Grouping or Summing Prep our data for Graphing! Take a look at the Dashboard Use Admissions report – already Pinned as My Admission Report – modify first to demo a XTAB using MAJOR across top, then display Admit type and Decision and Term, save as a GRID; THEN move on to grouping for graph prep using ONLY: Major, Gender and use Line Chart. ALSO show HR sample from Dedn’ report – Pinned!

8 Now for some more advanced stuff…
NEW: Virtual Columns Allows you to create your own custom columns on your FAST reports Private Global You can create Virtual Columns to: Duplicate Existing Columns Concatenate 2 or more columns together Create a calculated column (apply a formula or equation) Use Finance Reporting -> Summary by GL -> Need to revisit this when more data is available.

9 Last but not least….Dynamic Selections
This confuses everyone but is SUCH a great and powerful tool…and really not that tricky once you get the basics! Can be used to: Apply the report results from Report A as a filter option in Report B Use data from an Excel spreadsheet to filter on a baseline FAST report! Let’s do a couple examples! Use HR Faculty Rank -> Pinned Report -> Full and Associate Professors -> SAVE and then run against YTD Benefit Detail Report for 1996 and all benefit codes -> can refine as needed. OR run against Employee Leave Details. Then upload an XL file in STUDENT (use the Admitted Students XL) and run against Aged Receivables.


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