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Kinetics By: Anderson Clark.

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Presentation on theme: "Kinetics By: Anderson Clark."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kinetics By: Anderson Clark

2 Kinetics Kinetics is defined as the study of the speeds or rates of chemical reactions Important to industry Expiration dates Pharmaceuticals Large scale production

3 Factors that affect rate of reaction
Chemical properties of reactants EN, EA, IE, size, red. or ox. Ability to collide SA Concentration of measured species Temperature Particles collide more and move with greater E, making them more likely to collide with enough E to meet Ea Catalyst/Inhibitors NOT consumed in rxn. Lower Ea

4 Rates With respect to one component
Rate-change in quantity per unit time M/s, m/s Always positive (+) Once one rate is found, it can be used to find others

5 Formulas Rate of X = Δ[X]/Δt
Rate of Rxn. = Δ[X]/Δt x 1/coefficient of X

6 More stuff Rates change as reactants are used up
Instantaneous rate – rate at which a reactant is being used up at any given moment Steep slope = high rate Y2-y1/x2-x1 a time 0 Use coefficients

7 Rate Laws Rate = k [A]a [B]b
Exponents are experimentally determined, NOT FROM BCE k is experimental constant, varies with T units are L/mol sec or L mol-1 sec-1 Units for Rate are mol/ L sec or mol L-1 sec-1 Exponents are “order of rxn” Usually 0, 1st, 2nd Can be fractions or negative – controls rate inversely

8 Overall Order of Rxn Add exponents of all reactants

9 Table logic Obtaining rate laws from data Look for patterns
Compare rates with only 1 variable

10 Integrated Rate Laws Shows how [conc.] changes over TIME
Graphs will all have time as x-axis Formula depends on order of reaction

11 First Order DIfferential Integrated Half-life
Rate = k [A]a = -Δ[A] / Δt Integrated ln[A]o-ln[A]f = kt Half-life t1/2 = ln 2/ t = .693 / k Not affected by [conc.] of reactants


13 Second Order Differential Integrated Half-Life Rate = k [B]2
1/ [B]f – 1/ [B]o = kt Half-Life t1/2 = 1/k [B]o Depends on [conc.] of reactants


15 Zero Order Means that reaction rates are independent of the [conc.] of any reactant Usually involves a small amount of catalyst Ex. Blood alcohol through liver Formula Rate = k Units are mol/ L sec Depends heavily on catalyst SA, amount, quality

16 More Zero Order Differential Integrated Half-Life Rate = k
[C]f = -kt + [C]o Half-Life t1/2 = (1/k) [C]o/2



19 !Cat Break!


21 Collision Theory States that the rate of rxn. Is proportional to the number of EFFECTIVE COLLISIONS per second among reactants An effective collision is one that yields product molecules Factors that affect collision rate Temperature Concentration Molecular orientation Molecular kinetic energy (must meet Ea) KE changes to PE by forming bonds

22 Transition State Theory
Total KE decreases as it changes to PE, then back to KE PE diagram = reaction coordination diagram Path that the reaction follows Smaller Ea, faster reaction k = A e-Ea/RT (Arrhenius Equation!!!!) Also written as Ln k = -Ea/RT + ln A T = temp in Kelvin, A = proportionality constant, R J/mol K Rule of thumb: at room temp, rxn. Rates double for every 10 degree C increase


24 Reaction Mechanisms BCE shows total net change, but not all steps
Reaction mechanism- series of individual steps that add up to the overall observed reaction. Elementary Process (EP) – a reaction involving collisions between molecules Rate laws for EP can be written based on the coefficients in the BCE, will add up to overall rate law for BCE Exponents in EP are = to the coefficients of the reactants in chemical equation for that EP

25 Rate Laws and Rate Determining Steps
Make intermediate chemicals Add the EP BCE’s for overall BCE One step is usually slower – called the rate determining step Rate Law for RDS is directly related to overall rate law Overall order should match the RDS order (from coefficients) Rate laws cannot be proven correct/true We can only see beginning and end, not middle steps

26 Etc Etc Usually only see the collision of two bodies, not three or more 3 way collision is unlikely When there are 3+ sequential steps, the first can be assumed to be establishing equilibrium, and therefore unstable intermediates

27 Catalysts Homogeneous (MnO2)
Heterogeneous (solid, promotes reaction only on surface)

28 Almost the End R is always 8.314 J/ mol K, never atm
Rates are dependent on temperature

29 Practice

30 Practice

31 Practice

32 Practice

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