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Break it Down: A FALL Marketing Plan to Grow!

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Presentation on theme: "Break it Down: A FALL Marketing Plan to Grow!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Break it Down: A FALL Marketing Plan to Grow!
Nicole Wise

2 Overview Growth vs marketing dollars Start big – but break it down
Marketing Machine Campaigns Inbound vs Outbound Low hanging fruit Golden streets Direct mail Timeline to action items to goals July 22, 2012 Footer text here

3 Growth vs Marketing Dollars
In this industry you should be aiming for $100-$125 cost per sale. BUT… Not all customers are created equal The age of your business can effect the cost per sale as well July 22, 2012 Footer text here

4 You must be who they think of when their pain is greatest!
Marketing Machine A M Z You must be who they think of when their pain is greatest! Reality Marketing Eric Keiles Square 2 Marketing July 22, 2012 Footer text here

5 Inbound vs Outbound Outbound Inbound
Old School Prove ROI Telemarketing Direct mail Tradeshows TV/Radio Ad Door to Door Inbound Proving you’re an expert and building trust Time consuming and hard to prove ROI SEO Social Media Blogging Content Generation Videos blast July 22, 2012 Footer text here

6 The Big Picture The current state of affairs?
What is my current revenue? How many customers do I have? What is my revenue per customer? Do many of my customers have more than one program What are my goals for Fall sales July 22, 2012 Footer text here

7 How is fall selling different?
SHORT Sales Season – Timing Create a fall program Offers Let’s put a plan together! July 22, 2012 Footer text here

8 Mistakes people make… Add inbound methods!
Add costs into the marketing budget that don’t belong Things that are just the cost of doing business… Don’t do enough things or do multiples 1 postcard will get you very little to no results Forget to over do it in your golden neighborhoods Only change yellow cells! Want to improve your results? Add inbound methods! July 22, 2012 Footer text here

9 How can Holganix help? Homeowner Brochures Lawn Signs Marketing Plan
Production Support Conference Calls Real Green Support Log-in for all materials digitally Blogs & Monthly s Facebook & Twitter July 22, 2012 Footer text here

10 Questions? 866-563-2784

11 Excel Basics Workbook vs Worksheet Formula bar vs cell
The file itself is the workbook At the bottom there are tabs that are called worksheets Formula bar vs cell To change the formula you click on the cell and then change to formula in the bar at the top July 22, 2012 Footer text here

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