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Methodology The telephone survey of Protestant pastors was conducted December 1-6, 2008 The calling list was randomly drawn from a list of all Protestant.

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Presentation on theme: "Methodology The telephone survey of Protestant pastors was conducted December 1-6, 2008 The calling list was randomly drawn from a list of all Protestant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protestant church involvement in missions and support for church planting

2 Methodology The telephone survey of Protestant pastors was conducted December 1-6, 2008 The calling list was randomly drawn from a list of all Protestant churches. Up to six calls were made to reach a sampled phone number Each interview was conducted with the senior pastor, minister or priest of the church called Responses were weighted to reflect the geographic distribution of Protestant churches

3 Methodology continued
The completed sample is 1,004 phone interviews The sample provides 95% confidence that the sampling error does not exceed +3.1% Margins of error are higher in sub-groups.

4 During the past 12 months, has your church…
Almost all Protestant churches participate in missions/ church planting During the past 12 months, has your church…

5 Few churches sponsor a church plant on their own
Among churches who directly participated in helping start a new church in the last 12 months… Don’t Know: 5% Which of the following best describes your church’s type of sponsorship or help of a new church during the past 12 months?

6 Among all Protestant churches…
Less than one in five churches provides ongoing, direct financial support to a church plant Among all Protestant churches… Which of the following best describes your church’s type of sponsorship or help of a new church during the past 12 months?

7 Protestant church involvement in missions and support for church planting

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