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Catholic Reformation.

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1 Catholic Reformation

2 The Catholic Reformation
Also known as the Counter Reformation because it came in response to the Protestant Reformation Main Focus: Obedience to Higher Authority Reforming Corrupt Church Practices Stopping the Spread of Protestantism Spreading Catholicism

3 Council of Trent Called by Paul III and his Christian Humanist Cardinals to reaffirm the Catholic Faith and Clergy Outlaws the Sale of Indulgences Addresses the Worldly Corruption of the Clergy

4 St. Ignatius Loyola - Former Spanish Solider and noble who experienced a revival while recovering form wounds Once he had recovered from his injuries Ignatius casts aside his wealth and begins a life of poverty and extreme devotion He soon attracts followers and begins the Jesuit order

5 The Jesuits - The Jesuits will swear to a life of poverty, chastity, and obedience to God They will take on the mission of purifying the corruption of the Church and stopping the Protestant Reformation Their most famous battleground against Protestantism will be in Northern England

6 The Holy Roman Empire in 1517

7 The Radicals are Left Out
With so much Religious strife in the Holy Roman Empire the Empire address the Problem at the Peace of Augsburg However this only legalized Lutheranism

8 Central Europe and the Holy Roman Empire
Central Europe since the Middle Ages had been dominated By the Holy Roman Empire. However, With the Protestant Reformation and Religious Conflict the Empire’s Power is weakened.

9 The Thirty Years War Eventually the Conflict will erupt in War putting the Habsburg Family (Catholic) versus the German Princes (Protestants) The Protestants will control the northern half of the empire and the Catholics will control the southern half. The Habsburg family will amass a huge army and have early success.

10 The Tides Turn Eventually the Protestants will get help from outsiders from Sweden and other Northern European Countries. Finally the French will come to the aid of the Protestants and push the Habsburgs out of Northern Europe.

11 The Treaty of Westpahila
Ends the Thirty Years War and recognizes the right of local Princes to choose their own religious affiliation Religious Tolerance is the Goal The End of the Holy Roman Empire Resulting Powerful Kingdoms: Prussia Bavaria Austria-Hungary

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