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Max Bangs, Joe Quattro, Ken Oswald, and Jean Leitner

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Presentation on theme: "Max Bangs, Joe Quattro, Ken Oswald, and Jean Leitner"— Presentation transcript:

1 Max Bangs, Joe Quattro, Ken Oswald, and Jean Leitner
Decline of Bartram’s Bass (Micropterus sp. cf. coosae) due to Introgressive Hybridization with Invasive Alabama Spotted Bass (Micropterus punctulatus henshalli ) Richard T. Bryan and Wayne S. Starnes Max Bangs, Joe Quattro, Ken Oswald, and Jean Leitner September 10th, 2013

2 Invasive Species Anthropogenic Threatens Native Taxa Effects
Competition Predation Hybridization Zanden et al. 2004

3 Hybridization Introgression Studies Erosion of genomes Extinction
Mammals (wolves and wildcats, Randi, 2008) Birds (partridges, Randi, 2008; quail, Chazara et al., 2010) Tree frogs (Klymus et al., 2010) Irises (Arnold et al., 2010) Ichthyofauna (suckers, Douglas and Douglas, 2010; black bass, Oswald, 2007)

4 Micropterus Endemic Eastern North America Widely introduced Hybridize
Four common species Florida Bass (M. floridanus) Northern Largemouth Bass (M. salmoides) Spotted Bass (M. punctulatus) Smallmouth Bass (M. dolomieu) Four rare species Shoal Bass (M. cataractae) Guadalupe Bass (M. treculi) Suwannee Bass (M. notius) Redeye Bass (M. coosae)

5 Redeye Bass

6 M. coosae Altamaha/Ogeechee M. floridanus
M. salmoides M. treculi M. notius M. coosae Mobile M. punctulatus Mobile M. cataractae Chattahoochee M. coosae Chattahoochee M. coosae Savannah 1.0 Bayesian Tree using ND2 from Oswald, 2007 .98 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .76 1.0 .69 1.0 1.0 1.0 Bartram’s Bass Pictures © Richard T. Bryan and Wayne S. Starnes

7 Savannah River Reservoir System
Lake Jocassee (+ Smallmouth Bass) Lake Keowee (+ Alabama Spotted Bass) Lake Hartwell Lake Russell Picture from Dr. Kenneth Oswald

8 Purpose Examine hybridization over temporal and spatial scales
Future of “Bartram’s Bass” in these impoundments.

9 Collecting Angling/Electroshocking Fin Clip Ethanol Storage
15 sites (avg. 40 fish per site) Unbiased sampling Fin Clip Ethanol Storage

10 Laboratory Methods DNA Extraction from Fin Clip PCR Amplify:
Using a Qiagen Kit PCR Amplify: mtDNA ND2 gene scnDNA Calmodulin intron scnDNA Actin intron scnDNA ITS2 intron Direct Sequencing PCR Products ExoSAP cleanup ABI sequencer

11 Analytical Methods Categories ‘Pure’ Hybrid Largemouth Bass (LMB)
Smallmouth Bass (SMB) Bartram’s Bass (BRB) Alabama Spotted Bass (ASB) Hybrid Alabama Spotted x Bartram’s (ASB/BRB) Other hybrid Chaing et al. 2006

12 2004 Largemouth Bass relatively unaffected
20% - 40% in all lakes No hybrids found Smallmouth Bass only found in Lake Jocassee and no hybrids found Bartram’s Bass and Alabama Spotted Bass Hybrids in all four lakes Bartram’s Bass heavy impacted

13 ASB x BRB ASB, BRB, and ASB/BRB made up the majority of the lake composition (53% to 69%) Composition within varied between lakes BRB ASB ASB/BRB

14 ASB x BRB Composition within these categories shifted over time BRB

15 Genotype Scoring BRB, ASB, and ASB/BRB
Individuals given a score between 0 and 6 based on the number of ASB nuclear alleles they possessed 0 = ‘pure’ BRB 6 = ‘pure’ ASB

16 Time since Introduction
2004 2010 Jocassee Hartwell mtDNA BRB ASB Time since Introduction Russell Keowee

17 Largemouth Bass Jocassee Keowee Hartwell Russell 2004 20% 37% 47% 44%
Little change temporally Four hybrids in 2010 Introgression absent BRB buffer? Future hybridization possible Jocassee Keowee Hartwell Russell 2004 20% 37% 47% 44% 2010 15% 31% 42% 46%

18 Smallmouth Bass Lake Jocassee 12% to 11% Restricted Seven hybrids
Hybrids with ASB/BRB Introgression Threat to BRB refugia?

19 Why Is This Important “Bartram’s Bass” is being extirpated
Largemouth Bass facing a hybrid threat. Will this have a greater effect? © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.

20 Acknowledgements Dr. Joseph Quattro Dr. Kenneth Oswald SCDNR Lab Mates
Jean Leitner Lab Mates

21 Questions

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