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UNED 25 Defnyddio TGCh mewn Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol / UNIT 25 Using ICT in Health and Social Care.

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Presentation on theme: "UNED 25 Defnyddio TGCh mewn Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol / UNIT 25 Using ICT in Health and Social Care."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNED 25 Defnyddio TGCh mewn Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol / UNIT 25 Using ICT in Health and Social Care

2 Amcanion/Objectives Ymchwilio i ddefnydd TGCh yn y gweithle ym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol Chwilio'r we ar gyfer gwybodaeth benodol ar wasanaethau, triniaeth, symptomau, rhaglenni arbenigol yn rhoi gwybodaeth ar driniaeth, symptomau . Investigate the use of ICT in the health and social care workplace To search the internet for specific information on services, treatment, symptoms on internet, specialist applications giving information on treatment, symptoms.

3 Amcanion Dysgu/Learning aims
Investigate the use of ICT in the health and social care workplace Use common ICT software packages and applications in health and social care related contexts to find information Use common ICT packages and applications in health and social care-related contexts to present and communicate information Ymchwilio i ddefnydd TGCh yn y gweithle ym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol Defnyddio rhaglenni a phecynnau meddalwedd mewn cyd-destunau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol i ddarganfod gwybodaeth Defnyddio rhaglenni a phecynnau meddalwedd mewn cyd-destunau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol i gyflwyno a chyfleu gwybodaeth

4 Sgiliau Llythrennedd /Literacy Skills
Ymchwilio – i ddarllen a darganfod gwybodaeth Pecynnau meddalwedd a rhaglenni – Microsoft Office gyda Word, Publisher neu Excel Cyd-destunau yn berthnasol i ofal Cartref gofal, ysbyty, syrjeri neu bractis deintyddol Investigate – to read and find out information Software packages and applications – Microsoft Office with Word, Publisher or Excel Care-related contexts – A care home, hospital, surgery or a dental practice

5 Pa wybodaeth allwch ddod o hyd iddo ar y we ar iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol?
What information can you find on the internet on health and social care?

6 GIG CYMRU/ NHS WALES Mae'r wefan hon yn cynnig gwybodaeth ar wasanaethau gofal iechyd yng Nghymru. Gwybodaeth megis:- Pynciau Iechyd Ystadegau a Data Ymchwil ac Adnoddau Pynciau Llosg Y digwyddiadau diweddaraf... This website offers information on the health care services provided in Wales. Information such as:- Health Topics Statistics and Data Research and Resources Hot Topics Latest Events……

7 Gwybodaeth arbenigol/ Specialist information
Atal Diabetes Erthygl ar - "Diabetes yng Nghymru" Preventing Diabetes Article on – “The burden of diabetes in Wales”

8 Samplau o wybodaeth y gallwch ddod o hyd iddo/ Sample information you can find
Diabetes: ei osgoi os medrwch Os ydych chi yn debygol o ddatblygu diabetes ai peidio, mae'n hanfodol gwybod sut i'w atal. Mae gan naw allan o ddeg o'r rhai sy'n dioddef o ddiabetes mellitus, Fath 2 Diabetes: avoid it if you can Whether you’re in an at-risk category for developing diabetes or not, it’s worth knowing how to prevent it developing. Nine out of ten people with diabetes mellitus have the Type 2 version.

9 /Hunan Asesiad /Check Your Symptoms?
Mae gwefan GIG Cymru wedi ei ddylunio i'ch helpu i adnabod eich symptomau. Dyma enghraifft: Hunan Asesiad Cyfogi - Byddwch yn ateb 4 cwestiwn ac yna bydd yn penderfynu os oes angen triniaeth brys arnoch ai peidio. The NHS Wales has created a website to help you identify your symptoms. An example is: Vomiting Symptom Checker – You will be asked to answer 4 questions and at the end it will determine whether or not you need immediate medical care.

10 Dyma beth allai eich canlyniadau fod...... /Your online result could be…….

11 Tasg 1: Task 1: Can you identify any advantages and disadvantages of using an on-line symptom checker as seen above? Complete the table for Task 1. Allwch chi adnabod unrhyw fanteision ac anfanteision o ddefnyddio system hunan asesiad symptomau ar-lein tebyg i hon? Cwblhewch y tabl ar gyfer Tasg 1.

12 Fy rhestr o Fanteision /My list of Advantages
Rhestr y dosbarth o fanteision /Class list of advantages Fy rhestr o Anfanteision /My list of Disadvantages Rhestr y dosbarth o anfanteision /Class list of disadvanages

13 Beth y manteision y wybodaeth TGCh hwn
Beth y manteision y wybodaeth TGCh hwn? /What are the advantages of this ICT information? Cewch fynediad at gronfa ddata o nifer o symptomau Cewch wybod lle mae eich arbenigwr agosaf Gall leddfu unrhyw ofidiau (lleihau eich pryderon) Cewch gyngor uniongyrchol Rhoi dolenni i driniaeth arbenigol Gradd T/Rh You can access a database of numerous symptoms You can find out where the nearest specialist is It can alleviate concerns (lessen your worry) You can get immediate advice Gives you links to specialist treatment M/D Grade

14 Anfanteision /Disadvantages
Efallai y byddwch yn ateb y cwestiynau yn anghywir Efallai na fyddwch yn cael y cyngor cywir Efallai byddwch yn dibynnu gormod ar y Rhyngrwyd pan rydych angen gweld Arbenigwr Efallai y byddwch yn camddehongli'r symptomau Efallai bod y symptomau yn fwy difrifol na'r disgwyl... You may answer the questions incorrectly You may not get the correct advice You may relay too much on the internet when a Specialist should be seen You may misdiagnose your symptoms Symptoms may be more serious than you think…… /OS OES GENNYCH UNRHYW AMHEUON CERWCH AM GYNGOR PROFFESIYNOL AC MEWN ARGYFWNG DIALWCH 999 /IF IN DOUBT ALWAYS SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE AND IN AN EMERGENCY DIAL 999

15 Efallai y byddwch yn ateb ac yn derbyn y canlyniad hwn /You may answer and get this result
Efallai na fyddai'n gallu dod o hyd i ysbyty agos - mae'r cyfrifiadur yn gronfa ddata - nid yw'n gwybod bod yr ysbyty agosaf o fewn milltir!!!!/ You may find that it cannot find a hospital near to you – the computer is a database – it doesn’t know that the nearest hospital could be miles away!!!!!

16 Cewch ddewis yr opsiwn hwn. / Internet link - Need Medical Help Now

17 Tasg/Task A Mae gofyn i chi fynd ar wefan
Dod o hyd i wybodaeth ar adran Integreiddio Gofal yn Electroneg ar Wasanaethau Iechyd ar gyfer yr oes ddigidol You are required to go onto the website Find information on the section of Integrating Care Electronically on Health services for a digital age

18 O'r gwaith ymchwil /From your research
Disgrifiwch yn gryno beth roeddech wedi dod o hyd iddo ar dudalen wybodaeth gwasanaethau iechyd ar gyfer oes ddigidol. Dylech gynnwys y wybodaeth ganlynol:- Disgrifiwch beth yw Fy Iechyd ar-lein beth y manteision cael record iechyd unigolyn ar-lein; beth yw cyfeiriadau electronig Briefly describe what you found on the Health services for a digital age information page. Include the following:- describe what is My Health on Line; what are the advantages of the individual health record being on line; what are electronic referrals

19 Tasg/Task B Mae gofyn i chi fynd ar wefan
Darganfyddwch wybodaeth ar ba fath o bigiadau teithio cewch chi am ddim gan GIG Rhestrwch y pigiadau teithio sydd ar gael i chi - bydd angen hyn arnoch ar gyfer eich aseiniad . Cyflwynwch eich gwaith erbyn __/__/2016 You are required to go onto the website Find out what free travel jabs you can get on the NHS List the free NHS travel jabs available to you – you will need this for your assignment. Please hand in your work by __/__/2016

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