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Gweithgor Arfer Dda Plas Menai

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1 Gweithgor Arfer Dda 16.2.11 Plas Menai
Ffocws – Hyrwyddo dysgu ac addysgu effeithiol ar draws y cwricwlwm yn CA3. Focus – Supporting effective teaching and learning across the curriculum at KS3.

2 Rhaglen / Programme: 9.15 – Cyrraedd a choffi / Arrival and coffee  9.15 – Croeso a throsolwg o’r diwrnod / Welcome and overview of the day Y FfAC a’r FfEY / The CIF and SEF Iaith i Feddwl a Dysgu / Language for Thinking and Learning 10.00 – Sesiwn 1a: Is-grwpiau [Cymunedau Dysgu Proffesiynol] y GADd / Session 1a: GADd Sub-groups [PLCs] Llythrennedd /Literacy – dan arweiniad GD Asesu ar gyfer Dysgu / Assessment for Learning– dan arweiniad SG Asesu Crynodol: cofnodi/tracio ac adrodd / Summative Assessment: recording/tracking and reporting – dan arweiniad DG TGCh a dysgu ac addysgu effeithiol / ICT and effective teaching and learning – dan arweiniad OH Coffi/ Coffee  11.15 – Sesiwn 1b: Parhad o’r Is-grwpiau / Session 1b: continuation of sub-groups. DS - Bwriad Sesiwn 1 fydd i rannu arferion yn dilyn gweithredu yn ôl yn yr ysgolion (Mehefin 2010 – Chwefror 2011) a/neu diweddaru ar agweddau penodol o fewn y maes er mwyn hyrwyddo gweithredu pellach yn yr ysgolion. NB – The main objective of this first session will be to share practice following developments at school level (June 2010 to February 2011) and/or to update on specific aspects within the group’s focus to support further development within schools. 12.00 – Sesiwn 2 / Session 2: Asesu diwedd CA3 a CA2-3 – adborth o’r peilot Cymedroli Cenedlaethol/ End of KS2-3 Assessment arrangements – feedback from the National moderation pilot Ystyried goblygiadau araith y Gweinidog / Considering the implications of the Minister’s speech 12.45 – 1.45 Cinio / Lunch 1.45 – 2.45 Sesiwn 3: Y Patrymlun Hunan Arfarnu Adrannol – diweddariad / Session 3: Self Evaluation update Susan Edwards, Cynnal 2.45 – Camau nesaf – Cyfarfod y GADd 16/5/11 – Rhannu deilliannau yr is-grwpiau efo’r grŵp llawn / Next Steps – GADd 16/5/11 – Sharing sub-group outcomes with the full GADd. 3.00 – 3.15 Cloi ac Arfarnu / Close and evaluate.

3 Gosod Cyd-destun:

4 Fframwaith Effeithiolrwydd Ysgolion School Effectiveness Framework
Fframwaith Arolygu Cyffredin Common Inspection Framework Model Cenedlaethol Gwella Ysgol National Model School Improvement Hunan Arfarnu Self Evaluation Setiau Data Craidd Core Data Sets ED

5 ED

6 Cysylltwch dangosyddion ansawdd y FfAC efo 6 rhan y pizza FfEY.
Jigsaw: Cysylltwch dangosyddion ansawdd y FfAC efo 6 rhan y pizza FfEY. ED

7 Neges y Gweinidog / Minister’s Address: 2/2/11
“This is a clear programme to address the issues we face. This is a programme to transform system leadership, which addresses issues of personalised learning, professional practice, intelligent accountability and collaboration and best practice. Some of the tasks are for the Government; some for local authorities and consortia, but many are for schools. We will draw on the best advice available to us. I want to thank Professor David Hopkins, Professor Alma Harris, Dr Tim Williams and Professor David Reynolds for their ideas and advice. There is a formidable agenda ahead of us in respect of schools alone. There will , in future, be no hiding place for poor performance. In my Department, performance will drive every aspect of what we are doing. There will be a single focus. We will raise standards. We will provide opportunities for all to learn to the best of their ability. Our young people deserve better. And I believe that we can deliver.”

8 TASG / TASK: Trefnwch yr 20 gweithred yn ol:
Gweithredu Cenedlaethol (APADGOS) Gweithredu Lleol (ALl a Consortia) Gweithredu ar lefel Ysgol. Pa flaenoriaethau sy’n codi ar gyfer gweithredu yn eich hysgol chi? Organise the 20 Actions according to: Actions at National Level (DCELLS) Actions at Local Level (LA and Consortia) Actions at School Level. Which priorities will need to be acted on in your school?

9 Iaith i Feddwl a Dysgu / Language for Thinking and Learning

10 Is grwpiau GADd / GADd sub-groups:
Llythrennedd TGCh Asesu ar gyfer Dysgu Asesu – cofnodi ac adrodd

11 Sesiwn 2 / Session 2: Adborth o’r Peilot Cymedroli Craidd CA2-3: Feedback from KS2-3 Core Moderation Pilot:

12 Adborth o’r Peilot Cymedroli CA2-3: Feedback from KS2-3 Moderation Pilot:
Y Model: Adnabod un dalgylch o bob ALl i fod yn rhan o’r peilot – un pwnc craidd yr un; Gwahoddiad i gynrychiolwyr dalgylch i fynychu cyfarfodydd gwybodaeth CBAC Ebrill 2010; Dystiolaeth y peilot: dau broffil yr un o’r 2 gyfnod allweddol – un lefel 4 (CA2 a CA3) ac un lefel 5 (CA2 a CA3). The Model: One cluster per subject from each LA nominated to take part in the pilot; Each subject cluster invited to WJEC information meetings April 2010; Pilot evidence to focus on: two learner profiles from each key stage – one level 4 (KS2 and KS3) and one level 5 (KS2 and KS3).

13 Adborth o’r Peilot Cymedroli CA2-3: Feedback from KS2-3 Moderation Pilot:
Y Model: Amserlen Cadarnhad o ofynion y peilot (ddogfen ganllaw) Mehefin/Gorffennaf 2010; Dalgylchoedd yn anfon proffiliau erbyn yr 8fed o Hydref 2010; Adborth i dalgylchoedd drwy adroddiadau Rhagfyr 2010. Gwanwyn 2011 – camau nesaf? The Model: Timeline Confirmation of pilot requirements (guidance document) June/July 2010; Clusters sent profiles by the 8th of Oct 2010; Moderation period November 2010; Feedback to clusters through reports December 2010. Spring 2011 – next steps?

14 Adborth o’r Peilot Cymedroli CA2-3: Feedback from KS2-3 Moderation Pilot:
Negeseuon Allweddol: Tystiolaeth CC 2008 dal ar waith; Cymdreolwyr ‘Methu cytuno’ yn bennaf oherwydd nature y dystiolaeth a gyflwynwyd yn hytrach nag anghytundeb efo lefelu Angen cymedroli nid safoni – proffil disgybl nid portffolio Key Messages: Evidence of NC 2008 still developing; Moderators ‘Unable to agree’ caused mainly by the nature of the evidence presented rather than disagreement with the levels Need for a focus on moderating learner profiles rather than on standardising/portfolios

15 Adborth o’r Peilot Cymedroli CA2-3: Feedback from KS2-3 Moderation Pilot:
Ystyriaethau: Pe bai cadarnhad bod angen cyflwyno tystiolaeth o’r dalgylch (proffiliau dysgwyr CA2 a CA3) mewn 2 o’r 4 pwnc craidd erbyn canol Hydref 2011 a’r 2 arall erbyn canol Hydref Pa mor barod fyddai eich adrannau craidd? Pa mor aeddfed ydy trefniadau cymedroli eich dalgylch? Considerations: If there was confirmation of the need to present KS2 and KS3 cluster profiles from 2 of the 4 core subjects by the middle of October 2011 and the remaining 2 by the middle of October How ready are your core subject departments? How developed are your cluster moderation arrangements?

16 Goblygiadau / Implications:
Posibilrwydd o amserlen cyfyng i ysgolion, dalgylchoedd a’r broses cymedroli (Ebrill – Hydref 2011 / Ebrill – Hydref 2012)? Natur y dystiolaeth – llai o broffiliau? Llai o lefelau dan sylw? e.e. Dim ond un proffil o bob cyfnod allweddol; lefel 5 dan sylw. Possibility of a short time frame for schools, clusters and the moderation process (April – October 2011 / April – October 2012)? Nature of the evidence – fewer profiles? Fewer levels under focus? e.g. Only one profile from each key stage, level 5 focus.

17 Adborth o’r Peilot Cymedroli CA2-3: Feedback from KS2-3 Moderation Pilot:
Goblygiadau ar gyfer cymedroli diwedd CA3 a Clwstwr: Oes yna broses o gymedroli gwaith dysgwyr ar ddiwedd CA3 yn yr adrannau? Ydy’r dystiolaeth yn briodol ac yn ddigonol? Ydy’r dystiolaeth yn adlewyrchu yn llawn gofynion Cwricwlwm 2008? Implications for end of KS3 and cluster moderation: Is there a robust process of moderating learners’ work at the end of KS3 within departments? Is the evidence appropriate and sufficient? Does the evidence fully reflect Curriculum 2008?

18 Camau Nesaf / Next Steps:
Cyfarfod Mai 16eg Meeting May the 16th Llythrennedd TGCh Asesu ar gyfer Dysgu Asesu – cofnodi ac adrodd Croesbeillio! + GADd Gogledd Ddwyrain

19 Cadw mewn cysylltiad / Keeping in touch:

20 Cloi ac Arfarnu

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