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Group 3 Overarching theme: What are the impacts of a warmer Arctic and when/where are the tipping points? Mid-level themes – (past, present, and future)

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Presentation on theme: "Group 3 Overarching theme: What are the impacts of a warmer Arctic and when/where are the tipping points? Mid-level themes – (past, present, and future)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 3 Overarching theme: What are the impacts of a warmer Arctic and when/where are the tipping points? Mid-level themes – (past, present, and future) – this is not the molecule – these are the questions that are designed to foster synthesis Sea ice change and arctic linkages What the heck happened in 2007? How: On-going autonomous observations, workshop to put the pieces together from 2007 2. Global arctic linkages, including sea level change Why the unexplained sea level rise in the Arctic (what does it mean for Florida)? How: Tide gage stations, representation of ice sheets in models

2 Group 3 3. Precipitation in the Arctic Is the wetter Arctic drier?
More clouds? How: Autonomous marine measurements, analysis of proxy/historical records, always the need for more data and better access to data. Working group to focus on the issue. Promote more collaboration – need institutional data as well as “wild” data. 4. Biogeochemical cycles What does an extended growth season mean? Ag land at Barrow? Is there a major methane flux in our future? How: More observations/rate measurements

3 Group 3, cont’d Focused themes – all themes can be discussed within the context of the mid-level themes Heat budget and modes of variability Assessment of the contribution of feedbacks to orbitally forced terrestrial change Terrestrial, marine ecosystems and the carbon cycle Comprehensive models Chemical exchanges and feedbacks among atmosphere, ocean, land, and biosphere, cryosphere in Arctic with lower latitudes Impacts of permafrost and changes in permafrost (terrestrial/marine) Disturbance regime – agriculture, fire, pest, resource harvest, red tides, hypoxia Extreme events, episodic events, and variability: what happened in 2007?

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