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YETS Booster Post-Mortem

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1 YETS 2015-2016 Booster Post-Mortem
D. Hay EN-ACE on Behalf of all the contributors: J. Coupard; L.A. Lopez-Hernandez; K. Hanke; S. Bertolasi; B. Gutierrez Hernandez; J. Devine; G. Georgiev; S. Deleval; N. Roget; H. Lourenco; S. Fumey; D. Chapuis; D. Raffourt; G. Dumont; R. Noulibos; A. Prost; L. Feliciano; S. Pittet; M. Zerlauth; A. Newborough; R. Veness; G. Schneider; W. Andreazza; J. Somoza; P. Demarest; C. Dehavay; J. Betz; M. Haase; T. Birtwistle; D. Chapuis; B. Morand

2 Content EN-ACE YETS Preparation PSB YETS critical path activities.
LIU & group activities. HSE-RP feedback ECR’s Status & Dashboard

3 EN-ACE YETS preparation
Preparation phase includes What  Goal & Collection and prioritization of activities How  Work Package analysis meetings, procedures etc.. Facility coordinator mandate (EN-ACE). HWT facility coordinator mandate (BE-OP When  ….did it start ? First informative coordination meeting held 08 May 2015 Weekly Joint PS & PSB coordination meetings reunited (reduce meetings often the same personnel who work both on PSB and PS). Fortnightly Injectors Integration (ICL) meetings

4 EN-ACE YETS preparation
Anticipation of works before the Long Shutdown 2 (LS2) during the (E)YETS. (Co-activities with the de- cabling campaigns to be carefully identified). The connection of the Linac4 to the PS Booster is foreseen for the LS2 but all equipment needs to be ready by the end of 2016 in case of an early full connection. De-cabling project: Completion of the identification/labelling of obsolete cables and disconnection of communication system cables.

5 EN-ACE YETS preparation
PSB YETS motivation & objectives: PSB preventative and corrective maintenance programs. Consolidation and upgrade programs. PSB cable identification/disconnection project. Advance wherever possible LIU related projects Optimise machine performance (HWT’s).

6 Critical path activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
Critical activities (no margin): De-cabling project: completion of the identification/labelling of obsolete cables and disconnection of communication system cables GS work in BRF2 (enlargement of the doors + new metallic infrastructure) Courtesy J. Coupard

7 LIU activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016 ECR PSB-K-EC-0001-10-00
LIU activities in PSB during YETS ECR PSB-K-EC docx The doors of the PSB surface building (b.361 – BAT & BRF2) need to be enlarged in order to later transport and install the additional power converters for LIU-PSB. This work is scheduled for the YETS (and not later) because of schedule reasons: The power converters need to be ready for installation by the end of (deadline for the work linked to the connection of the Linac4 to the PSB) This work is not compatible with the de-cabling campaign foreseen during the EYETS The civil engineering and infrastructure works have been scheduled for the YETS COMPLETED Courtesy J. Coupard

8 LIU activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
New building 245 including infrastructure (C&V, electrical systems, cranes, etc.) + new reference magnet (Status of the Ongoing Activities in B245  , L.A. Lopez-Hernandez) ON SCHEDULE May 2015 October 2015 January 2016 Courtesy L.A. Lopez-Hernandez & K. Hanke

9 LIU activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
ON SCHEDULE Replacement of the 48vdc system for the ME25 Building 271 Extension 18kV switchboard ME25 upgrade for POPS-B POPS-B project planning ( Courtesy S. Bertolasi; B. Gutierrez Hernandez; J. Devine

10 EN-EL activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
Campagne PSBEX-YEA1  Affaire LOCALISATION Title Group User Nb. cables Length (m) C213AFZ302001 BAT361 - BAT354 CONDITIONS EXTERNES BOOSTER PSBEX-YEA1 BE-BI SAID 11 2714 C213AFZ303001 BAT361 - BAT193 RÉNOVATION Z30 PSBEX-YEA1 GS-ASE RAFFOURT 19 2935 C213AFZ304001 BAT361 CABLAGE EPC DIPOLES PSBEX-YEA1 TE-EPC PITTET 32 332 C213AFZ933001 CABLAGE BE-CO POUR SIMPL DE RESEAU PSBEX-YEA1 128 14952 C213AFZ305001 WIC DIPOLES PSBEX-YEA1 TE-MPE MOMPO 8 120 C213AFZ306001 CONN STIRRERS TO DIPOLES PSBEX-YEA1 16 TOTAL 214 21053 COMPLETED Campaign PSBEX-YEA1 anticipation – work before YETS   Smoke detection Courtesy Georgi Minchev Georgiev

11 EN-EL activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
EN-EL electrical services and cabling 83% Program maintenance and consolidation 78% Booster Electrical Containment Installation during hardware tests Replacement of the 48Vdc system for the ME25 Bg. 271 ME25 upgrade POPS-B Tests 100% Cabling campaign 100% ON SCHEDULE Courtesy James Dilwyn Devine

12 EN-CV activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
Cleaning the heat exchanger of the cooling plant Mechanical overhaul of one primary pump Modification of the beam dump ventilation (sensor + control) → Test with the CCC Installation of a flowmeter on the extraction air duct for HSE Create new connections on cooling circuit for power converter in room BRF2 Take samples and inspection to prepare LS2 works Request from Survey (see hereafter) COMPLETED? Courtesy S. Deleval & N. Roget

13 EN-CV activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
COMPLETED Pipes removed to allow survey better access to the magnet jacks Courtesy S. Deleval & N. Roget

14 EN-HE activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
Consolidation programs. PR-138 completion of the Booster shaft crane replacement works at B.361 Renovate transfer tables CH-66 & CH-67 Preventative and corrective maintenance programs Crane coupling BHZ62 CH-66 & CH-67 PR-138 COMPLETED Courtesy H. Lourenco & S. Fumey

15 EN-ACE Status of PSB cable identification campaign.
ON SCHEDULE Total : 2187 cables identified and disconnected. Courtesy S. Evrard & Erwan Harrouch

16 BE-ICS activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
Maintenance préventive EIS.accès (Planning YETS2015/2016 EDMS ) 15 décembre 2015: MAD Booster, accès matériel impossible (Impact 71067) 16-17 décembre 2015: Portes Booster (Impact 69379) DEC Booster Identification des câbles de l’ancien système Access/Safety, Intercom et Public Address Travaux divers: Bat 271 – Mise en place de nouveaux UPS Benning et transfert d’alimentation 24 volts pour les 11 PLC de zones (Attention: Système d’accès indisponible dans les zones Booster et L2-SWY-PSR durant le transfert d’alimentation. Environ deux heures par zone à planifier entre le 18 janvier et le 12 février 2016). Annual maintenance and alarm testing. Replace Smoke detection systems with air sampling systems. COMPLETED Courtesy D. Chapuis & D. Raffourt

17 BI-ICS PSB YETS Feedback.
PSB accessed1283 times during YETS Intercom Usage 7* (CSA) Doors forced 5* 117 Courtesy D. Chapuis; B. Morand

18 TE-ABT activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
Pressure test the cooling circuit of Septum BT.SMV20 Repair SF6 leak on TK10 Pressure testing of the Septum hydraulic circuits. General kicker corrective and preventative maintenance. PSB (7) pressure tests BISMV BISMH BESMH tank inférieur BESMH tank supérieur BT1.SMV10 BT4.SMV10 BT.SMV20 COMPLETED Courtesy R. Noulibos, A. Prost & L. Feliciano

19 TE-EPC activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
POPS-B preparation Inspection of the filter zone and false floor in order to prepare the POPS-B cabling Bg 271 Installation of new power converters for orbit correction Install rack supports. 361 (BCER): 18 additional ACAPULCO converters for correction dipoles Preparation work for LIU converters 361 (BRF2 & BAT): Stripping Foil Chicane converters 361 (BHP): Booster Injection BI.BVT Powering install rack supports Annual maintenance on all power converters. COMPLETED Courtesy S. Pittet

20 TE-MPE activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
Disconnection of 2x WIC racks (BAT 26 & BAT 30) to allow installation of a metallic structure to support the power converters foreseen for the stripping foil chicane. Involves, after the re-installation, a re-commissioning of the related periods (PR.5 & PR.6) with access to the tunnel. Connection of 8 additional power converters to the WIC Aux3 PLC. No software changes needed (as inputs are already defined in the WIC code) Require contribution from EN/EL to pull the cables on surface (DIC sent). Short commissioning with TE/EPC required to validate the new cables (0.5 day). COMPLETED PC names BR.DIP 41 BR.DIP 42 BR.DIP 43 BR.DIP 44 BR.DIP 45 BR.DIP 46 BR.DIP 47 BR.DIP 48 Courtesy M. Zerlauth

21 TE-MSC activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
Hardware Tests: Inspection with all magnets powered beginning of W48 ~ 1-2 hrs (Requires Water, operations, controls, power converters, RF and tunnel ventilation stopped if possible) High Voltage tests, 2nd half W48 ~ 2 days requires Visual inspection when water returns in January Foreseen magnet activities: None Unforeseen magnet activities: BHZ62 (Ref TE-VSC slides) Reminder! If people need magnet covers removed it will be performed on request with the relevant VAT, MALT etc… by TE-MSC-MNC. Activities lead by others: Vacuum: Change of quadrupole magnet BR.QFO72 due to vacuum leak Vacuum: Removal of corrector magnets for 4L1 for the vacuum hot spot Survey: Try of the SPS style jacks to move the BHZ magnet (BR.BHZ72 TBC) COMPLETED Courtesy A. Newborough

22 TE-VSC activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
[BI line] Repair primary pump of fixed pumping group. [BR10] Test VPI1L1 [BR10] Replace VGP14L5 if sector vented [BR20] Replace leaking vacuum chamber in QFO72 in 7L5 [BR20] Replace vacuum chambers in 4L1 [BR20] BHZ62 replace leaking vacuum chamber. [BT] Test BT.VPI23 Identification of unused cables (VSC-ICM). Weeks 49-2 COMPLETED Courtesy S. Fumey Courtesy J. Somoza, P. Demarest

23 TE-VSC activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
[Survey] Install new supports/adjustment jacks on bending magnet – 7L5? [TE-ABT] Pressure test septa cooling circuits BI.SMV20, BE.SMH, BI.SMH, BT.SMV10 and BT.SMV20) [BE-BI] Replacement of BT3.BPM20 (1 day + pump down) [BE-BI] Replacement of BTP.BPM20 (1 day + pump down) COMPLETED Courtesy J. Somoza, P. Demarest

24 BE-BI activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
Replacement of BT3.BPM20 (F.Guillot) Replacement of BTP.BPM20 (F.Guillot) FWS PM voltage divider replacement (E.Piselli) Verifying cabling and installation of the BLM: BT.MBL10(E. Effinger) Upgrade of a Beam Observation TV (BTP.BTV10) in the BTP Line Postponed. (S.Burger, ECR PSB-BTVMC-EC-0001) COMPLETED Courtesy R. Veness, G. Schneider, W. Andreazza

25 BE-CO activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
COMPLETED Courtesy C. Dehavay, J. Betz

26 BE-RF activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
Location Duration Preferred period (week) Start Finish Need Access Transport PSB C16 / BTKRF Displacing the four HV BRF2 2 days 49 30/11/2015 01/12/2015 No T Removal of the old HV (BTKRF) Reconnect the four HV Power Supplies 4 days 3 11/01/2016 14/01/2016 Displacing the four HV power supplies C16. To create place for the new supporting structure for racks. Removal of the HV power supply not any more in use (BTKRF) COMPLETED Location Duration Preferred period (week) Start Finish Need Access Cooling Electricity PSB Finemet Test Cavity AUX Fuse, bringing to BRF2 BRF2 /Ring 6L1 2 days 50 07/12/2015 08/12/2015 Yes (~8h) Replacing of the old hose clamp with new improved hose clamp Ring 6L1 3 days 09/12/2015 11/12/2015 YES (~24h) Current monitor BRF2 1 04/01/2016 06/01/2016 No Test Finemet 1 day 8 22/02/2016 YES (~1h) C E Courtesy M. Haase

27 BE-RF activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
Location Duration Preferred period (week) Start Finish Need Access Vacuum Cooling Electricity PSB C02 & C04 & C16 Test divers power BRF1/2 1 day 48 26/11/2016 26/11/2015 No Maintenance Ring 30/11/2015 19/02/2016 Yes (~3H) PSB C04 Maintenance Tuning BRF1 5 days 5 01/02/2016 05/02/2016 V C E PSB C02 & C04 &C16 Calibration BRF1/2 / Ring 7 days 6-7 08/02/2016 16/02/2016 YES (~1h) Test of spare parts 2 days 6 12/03/2016 Power test BRF1/2 / Ring 2 8 23/02/2016 24/02/2016 Yes (~1H) COMPLETED Courtesy M. Haase

28 HSE-RP activities in PSB during YETS 2015-2016
25/11/2015 AM: reduced RP survey before HWT activities 01/12/2015 AM: full RP survey: dose rate, contamination checks, sign posting. RP monitoring maintenance (source test): 4 x workplaces monitors, 2 x induced activity monitors Prompt stray radiation measurement during ion- beam in PS (chicane PS- PSB) 17/11/2015 – 13h-17h: RP survey 32h (MSWG purpose) 15/01/2015: RP survey 2 months (MSWG purpose) Whole YETS duration: Participation to VICs DIMR’s & WDP’s  Daily RP follow-up of activities Exchange of waste bags RP measurements on-demand End-of YETS, before restart (date/time TBD by coordination): Beam permit patrol Sign posting removal Maintenant of RP monitoring system COMPLETED XRM IAM AGM AMF TGM TMF Courtesy G. Dumont

29 HSE-RP PSB YETS Feedback.
Generally: Sorting and conditioning of radioactive waste still needs to be improved – reminder; slides below. ALARA principles now engraved into CERN culture and well respected! Estimated dose rates rarely exceeded. Dosimetry on 10/02/ man.mSv (PSB) Operational dosimetry: Still no verification at the entrance of Controlled Limited-stay and High Radiation areas, even no comparison a posteriori made available from BE/ICS, this is of the utmost importance for the next technical stop, we need support to get this topic moving forward… Intrusions into Controlled Limited-stay and High Radiation Areas: regular unmonitored and unreported occurrences (limited feedback, no post analysis for dose estimates etc.. ) EDMS Courtesy G. Dumont

30 HSE-RP PSB YETS Feedback.
EN-HE: cranes Increase the length of the remote control cables. Improve reliability to avoid being blocked above High Radiation Areas (for example during the coupling of the BHZ62): action: EN RSO informed. SMB/SIS: cleaning Improvements to the organisation, planning and CERN follow-up of the contractor (ex. PSB cleaning performed at the last minute and then out-of- working hours due to the organisational issues) Further training required to personnel working in Radiation Areas – (Suggest employing a dedicated cleaning company who are specialized in working in Radiation Areas?) Suitable and enough tooling required (water vacuum cleaners, autolaveuse, more powerful vacuum cleaners): action: SMB RSO informed. EN-CV: Redundant water pipe removal project. Well executed and optimised intervention. Remaining pipes inside the ring still need to be removed during the EYETS. Courtesy G. Dumont

31 Status of the PSB LIU ECR’s
PSB-BTVMC-EC-0001 – Upgrade of BTP.BTV10 = Postponed?. PSB-K-EC BSW Chicane Stripping Foil Magnet Power Converter Infrastructure in BRF2 and BAT building 361 = Done. Courtesy T. Birtwistle

32 Status Dashboard Key dates Closing of the PSB 02/02
Hardware tests weeks 5-6-7 Beam to PSB 02/03 (wk9) Beam to PS 08/03 (wk10) More details in the last Joint PSB & PS Coordination meeting : EN-ACE BE-OP 05-Feb-2016 Julie Coupard EN-ACE

33 Thanks & Q’s

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