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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Khartoum Refinery Company E/I Department Siemens PLC_S7-200 Level (1) Eng: Sami Ahmed 2017 PART2 SOFTWARE.

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Presentation on theme: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Khartoum Refinery Company E/I Department Siemens PLC_S7-200 Level (1) Eng: Sami Ahmed 2017 PART2 SOFTWARE."— Presentation transcript:

1 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Khartoum Refinery Company E/I Department Siemens PLC_S7-200 Level (1) Eng: Sami Ahmed 2017 PART2 SOFTWARE

2 Software: Micro Win V4.0 PLC Type: Siemens S7-200 Duration: 5 Days Prerequisites:  General technical knowledge  good computer skills in the field of Windows Operating Systems. Maximum Delegates: 6 Siemens PLC_S7-200 Level (1)

3 Schedule: 8.00 - 9.00 9.00 - 9.20 Break 9.20 -10.20 10.20-10.40 Break 10.40-11.40 Schedule

4  Be able to recognize S7 200 hardware and be able to replace modules when a fault occurs.  Be able to operate the Step 7 200 software to make it perform certain tasks.  Understand basic S7 200 instruction set and be able to make minor modifications to software.  Be able to backup and restore a PLC program when required.  Be able to perform basic system diagnostics when a problem occurs. Objectives

5  Basic Requirements  Working with Step7 Micro/Win software  SIMATIC Logic Bit instructions  SR Flip-Flop  Reversing 3-phase motors Contents (S0ftware)

6 Basic Requirements In order to create or change a program, the following items are Needed figure(1):. PLC. Programming Device. Programming Software. Connector Cable figure(1):

7 Basic Requirements Programming devices: The program is created in a programming device (PG) and then transferred to the PLC. The program for the S7-200 can be created using a dedicated Siemens SIMATIC S7 programming device, such as a PG 720 (not shown) or PG 740, if STEP 7 Micro/WIN software is installed, figure(2). figure(2)

8 Basic Requirements A personal computer (PC), with STEP 7 Micro/WIN installed, can also be used as a programming device with the S7-200, figure(3). figure(3)

9 Basic Requirements Software: A software package for one PLC, or one family of PLCs, such as the S7 family, would not be useful on other PLCs. The S7-200 uses a Windows based software program called STEP 7-Micro/WIN. Micro/WIN is installed on a personal computer in a similar manner to any other computer software.

10 Basic Requirements Connector cables PPI (point-to-point interface) : Connector cables are required to transfer data from the programming device to the PLC. Communication can only take place when the two devices speak the same language or protocol. Communication between a Siemens programming device and the S7-200 is referred to as PPI protocol (point-to point interface), figure(4). A special cable, referred to as a PC/PPI cable, is needed when a personal computer is used as a programming device. This cable allows the serial interface of the PLC to communicate with the RS-232 serial interface of a personal computer, figure(4).

11 Basic Requirements figure(4)

12 Micro/Win software Working with Step7 Micro/Win software: To start with, let’s see how the main menus function. The first step to using the PLC, is to establish a communication between PC and the PLC at hand. To accomplish this, let’s take the following steps: 1- Click on the “Micro/Win SP3” icon to fire up the software if you have on your desktop as you see in figure (5). figure (5)

13 2- On main menu, click PLC > Type figure (6) Micro/Win software

14 In figure(6), you see our hardware is detected. The PLC Type is CPU 214 and its software version is 01. Now, go ahead and click the “communication”, option. You are going to have figure(7) on your computer screen. The Communication menu, shows that our little PLC has been detected and its icon is shown. This means communication between PLC and PC had been established and we can start downloading programs into the PLC’s memory to “RUN” it. Micro/Win software

15 figure(7) Micro/Win software

16 Back to figure(7), should we decide to have a second or third PLC in our network, then we may click and change “2” to “3” or so forth. See figure (8). Micro/Win software figure (8)

17 Micro/Win software 3-PLC menu with RUN and STOP options figure (9)

18 Micro/Win software (4) PLC menu with “Compile” and “Compile All” options Prior to “Download a program”, these two options must be used to check if there is any “Error” in the developed program. If there is an error in the program, it will be posted in the “Output Window”. See figures (9)and (10). figures (9)

19 Micro/Win software figure (10)

20 Micro/Win software 5- File menu with Upload and Download options: We can use “Download” to send a developed program into the PLC’s memory. The “Upload” option does the opposite action of “Download”, meaning it brings the program from the PLC’s memory to the PC. In this case, you may edit, or debug (for example) then re-download and “RUN” it. See figure (11). Remark If the program being “Uploaded” is protected by a “password”, to check it on the screen you must enter the password. Otherwise, you will not be able to “Upload” it.

21 Micro/Win software figure (11)

22 Micro/Win software 6- File menu with clear option Option PLC > Clear allows us to clear any developed program from the PLC’s memory. This is the same as downloading a blank page into the PLC’s memory again. figure (12)

23 Micro/Win software 7- PLC > Information menu option This option gives us some information about the PLC hardware at hand. In figure (13), for example, we see that the PLC is at “STOP” status, its CPU is 214 REL 01.01, Firmware version 01.01 and so on,.

24 Micro/Win software figure (13)

25 Micro/Win software 8- PLC > Time of Day Clock option: This option is used to set the PLC’s internal clock. Only PLCs with CPU 224 and up support this option. 9- Tools >Option.. > General This option is used anytime we need to change the programming instruction mode from SIMATIC to IEC or vice versa. The SIMATIC instruction set is especially designed for SIEMENS but IEC is based on international standards. See figure (14).

26 Micro/Win software figure (14)

27 Micro/Win software 10- View > Properties > [Protection Tab] This option allows us to place a Password to ensure higher security of the developed user program, figure(15). figure(15)

28 Micro/Win software 11 – Tools > different accessory equipments can be selected This option allows us to select different accessory equipments and choose the necessary settings to have those as a part of our hardware. For example, one may choose the HMI model TD-200 or any of the others ones. This option does the installation software-wise. See figure(16). figure(16).

29 Micro/Win software 12– Debug > Program Status: This option is used to test the user program at hand if the PLC is already connected to the PC via a special connecting cable (PG), See figures (17) & (18) figures (17)

30 Micro/Win software figures (18)

31 Micro/Win software 13- View > Frame [Instruction Tree] All field devices, program possibilities and instructions are located in this section. To activate this section, we can click View > Frame and select the “Instruction tree” tab. See figures (19) and (20). figures (19)

32 Micro/Win software figures (20)

33 Micro/Win software The Navigation bar (figure 21) consists of following sections: 1- Program Block 2- Status Chart 3- Cross Reference 4- System Block 5- Data block 6- Symbol Table

34 Micro/Win software (figure 21)

35 Micro/Win software To start programming, we can click the “Program Block” icon which is located in “Navigation bar” section. This directs us to an area that can hold all the instructions needed to develop a program. We can also place “Subroutines and Interrupts” routines in the main program section to be called upon anytime needed. See figure 22. figure 22

36 SIMATIC Logic Bit instructions A normally-open switch contact is drawn in such a way as to signify an open connection, ready to close when actuated. a normally- closed switch is drawn as a closed connection which will be opened when actuated. When this instruction is executed, the output bit in the process image register is turned on.

37 SIMATIC Logic Bit instructions Exercise 1 Our circuit consists of a START button and a contactor. We would like the 3-phase electro motor to turn on when START button is activated and off, when it is de-activated, figure(23). Figure23(a) circuit diagram

38 SIMATIC Logic Bit instructions Figure 23(b) the ladder logic program

39 SIMATIC Logic Bit instructions Exercise 2 We have a circuit that has two START and STOP buttons. K1 = 1 (contactor relay) if START (S2) is activated and stays on as long as S1 is not activated. K1= 0 if S1 is activated. Solution: Figure24(a) displays the control circuit diagram and (b) shows the ladder logic program. Figure24(a)Figure24(b)

40 SIMATIC Logic Bit instructions Exercise 3 We wish to design a circuit that consists of two electro motors M1 and M2. The Control circuit functions as follows: M1 = on if S1 = 1 in this case if S2 = 1 then M2 = on, But if M1 =0 then M2 cannot be turned on. Solution: Figure 25(a) displays the control circuit diagram and (b) shows the ladder logic program.

41 SIMATIC Logic Bit instructions Figure 25(a) Figure 25(b)

42 SIMATIC Logic Bit instructions The NOT instruction reverses the flow of current in a circuit or rung.

43 SIMATIC Logic Bit instructions The SET instruction starts from the “S” number and “sets” as many as “n” points after that. In figure 26, the instruction means: Set bits Q0.3 and Q0.4 to high or 1. Therefore, after the execution of the instruction, Q0.3 = Q0.4 = 1 or on. figure 26 figure 27

44 SIMATIC Logic Bit instructions The RESET instruction starts from “R” number and “resets” as many as “n” points after that. In figure 28, the instruction means: RESET bits Q0.3 and Q0.4 to low or 0. Therefore, after the execution of the instruction, Q0.3 = Q0.4 = 0 or 0ff. figure 28

45 SIMATIC Logic Bit instructions Remark The SET and RESET instructions must be used in the same network when programming. Re-do exercise3 which was a circuit to control two electro motors M1 & M2 using the Set and Reset instructions, figure 29. figure 29

46 SR Flip-Flop The SR flip-flop is a latch where the S1 input dominates. If the S1 and R signals are both True, the output Q1 is true. The RS flip-flop is a latch where the R1 input dominates. If the S and R1 signals are both True, the output Q1 is False.

47 SR Flip-Flop Exercise 4 Write control software to set and reset output Q0.0 using a RS flip-flop, figure30. figure30

48 SR Flip-Flop Exercise 5 This machinery equipment has one 3-phase electro motor and 3 control switches. Write a control program according following requirements: If switch # 2 depressed (activated), Motor turns on and stays on continually. If switch # 1 pushed (activated), motor turns off and when switch # 3 depressed, motor turns on and stays on as long as switch # 3 is kept depressed: otherwise, motor turns off. This is called a permanent and momentary controlled system.

49 SR Flip-Flop Figure 31(a) displays the circuit diagram

50 SR Flip-Flop Figure 31(b) displays the PLC control program

51 The shaft revolving direction of a 3-phase motor can be reversed by changing any two of the 3-phase power lines to the motor. Any two lines can be interchanged; however, the industry standard is to interchange L1 and L3. Interchanging T1 and T3 is a standard for safety reasons. When you first connect a 3-phase motor, you will not know the direction of rotation until the motor is started. It is common practice to temporarily connect the motor to determine the direction of rotation, then make the connections permanent. The Motor’s leads for the temporary connections are not taped. By interchanging L1 and L3, L2 can be permanently connected to L2, creating an insulated barrier between L1 and L3. Reversing 3-phase motors

52 The typical wiring of a forward and reverse 3-phase motor

53 Reversing 3-phase motors Exercise 10 Write a control program which turns a 3-phase motor clock-wise when the S2 switch is depressed and counter clock-wise when the S3 switch is activated. Use signal lamps H1 when the motor is off, H2 when it is on and turning clock-wise, and H3 when it is revolving counter clock-wise figure32.

54 Reversing 3-phase motors figure32a

55 Reversing 3-phase motors figure32b

56 Reversing 3-phase motors Solution # 2 using SET or RESET instructions

57 Reversing 3-phase motors figure32C

58 Reversing 3-phase motors

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