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NJROTC NS-4 Leadership and Ethics

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Presentation on theme: "NJROTC NS-4 Leadership and Ethics"— Presentation transcript:

1 NJROTC NS-4 Leadership and Ethics

2 Lesson 06.03 The Basics of Effective Communications: The Party Case Evaluation Response

3 Lesson Goal In this lesson you will explain your decision making process using “The Party” case evaluation response form.

4 Learning Objectives Explain the decisions made for The Party Case Evaluation. Determine the proper response to The Party Case Evaluation. Summarize communications lessons learned for The Party Case Evaluation. Lesson 06.03

5 Warm-up Question CPS Question 1 Lesson 06.03

6 Read and Analyze Previously:
You read and analyzed “The Party” case evaluation on p. 74. You also completed Case Response forms. Lesson 06.03

7 Class Participation Your Instructor will call on individuals to:
Read their response from their Case Evaluation Response forms. Discuss issues concerning The Party in a group discussion. Discuss communications lessons learned. Lesson 06.03

8 Case Review Key facts: The party was hosted by military personnel.
Excess alcohol was consumed. Some personnel acted in a criminal fashion. Lesson 06.03

9 Case Review Key facts: The actual crimes committed are not stated (minor or major). Complaints about a “wild affair” were made. The senior took no action on the initial brief remark. Lesson 06.03

10 Case Review Key facts: Major criminal offenses must be reported immediately to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). The subordinate did not actively pursue a follow-up of the initial remark or try to make the senior understand what went on. Lesson 06.03

11 Select Video to Start or Pause
Be a Leader Video Select Video to Start or Pause Lesson 06.03

12 Case Review Key facts: The senior may have been looking the other way.
The senior did not attempt to draw out additional details. Lesson 06.03

13 Learning Check CPS Question 2 Lesson 06.03

14 Critical Case Evaluation Form
Read your answers to questions on Critical Case Evaluation form on pp. 76 – 77. Lesson 06.03

15 Pressure Question: Is there pressure from peers, subordinates, seniors, or other sources to behave in an unethical manner? If yes, who or what is the source of the pressure? Lesson 06.03

16 Pressure Answers Pressure from peers, subordinates, seniors, or others? Yes – from peers not to report the incident. Yes – from senior not to be bothered with the incident. Yes – from guilty parties with possible threats. Lesson 06.03

17 Seek the Truth Question:
Does the leader validate the facts and obtain clarification? If no, what action does the leader need to take? Lesson 06.03

18 Seek the Truth Answers Leader validates the facts and obtains clarification? No, not initially. Acts only upon further prodding by subordinate. Leader should take initiative, clarify all facts, and report incident to authorities. Lesson 06.03

19 Learning Check CPS Question 3 Lesson 06.03

20 Subordinates Question:
Do the factors in the case affect subordinates and their perception of the leader? If yes, what effect is caused to the subordinates? Lesson 06.03

21 Subordinates Answers Subordinates and their perception of the leader affected? Yes - others “getting away with something” with no punishment hurts morale. Yes – leader viewed as lax and possibly unethical. Lesson 06.03

22 Subordinates Answers Subordinates and their perception of the leader affected? Yes – they might be afraid of getting “yelled at” for reporting bad news. Yes - they might not be able to be tactful with the senior. Lesson 06.03

23 Organization Question:
Is an ethical work environment being maintained? If no, what action does the leader need to take? Lesson 06.03

24 Organization Answers Ethical work environment being maintained?
No – ethical violations should be handled immediately. No – individuals getting away with unethical behavior. No – all individuals should be treated the same. Lesson 06.03

25 Organization Answers Ethical work environment being maintained?
No – the leader makes it hard to report ethical violations. No – the leader may be looking the other way. No – whistleblowers often get in trouble. Lesson 06.03

26 Learning Check CPS Question 4 Lesson 06.03

27 Know the Rules Question:
Does the leader properly enforce the rules, regulations, or policies? If no, what action does the leader need to take? Lesson 06.03

28 Know the Rules Answers Leader properly enforce the rules and regulations? The leader should know the rules. The leader should properly enforce the rules. The leader should promote communications in chain. Lesson 06.03

29 Additional Points Question:
Are there any additional points to consider? Lesson 06.03

30 Additional Points Answers
Any additional points? Not doing the right thing can ruin your career. It is not always easy to do the right thing. The legal system can be very time consuming. Lesson 06.03

31 Case Evaluation Response Form
Read you answer to the Critical Case Evaluation form on p. 78. Answer the question “What would you do and why?” Are there lessons to be learned from this case study? Lesson 06.03

32 Learning Check CPS Question 5 Lesson 06.03

33 Lesson Summary In this lesson, you have:
Read and analyzed “The Party” case evaluation. Read your answers to questions on the Critical Case Evaluation forms. Participated in a class discussion of what you would do and why. Lesson 06.03

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