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Licensure 101: Teresa Ferrer Oregon Education Association

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1 Licensure 101: Teresa Ferrer Oregon Education Association

2 Agenda/Topics Licensure Survival Tips Teaching Without a License
Licensure Flowchart HQ Overview LCA Overview CPD Overview Additional Materials Licensure Redesign Licensures Tips/Information and User Friendly Materials for Teachers (#1-12) Tools, User Friendly Letters to Administrators/Teachers, Database, tracking (A-X)

3 Licensure Survival Tips
Know your license, assignments authorized to teach, renewal dates and requirements Store your licensure materials in safe place Know procedures and timelines Start early on completing requirements Use complete information on TSPC inquiries More Tips Contact District (your ) and OEA

4 Teaching (NOT) Without a License
You CANNOT teach even one day without an active license Grace Period is an active license…but stay away from that safety net if you can! Districts have discretion to sponsor you for an Emergency License and Expedited Service or….NOT When you do not process your license (and meet requirements) in a timely fashion you put not only your license at risk but your job

5 Highly Qualified: Highlights
Core subjects NCES Codes aligned to endorsements Routes to HQ 7th and 8th grades #6: Elementary Teachers (TSPC) #7: Middle & High School Teachers (TSPC) #8: SPED Teachers (TSPC) Don’t be afraid to take questions/do individual consultations

6 License for Conditional Assignment (LCA)
Everyone who is licensed can teach up to 10 hours outside of their endorsement or authorization legally (However if it is a core subject, they must be HQ.) NO LCA REQUIRED. Teaching outside of your license more than that requires a LCA. Without a LCA, the assignment is illegal and you and the district could be sanctioned by TSPC. Holding an LCA makes it a legal assignment but the educator must add the target endorsement or authorization in order to continue to teach in that assignment after the LCA expires. Failure to complete the requirements means that educator can no longer be in that assignment SEE YOUR CONTRACT. Get “professional assistance” during the first year of the LCA. Adding Endorsements Require full programs: All SPED, Elementary Multiple Subjects, ESOL, Reading, (Drama, Japanese, Latin, Chinese, Russian, Adaptive PE) Practicum (at least 2 sem./3 qtr, hrs) or Teaching experience verified on PEER form (60 hrs at least hr/day or 10 hrs on approved LCA) New rules: New teachers (exam, practicum/experience & pedagogy class)/Veterans (exam only)

7 Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
#11: “The Continued Saga of CPD Requirements” #12: CPD(Continuing Professional Development)-PDU(Professional Development Unit) (TSPC) Who has to do CPD? ALL licensed educators, even those who are not contractually employed. How many PDUs? 25 per year of license, 10 per year if it is a Substitute License What counts as CPD? One hour=one PDU, 1 qtr hr credit= 20 PDUs, 1 sem hr credit= 30 PDUs See domains and chart of allowable/not allowed activities How do I keep track, verify and report CPD? PDU Log (unless district has another system), CPD Certificates for many (not all activities), if contractually employed district gets your log and verification & reports to TSPC on PEER form (if not, you submit to ESD portal) DO YOU GET A COPY OF YOUR PEER FORM? When do I have to wrap it up and start again? Must be done BEFORE licensure application if contractually employed and at same time as licensure application if not.

8 Licensure Redesign Why redesign? Who’s involved? What is needed?
Only state w/4 levels of authorization/placement & reciprocity problems Two separate and different licensure tracks More exceptions than rules for adding endorsements/placements/HQ status Licensure not intuitive and tied to work/incentives in workplace Who’s involved? OEA, COSA. TSPC, OSPA, Governor’s Office, ODE, Higher Education, 6 licensed teachers What is needed? Workgroup flushes out proposals, check-ins with commission Will require two public hearing votes at TSPC Commission Will likely require legislative changes involving public hearings and revisions OEA article in October edition of Today’s OEA, member surveys, regional hearings

9 Brand New Licensees Updated 9-15-15 Final Vote: November 2015
Tier One Tier Two Tier Three (Optional) Preliminary License (PreL) Professional License (ProL) Distinguished Teacher Leader License (DTL) Three Year License Can renew one time only if employed as educator (must complete CPD requirements to renew) Unlimited renewal with CPD if not employed as educator Requirements: No experience needed Complete teacher education program Required exams (Basic Skills Exam eliminated) BA/BS Degree Fingerprinting check Five Year License Renew continuously with CPD Met requirements for PreL. Four years teaching experience: 135 contractual days (.66 FTE+) for one year Evidence of Advanced Level of Educator Knowledge. Meet ONE of the following: Completion of an advanced degree that is related to education Completion of TSPC approved endorsement program Completion of TSPC approved specialization program Completion of TSPC Advanced Licensure program Completion of National Board Certification Washington State Professional License or equivalent Completion of an advanced professional development plan approved by the district (equal to at least 150 PDUs and meet InTASC Standards) Must complete advanced renewal requirements …or… go back to ProL. Met “effective” or “highly effective” evaluation criteria for two evaluation cycles previous to application as a foundation IN COMBINATION WITH Other TSPC approved evidence of current professional leadership practices : (NBCT, teacher leader program, etc.)

10 Existing Licensees Updated Final Vote: November 2015 9-15-15
Tier One Tier Two Tier Three (Optional) Preliminary License (3) PreL Professional License (5) ProL Distinguished Teacher Leader License (5) DTL ANY license who meets the requirements for the Professional License except for the four years of teaching experience may apply for the ProL once they can verify the experience with PEER forms. Initial I/Basic Licenses can move to the Professional once they have met the requirements for the Initial II/Standard Licenses…or…once they have met the new requirements for the ProL. Basic licenses who have not met the requirements for the Standard or the new ProL may apply for the Legacy License (3 year license: one issuance only). Then must qualify for the ProL. Initial II Licenses: You can remain at ProL and renew continuously. Or you could meet the new requirements for DTL at any time). Standard License: You can remain at ProL and renew continuously. Or you could meet the new requirements for DTL (at any time). Continuing License: You will be issued a ProL but may qualify for a DTL if you can prove that you have deemed “effective” to “highly effective” in your last two evaluation cycles previous to application and provide evidence to verify your current professional leadership practices. Two year pilot to calibrate criteria and review of evidence of current professional leadership practices. Likely that NBCTs and completers of TSPC approved Teacher Leader programs will have a lighter application process.

11 New Licensure Fees and K-12 Licensure
$140 as of Jan. 1, 2016 Same fee for 3 and 5 year license For lots of our members who have completed their coursework for the Initial II this fee will pay for a 5 year (rather than 3 year) license Can submit renewal at old fee up to 60 days prior to expiration All single subject endorsement licenses will become K-12 authorized. Elementary multiple subject endorsements will be authorized PK-8 only. Some specialty areas may have elementary or secondary authorizations.

12 Teresa’s Best Guess Suggestions
If you have passed a middle school exam (LA, SS, Science or Math) then submit the score and add the middle level endorsement NOW. If you are a veteran teacher and do not NEED but WANT to add an endorsement then wait (new rules will allow veteran teachers to add endorsement with test only except for those endorsements that require full programs). Current requirements are exam and practicum/experience. If you are a teacher with less than 4 years experience and you NEED or WANT to add an endorsement consider if you want to do it now (new rules will require test and completion of pedagogical course…and perhaps practicum…except for those endorsements that require full programs). Current requirements are exam and practicum/experience. If you had an active Initial II, Continuing, Basic or Standard that you let lapse, reinstate it NOW. Substitute licensees do NOT have to do CPD. Those subbing on regular licenses do. The Basic Skills exam requirement has been removed for all licenses.

13 Additional Resources Handouts
U: “Avoid Falling Through The Cracks” READ ALL LICENSURE ARTICLES IN TODAY’S OEA Today’s OEA Article on Adding Endorsements Tips for Using TSPC Website

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