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Learning With Information Technology

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1 Learning With Information Technology
Presented by Dr Bob Fox, Deputy Director, Centre for IT in Education, University of Hong Kong

2 Outline of presentation
Examine dominant schools of thought in relation to learning theories and how they influence technology-supported learning Investigate approaches to using technology that reduces teacher preparation time and explore some examples Source: Dave Cutler

3 What are the Learning Theories
Learning theories are about how learning occurs Learning theories help us understand the process of learning Learning theories are based on our philosophy about nature of knowledge or epistemology There are two main philosophical orientations in relation to knowledge: objectivism and idealism These resulted in learning theories across this continuum: behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism The learning theories translated into concrete actions in teaching and learning (pedagogical models, approaches, strategies, etc) Source: Presentation by Dr. Daniel Churchill

4 Towards Constructivist Models
BEHAVORISM Stimulus & Response Mind as a Black Box Mind processes not important Focus on observable cause and effect relationships Students remember and respond Teachers present and provide practice and feedback COGNITIVISM Mind as an information processor Mind representations and mental models Short term, long-term and working memory Thinking involves manipulation of representations Transfer of knowledge through cognitive strategies Students remember rules, patterns and strategies CONSTRUCTIVISM Knowledge is constructed through assimilation and accommodation Knowledge is inseparable from knower Learning is active process that involves personal discoveries Social constructivism evolved from cognitive constructivism Source: Presentation by Dr. Daniel Churchill

5 What about Technology and Learning?
Source: Presentation by Dr. Felix Siu

6 Technology and Learning
Learning From Technology Instructivist Models Drill and Practice Computer-based Tutorials Intelligent tutorial systems Gagne’s 9-events of Instruction Reusable Learning Objects Learning With Technology Constructivist Models Learning environments Technology as a tool in a learning activity Inquiries/problem solving Cognitive tools On-line collaboration and knowledge building WebQuest and ActiveLesson Interactive Learning Objects Source: Presentation by Dr. Daniel Churchill

7 Instructivist Models -- Events of Instruction
Design of Courseware Authoring Tutorial – Instructional design principles Here is typical drill & practice tutorials Source: Presentation by Dr. Daniel Churchill

8 Constructivist Examples
Characteristics of Constructivist E-learning environment Source: David Jonassen

9 Constructivist Examples
Characteristics of Constructivist E-learning environment Active: Learners are engaged by the learning process … Constructive: Learners construct their own meaning … Collaborative: Learners naturally work in communities, exploiting each others skills … Intentional: All human behavior is goal directed … Complex: Problems have multiple components ... Contextual: Learning tasks - situated in meaningful real world … Conversational: Learning is inherently social …  Reflective: Learners reflect on the processes … Source: David Jonassen

10 Lets Look at Some Examples
Check examples from David Jonassen’s collection at Source: Presentation by Dr. Daniel Churchill

11 Lets Look at Some Examples
Here are some other examples: Typhoon  Drying Rate  Multiplication of Fractions  Learning Theories  Perspectives  Magnetic Fields  Air Pollution  Waist Recycling  Marketing Plan  Animated Gifs  Geography Decision Making Exercise  In considering educational software use Reeves evaluation form Reeves Pedagogical Dimensions form is useful when reviewing selected software Here is a form for evaluation You can read about these dimensions at: Evaluating What Really Matters in Computer-Based Education Dr Tom Reeves, University of Georgia Source: Presentation by Dr. Daniel Churchill

12 Evaluating What Really Matters

13 Evaluating What Really Matters

14 Evaluating What Really Matters

15 What is a Learning Object?
Leverages on multimedia capabilities: text, graphics, animation, audio, video, etc. As a representation it is not a copy but it stands for something from the world or mind Utilizes interactive nature of contemporary technology It originated with pedagogical intentions and for educational purpose Interactive mediated representation designed to afford uses in different educational contexts It can be reused in different educational contexts (including those unforeseen by the designer) Source: Presentation by Dr. Daniel Churchill

16 Go to the BBC Bird Flu website and explore
BBC Bird Flu example Go to the BBC Bird Flu website and explore

17 Example of Learning Objects
Source: Presentation by Dr. Daniel Churchill

18 Group Activity - Example of an Inquiry
Is this the shape of a rain drop? Weather Channel Group activity: find out the answer and propose the design of a learning object to help students understand a shape of a rain drop. Source: Presentation by Dr. Daniel Churchill

19 Group Activity - Example of an Inquiry

20 Group Activity - Example of an Inquiry
Weather Channel Blog

21 Let’s try Xcelsius

22 INTERNATIONAL STUDY – participation needed

23 References Acknowledgement. This presentation has been adapted from various work completed by Dr Daniel Churchill and Dr Bob Fox

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